Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

The Pushkin breed of chickens is a popular variety of pets. This species was named after the city of Pushkin (it is located in the Leningrad region), in which the breed was bred. What is the history of the origin of the breed? What are the advantages and disadvantages of animals are distinguished by their owners? How to raise and breed chickens? You will find answers to these and some other questions in our material.

History of origin

The Pushkin breed of chickens is quite unusual. Moreover, the non-standard characteristics of this breed appear already in the process of breeding the species. So, contrary to the general rule, chicken breeding was carried out simultaneously at several stations: one of them was located in the northern capital of Russia – St. Petersburg, and the other – in Sergiev Posad. The hens bred at each of the stations were crossbred with each other. But despite such efforts, differences between animals bred at different stations can still be seen today.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

The actual selection process started in 1976. The progenitors of today’s Pushkin chickens were 2 other egg breeds, namely the Australorp black and mottled, as well as the Shaver 288 Leghorn from Italy. However, the first results did not satisfy the goals and aspirations of breeders. The thing is that the first specimens of Pushkin’s chickens that were born had rather low egg production rates and had a small mass. Thus, all indicators of breeding individuals were significantly lower than those of the parent ones.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

However, the main task of scientists was still to create the most versatile breed of a domesticated animal that could live in a variety of climatic conditions, had high egg production rates, and was also a meat species. Therefore, zoological surveys were continued. So, previously obtained individuals that did not meet the necessary and desired indicators were crossed with the domestic breed of broilers “Broiler-6”. This manipulation was carried out in order to increase the initial weight of the Pushkin chickens.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

In the course of such additional selection, a more improved Pushkin breed was obtained: in the anatomical sense, the hens had a large body, and their egg production also increased. But at the same time, there were some disadvantages. So, the crest of animals, which had a leaf-like shape and belonged to a standing type, was attributed to the main shortcomings of the obtained individuals. Such a crest could not withstand adverse environmental conditions, namely, cold and frost.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

It was in connection with this that the selection work was continued again. The resulting individuals were again crossed. However, this time no other breed was used, on the contrary, individuals of the Pushkin breed were crossed, which were bred at various stations: in St. Petersburg and in Sergiev Posad.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Breed description

As noted above, despite the rather large-scale and long-term selection work, today there are 2 subspecies of Pushkin chickens. On the other hand, these 2 species are continuously interbreeding with each other, so it is possible that in the near future scientists will report that the only and universal species of Pushkin chickens has been bred.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

If we turn to the description of the appearance of animals, it is worth noting that traditionally their color is striped-variegated. However, this coloring is not the only correct one.. The thing is that in the chicken, as mentioned earlier, quite a lot of genetic material is mixed, so some traits can vary over a very wide range.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

So, usually the females of the Pushkin breed have a darker color than the males, in which the plumage is dominated by a white shade. Besides, in nature there are not only striped Pushkin individuals, but also spotted. Thus, by coloring, the chicken of this breed is quite difficult to distinguish from representatives of other species.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

As for the anatomical structure of the animal, it is impossible not to notice the fact that it has a very small head in size, on which the eyes are located (their color can vary in various shades of orange and red) and a light beak. In addition, Pushkin’s chickens, like many other similar animals, have a comb. However, it is worth noting that the color of the crest may vary depending on the subspecies: in St. Petersburg individuals it is pink, and Sergiev Posad chickens have a leaf-shaped standing crest.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

It is also important to note that the chickens of this breed are distinguished by their impressive length of metatarsus, and the fingers of the animals are quite widely spaced from each other. The neck of domestic animals is set quite high, which gives the Pushkin hens a noble and status look, forms their posture.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

The weight of the Pushkin breed may vary depending on the subspecies. So, it is believed that St. Petersburg individuals are larger than those animals that were bred in Sergiev Posad. If we give average values, we get that the mass of chickens is approximately 2 kilograms, and the weight indicators of roosters do not fall below 2,5-3 kilograms.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Chickens begin to lay at the age of 4 months, and in 1 year about 200 eggs can be obtained from one individual.

