Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

It is possible to get the maximum production from laying hens only if optimal conditions are created for them. The bird should be kept in cozy, warm rooms, where everything you need will be. Among the important components of a good chicken coop are perches, nests and a walking yard or aviary. Moreover, when equipping poultry houses, it is important to take into account the characteristics of various breeds of chickens.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

What is the perch for?

Novice poultry farmers often wonder about the need to create perches in the chicken coop. However, people with experience will definitely say that they are needed. After all, it is on them that chickens can fully relax and sleep. For adult birds, normal sleep is necessary, and this is possible only if there is a perch.

In nature, chickens prefer to rest on the branches of trees, some distance from the ground. This allows them to feel safe at night. Moreover, this way of rest has been characteristic of corydalis since ancient times. It is worth listening to their instincts and giving them the opportunity to have a good night’s sleep.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

In addition, sleeping on dirty bedding can lead to unwanted diseases. After all, it can hide both dangerous viruses and various fungal diseases. The perch will also save chickens from drafts.

For laying hens, it is important not only to place perches, but also to choose the right size for them. After all, each individual chicken should have its own place. Birds should sit on a perch freely, without interfering with each other. This will save you from unnecessary injury. It is important to consider that in winter, chickens like to sleep in groups to keep warm. In the summer, on the contrary, they like to sit each separately.

Often, bird owners complain that they do not sleep in places equipped for this. This may be due to the fact that the places to sleep are made in the wrong size or located in the wrong place. It is best to first take a closer look at the chickens to identify their habits and preferences. And then, in accordance with them, equip the chicken coop.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

Do not forget that in addition to the perch, chickens must have nests with the calculation of one for 3-4 chickens. If the dimensions of the house do not allow it to be fully equipped, then it is better to prefer the option of keeping laying hens in cages.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation


To make a suitable perch for chickens, it is worth remembering the structure of their paws. It has four fingers pointing forward, and only one backwards. This allows the bird to tightly wrap its paw around the branch when it sits on it. As a result, the chicken keeps well in its place and does not fall off it, even when it is fast asleep.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

This should be taken into account when choosing what to make a perch from. Boards, shelves, too thick poles or logs are not suitable for chickens. It will be difficult to clasp them with paws, and therefore, laying hens will not be able to rest well on such a structure. It is best to give preference to the bar. It is not difficult to make perches from them, all the more convenient to place them throughout the poultry house at the required height.

Bar chicken structures will not take up too much space, and they are well suited to conveniently position all the chickens. In chicken coops with such perches, there are fewer fights for the best place, and the chickens get less dirty.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

According to their design, perches are divided into various types, among which the following are more common than others.

  • In one tier (single tier). As a rule, they are a bar fixed along the wall of the house, at a distance of 30-40 cm from it, and 50 cm from the floor. It is important to fix the perch so that it cannot turn or fall out. Among the advantages of this design, it should be noted that it is easy to clean under it.

    If desired, you can build a small ladder to make it easier for the chickens to climb the perch. However, most experienced poultry farmers do not recommend doing this. After all, jumping or flying to their resting place, chickens get good physical activity, which means they will always be in good shape. This has a positive effect on their productivity.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

A simple perch is only good for a small number of chickens. Of course, in a spacious room, it can be placed along the perimeter along three walls, but it is worth considering that everything under it will be polluted.

  • In two or more tiers (multi-tiered or perch). This design assumes that the crossbars will be located in the form of a ladder. It is important to place the bars at a distance of at least 45–65 cm from each other. Otherwise, the top hens will heavily pollute those below. The distance between the lowest pole and the floor should be about 30-40 cm, the same as from the ceiling to the top bar.

All poultry houses have their own hierarchy, and it is easy to see it on such a perch. Only the strongest hens will be placed on the upper rungs, and weakened or with diseases will be placed on the lower rungs.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

This type of perch is most often seen in households, as it is compact and can be conveniently positioned.

  • Corner. Ideal for small livestock (no more than 20 pieces). Moreover, such a resting place can be made in one or many tiers. The structure, assembled from bars, is placed between two adjacent walls. Among the main advantages of such a bird’s resting place are the ease of manufacture and the possibility of location in the bird’s favorite corner or in all corners of the chicken coop at once.

Of course, if such a design is made multi-tiered, then it is not very convenient to clean under it. However, as a solution to the problem, several lower bars can be made removable.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Portable or hygienic perch. It is a table with a stand, above which one or more rows of bars are installed. The stand is necessary for collecting bowel movements. Most often, this type of perch is used for temporary placement of birds, for example, in summer poultry houses. When manufacturing, it is important to consider that the perch easily passes through the door.

    The convenience of this design lies in the ease of cleaning. As a result, keeping the house clean will be more pleasant. For convenience, you can also install a side about 4-7 cm high on the pallet. Another advantage of this type is that it is easy to install it anywhere.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Lifting. The peculiarity of this design is that it is attached using loops. Thus, cleaning the chicken coop becomes simple and as fast as possible. Suitable for both large and small areas.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Above nests (with egg collector). The design of the perch is a crossbar fixed above the nests in the form of plywood boxes. As a rule, it is attached at a height of about 30 cm. As a result, it turns out to save some area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe house.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

It is advisable to cover the nests at night with something that can serve as a stand for litter. This perch involves frequent cleaning of the hens to keep the nests clean.

