Tuzo fighting chickens

Tuzo chickens belong to the group of fighting birds. Their homeland is Japan. The main features of this breed are agility and small size, which makes them one of the most popular individuals among fans of breeding fighting breeds of chickens.

For poultry farmers who use laying hens for eggs or meat, the Tuzo chicken breed is not suitable. These feathered pets lay on average only about 60 eggs per year. Their weight is about 35 grams, and the color of the shell is usually white or light brown. Laying hens reach a live weight of one kilogram, roosters gain weight up to one kilogram two hundred grams.

Fighting chickens are aggressive in nature and the Tuzo breed is no exception. On the “ring” these birds look beautiful, impressive. They are not afraid of anything, even if they face a more powerful and larger opponent.

Wanting to breed Tuzo fighting chickens in his backyard, the poultry farmer must prepare a separate room for keeping them and a separate aviary to avoid fights and brawls between them and other breeds of chickens. Yes, and it is advisable to place each rooster of the Tuzo breed in separate cages in order to prevent fights, and hence injuries to birds.

Tuzo chickens need to regularly walk in the fresh air, so for them it is imperative to build an aviary and let them out for a walk. These feathered pets feel great eating pasture: insects, grass, berries, small pebbles.

Those who really want to breed Tuzo chickens must work hard to find this breed. Only real collectors have the breeding stock of this bird. Hen Tuso cannot be crossed with other fighting breeds, as well as with dwarf Old English hens.

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Anna Evans


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