Pushkin’s chicken egg can be surrounded by both white and cream shells. The average weight of an egg is 60 grams. In addition to the high intensity of egg production, breeders and poultry farmers fell in love with Pushkin’s chickens for high-quality and tasty meat.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other breed of poultry, the Pushkin breed is not ideal. Individuals of this species have special characteristics, however, not all of them are positive. At the same time, it should be said right away that the positives greatly outweigh the small manifestations of the negative. One way or another, but a person who intends to have Pushkin’s animals in his household needs to familiarize himself with all the signs of these chickens: both with pluses and minuses. So, if we talk about the advantages of the breed, then scientists, veterinarians, as well as experienced breeders and poultry farmers distinguish the following characteristics:

  • aesthetically pleasing appearance;
  • endurance and stamina;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • consumption of almost any feed;
  • good tolerance to adverse environmental conditions (including low temperatures);
  • high level of viability.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

But, despite such a variety and a wide list of positive qualities, due to which many breeders prefer this particular breed, the Pushkin breed also has some disadvantages. So, the most significant vices include such signs as excessive activity and mobility, as well as “sneakiness”. However, many breeders are ready to put up with such disadvantages, because in return they get quite valuable domestic chickens.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

How to grow?

In order to grow healthy individuals in your household, you must comply with some conditions of keeping and the rules for caring for Pushkin’s chickens.

To begin with, close attention should be paid to the dwelling of birds. For example, chickens can be kept in an ordinary barn. However, you should insulate this room in advance and make sure that it is completely free of any drafts that can adversely affect the general health of animals.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

In addition, the floor of the barn must be covered with some kind of bedding (for example, hay). Also, do not forget to equip the chickens with the necessary perch for them, and in order for the animals to be able to safely lay their eggs, organize special nests. Their role can be played by ordinary boxes, which are previously recommended to be covered with straw.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

As for the diet, it should be remembered that the Pushkin breed is quite unpretentious in terms of feed. With this characteristic, the species resembles village laying hens. The main rule of nutrition is the need to avoid stale or poor-quality foodwhich can cause irreparable harm to the animal. In addition, it should be remembered that the Pushkin breed is chickens that are highly prone to obesity and weight gain.

Experienced breeders recommend limiting grain feed intake.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

On the other hand, animals should have shell, coarse sand and water in free, permanent and unrestricted access. In the process of growing, it is important not to forget about hygiene procedures. So, you should regularly and timely thoroughly clean the house, as well as constantly rinse the drinkers and feeders. It is in them that harmful bacteria and microorganisms most often accumulate, which cause diseases and ailments of poultry.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

If you notice the manifestation of the disease in an individual, then urgently it must be separated from all others. Otherwise, an epidemic may occur.

Generally speaking, if the chicken is sick, then it should be taken to the veterinarian and in no case should you self-medicate. Regular preventive examinations in veterinary clinics will also be useful.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Subtleties of breeding

Breeding Pushkin breeds of chickens can be quite a challenge. The fact is that one of the distinguishing features of this species is the lack of maternal instinct. Accordingly, chickens practically do not sit on their nest. On the other hand, exceptions are quite common. If you notice a good hen in your livestock, then try to lay all the eggs exactly to her.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

If a hen is not found in your livestock, then, as a general rule, the eggs are hatched in an incubator. To do this, you should take only high-quality and whole medium-sized eggs without any visible defects and shortcomings. Due to the fact that the roosters belonging to the Pushkin breed are quite active, scientists have calculated that the ratio of 1 male to 25 females will be optimal for breeding. At first glance, such indicators may look shocking, however, in practice they have proven their efficiency and effectiveness.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

After the chicks have hatched, they need to dry out a little in the cage. After that, without fail, they need to be fed. The first meal of the newly born Pushkin chickens should be a hard-boiled egg. Also, make sure your chicks have access to clean, fresh water at all times. After the chicks are 2 weeks old, they can be house trained.

In order to distinguish between chickens and correctly determine their gender, you can use one of the following methods:

  • cytogenetic (sex determination in the laboratory);
  • industrial or Japanese (sex determination by genital tubercle);
  • on the egg (rough egg – rooster, smooth – chicken);
  • through an ovoscope;
  • folk way (take the chicken by the legs and hang it upside down: if the head goes down, then the male, if the head remains bent at the neck, then the female);
  • along the wings (if short and long feathers alternate in the plumage, then this is a chicken).

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews


In general, reviews of the Pushkin breed of chickens from their owners are quite positive. Poultry farmers note high egg production and high-quality meat – these characteristics correspond to the declared ones. However, on the other hand, there are also inconsistencies. So, it is often written on various biological forms that animals are calm, but this is far from being the case. Birds can make noise, which can be inconvenient. In addition, chickens are quite difficult to catch, because they are very mobile and dodgy.

Also, the positive characteristics include the possibility of living chickens even at the lowest temperatures. Of course, if in your area the thermometers are released to -40 degrees Celsius, then the house will have to be insulated, but you can save on heating.

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

Pushkin breed of chickens description of the striped-motley bird, sex determination in chickens. When do they start laying eggs? Reviews

All about growing chickens of the Pushkin breed – in the next video.

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Anna Evans


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