Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

The Uheilyuy breed of chickens is rare, exotic. It requires special conditions of maintenance and care, so few dare to start it. However, practice shows that breeding chickens of this breed is not so difficult. This is also indicated by the reviews of the owners of uheilyuy.


This breed of chicken comes from China. The name itself translates as “five black and one green.” The black color is inherent in the comb, feathers, skin, bones and meat, and the green color is in the eggs of uheilui chickens. But to say that they are completely black is impossible. The plumage of the hens should be a glossy greenish, and the lobes, comb and front of the head should be purple.

A brief description of the breed can be reduced to the following main points:

  1. have a small compact body, resembling the letter “V” in its shape;
  2. the tail is elongated;
  3. chest and wings developed, strong;
  4. the plumage is dense, under the feathers there is a layer of downy cover;
  5. the skin is black;
  6. eyes large, black;
  7. pronounced “earrings”;
  8. paws are small, rather they are of medium size;
  9. the weight of individuals is also small – an adult chicken weighs about 1,5 kg, a rooster – 2 kg.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

This breed is meat and egg, but high productivity is unusual for it. The indicators are rather average. The uheilui chicken starts laying eggs at the age of 6-8 months.

It is impossible not to mention the nature of this breed of chickens. They are peaceful, calm, but at the same time shy, like all chickens, and fussy. They are active, so they need a good walk. The rooster keeps order, protects the family. Their “family instinct” is very well developed, they live in groups even within the same farmstead.

These are very smart birds, they quickly become attached to the owner, are able to memorize words. Loud, harsh sounds, screams or rough handling cause diseases in chickens, and sometimes quite serious ones.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Pros and cons of the breed

Like any other type of poultry, uheilui has its own advantages and disadvantages that you need to study before getting these chickens. The benefits include:

  1. unusual appearance;
  2. high levels of nutrients in eggs and meat (higher than other breeds);
  3. resistance to diseases;
  4. good survival rate of chicks;
  5. ease of adaptation to new conditions.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

This breed has fewer disadvantages, but they exist. These include:

  1. rarity – it is rather problematic to find hatching eggs or chickens;
  2. they do not tolerate cold;
  3. at the age of two years, the level of egg production of individuals decreases.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Content Rules

Caring for uheilyuy chickens requires compliance with certain rules. Both adults and chickens are not whimsical, they are rather β€œgentle”, those who need special care. For them, it is necessary to equip a dwelling, maintain comfortable conditions in it, observe the feeding regime and monitor what exactly is given to chickens.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews


The habitat of chickens should comply with certain rules.

  • It should have thick walls without cracks and gaps, excluding the possibility of drafts.
  • The correct temperature must be maintained. 15-17 degrees is the optimal level, a change in which in any direction can cause diseases in chickens.
  • It is important to monitor the humidity level, which should not be above or below 60%. In addition, you need to ensure good air circulation. The ventilation system must be installed in such a way that, without causing drafts, to provide fresh air to the coop and maintain humidity at the required level.
  • The flooring should be wooden, covered with a layer of sawdust or straw twelve to fifteen centimeters thick.
  • Lighting also has its own requirements. The optimal length of daylight hours for this breed is 12-14 hours, so in winter, when there is not enough natural light, you need to turn on additional lighting in the chicken coop.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Chickens uheilyuy need free space. Despite their family solidarity, they need to provide a fairly spacious habitat.

In particular, this applies to perches, which must be of sufficient length so that all individuals can comfortably sit on them. Nests should be installed in dry secluded places, closed from prying eyes. Inside you need to lay straw.

Every spring, the chicken coop needs to be cleaned. It includes disinfection with a sulfur bomb, whitewashing the walls and ceiling with lime, and airing. In addition, it is important to maintain the induced cleanliness. To do this, feeders and drinkers are cleaned weekly, they are washed with hot water and treated with potassium permanganate (aqueous solution).

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews


You need to feed uheilyuy chickens twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. The morning diet consists of grain feed, which is poured into the feeders in sufficient, but not excessive amounts. In the evening, hens are fed mashed boiled vegetables with herbs, tops with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements.

Grain feed should also be varied. It is impossible to feed chickens with the same cereals – this will reduce their immunity. It is necessary to add various vegetables, fruits, herbs to the feed, give vitamin complexes every day.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

In winter, it is important to increase the calorie content of the feed and serve it warm – warm it up or pour it with warm broth or milk.

In no case should food be left for the whole day. What will not be eaten within half an hour should be removed, and next time freshly prepared food should be given. The point here is not the pickiness of chickens, but the fact that stale food can negatively affect them. You can prepare the ingredients for the mash in advance, prepare several types of vegetables, fruits, cereals, herbs, but you need to prepare the food anew each time.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

There are some nuances when filling drinking bowls. The water should be warm, so it needs to be warmed up before pouring. If the birds drink cold water, they can get sick.

Equally important is the size of the feeders. They should be of such length that at least 10-12 centimeters per individual. The same applies to drinkers. For feeding, uheilyuy hens require enough free space so that there is no crowding and β€œcrushing”.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Place for walking

Before releasing chickens into the yard, you need to supply it with everything you need. The place where the chickens will walk should be surrounded by a high fence – they fly well and fly high. Care must be taken to ensure that there is also shelter on top. It will protect birds from predators, become an additional barrier for the chickens themselves and create more comfortable and calm conditions for them. The earthen floor must be covered with lawn grass.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

It is necessary to release chickens for a walk only in good weather and at a temperature not lower than +2 degrees.

Rain, wind, dampness, cold are poorly tolerated by this breed, therefore it is impossible to let them out into the yard under such conditions, it is better that they remain in the chicken coop.


To get good offspring, you need to acquire several roosters. This will allow you to be sure of the health of the chickens, as well as that the β€œchildbearing” ability will remain in the livestock for a long time.

The maternal instinct in chickens of this breed is quite developed, they always incubate eggs on their own, hatch and raise offspring. This feature of theirs greatly simplifies the process of breeding uheilyuy – no additional equipment is required, no need to look for brood hens or lay eggs under other birds.

Chicks are born on the 21st day of incubation. Like adult chickens, they are black in color, only instead of a greenish and purple tint, their fluff has an ashy hue.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Offspring develop slowly. Two-month-old chicks weigh only 600 (females) and 800 (males) grams.

Until the chicks reach three weeks of age, they should live in a warm, draft-free, closed room at a temperature of 28-30 degrees. Both increasing and decreasing this value will have a detrimental effect on young individuals.

Chicks can only be moved to a new place of residence after they have reached a week of age. Early “moving” chicks may not be able to endure. In addition, it is important to remember that up to 3 months the offspring must live with the mother hen.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Chickens need special food. It must necessarily include boiled eggs of a mother hen, in particular, yolks, semolina, corn and wheat groats.

The diet is basically the same as in other breeds. Chickens can be transferred to ready-made feed mixtures at the age of one month. The water should be changed regularly, kept fresh and enough for all the chicks.

Offspring must be vaccinated in order to avoid diseases that will not only negatively affect the health of the individuals themselves, but may also affect the quality of meat or eggs. All documents confirming the presence of vaccinations must be kept in order, if necessary, to be able to prove that the birds are healthy.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews


Reviews about chickens uheilyuy are mostly positive. The owners note not only the peaceful and calm disposition of these birds, but also the undoubted benefits of the products they provide. For example, eggs contain a large amount of:

  1. vitamins A, E, B;
  2. selenium;
  3. iodine;
  4. zinc;
  5. lecithin;
  6. amino acids.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

Many owners of chickens of this breed who have problems with the thyroid gland have noticed an improvement in their condition after regularly eating green eggs.

They will also be useful for patients with anorexia, cicero, diabetes mellitus, etc. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, rehabilitation after a stroke or heart attack, hormonal disruptions, problems with the digestive system or immunity, high cholesterol levels – all these are indications for eating uheilui eggs. They will help and slow down the aging process, replenish protein and collagen, and also contribute to the harmonious development of the child’s body.

Chickens Uheilyuy description of the breed, features of keeping and caring for chickens, owner reviews

The useful properties of eggs and meat, the unusual appearance of the chickens themselves, their calm nature, the ability to independently breed and raise offspring gave this breed wide popularity. Despite the fact that getting the “ancestors” of the livestock is quite problematic, more and more farmers are breeding this rare breed of chickens. By purchasing a few cockerels and hens, you don’t have to worry about their reproduction in the future – they will do everything themselves, and the livestock will successfully grow.

Together with the benefits of the products that this breed gives, the special rules for care and maintenance begin to seem not so difficult to implement. These chickens are worth the extra attention.

About the Uheilyuy breed, see below.

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Anna Evans


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