Size Requirements

When creating a perch, you should choose a height that is comfortable for the bird. In the event that it is at a high altitude, injuries are possible. If the location is too low, the exercise for the chickens will be insufficient, which may affect their performance.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

As for the length, it is calculated by the number of birds. However, it must be borne in mind that if the perch is made too long, then it can bend under the weight of all the chickens. On average, one laying hen has from 18 to 25 cm. Of course, it is preferable to make longer perches. This will allow the chickens to feel more comfortable and not fight over a place to rest.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

Most often, 3 meters is chosen as the maximum length of the bar. In this case, it is desirable to install several intermediate supports in order to avoid deflections.

The optimal material for the manufacture of perches is a bar with a width of 4–5 cm and a height of 5–6 cm. It is important that it be carefully planed, and the upper edges must be rounded. You should also carry out high-quality sanding, which will allow the birds not to injure their paws. According to experienced poultry farmers, the width of the bar should be chosen so that it is equal to 1/2 of the length of the laying leg.

For egg breeds, it is recommended to allocate 17–23 cm per individual per perch, and the clearance between the crossbars should be 20–30 cm. more apart. For chickens under the age of 23 months, it is enough to allocate 30 cm for each, and it is enough to maintain a gap of 35-4 cm between the bars.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

Instruction for manufacturing

Making a perch for chickens, even with your own hands, is not at all difficult, especially since most designs have one assembly technology. The easiest way to build a perch at home is to use the step-by-step instructions below.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • On the resulting diagram, mark the location of everything that will be in the house: perch, nests, corral, places for food and water containers. It is worth considering that the aisles should be 65–70 cm wide. This will simplify cleaning and caring for the bird.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Next, the processing of the beam is carried out. It is optimal to use hardwoods for the manufacture of crossbars, as they are strong, light enough, can withstand the weight of chickens that fit close, do not bend under them, but it is better not to choose conifers so that there is no resin secretion.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Cut the bars according to the dimensions indicated on the drawings, and round off their edges. To do this, you can use a planer or a knife. Then the crossbars are sanded using sandpaper or a grinder. You can also burn the wood with a soldering iron to prevent rotting.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Pole racks are attached to the walls of the house, on which grooves should be cut in advance. The dimensions of the grooves should be a couple of millimeters larger than the thickness of the crossbar. This will allow her to better enter them and not scroll.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Racks are attached to walls made of wood with nails, and made of concrete or blocks – with dowels or screws. When installing supports, it is worth using a level so that the main crossbar is located strictly horizontally.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • The crossbars are installed in the supports. Then it is necessary to check that they do not bend. If necessary, additional supports are made.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • Stands for chicken droppings are made from bars that are driven into the wall at a height of 25–35 cm from the floor, from plywood, and preferably tin sheets. It is desirable that such a pallet is located directly up to the wall and protrudes 15–25 cm beyond the edge of the perch. It is important that all edges of the structure are rounded.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

  • If desired, you can build a ladder for chickens with a slope of 50–60 cm. The optimal distance between its steps is 20 cm.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

Mounting methods

Methods of fastening the perch may differ according to the type of material from which the house is built, as well as the materials from which the perch will be made. It is important that the sleeping places for chickens are located in a calm and quiet corner, without drafts. Perches are often placed along the far warm wall to give the birds a sense of security.

The height from the floor is selected according to the age and breed of chickens. For example, for chickens, it is enough to raise the crossbar by 30–33 cm from the floor, for egg breeds it is necessary to maintain a height of 70–90 cm, and for meat and egg breeds, 40–60 cm. It is equally important that there be about 25–30 cm.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

This will allow the hens not to touch the wall with their tail.

Useful Tips

At times, layer owners are faced with their reluctance to rest on the right perch from all points of view. As a result, you either have to come to terms with the desire of chickens to sleep in a different place, or accustom them to changes.

Experienced specialists note that retraining a bird is a rather complicated process, and sometimes even a long one. Sometimes it takes a whole month to train chickens to roost. Therefore, you should be patient in advance.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

In order for the chickens to use the new perch, you will have to take each bird in your arms every day in the evening, and then seat it in a place to rest. The main thing here is to show discipline and not miss a single evening.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

After some time, the birds themselves will begin to jump on it and spend the night on it.

Original ideas

Chickens are very unpretentious in terms of sleeping places. They need to be comfortable and located in cozy and not too lit corners. However, the owners are trying and coming up with more and more new ideas on how to transform the place of bird rest.

Particularly noteworthy are the whole castles for chickens, made from old cabinets, in which each layer is allocated its own apartment with personal perches, nests and egg collectors.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

No less original are perches made from car tires. Moreover, they are often given various forms, for example, a flower.

Perches for chickens: dimensions and DIY creation

Bright houses with roofs, made over an ordinary wooden perch, are also popular with poultry farmers. Some especially caring even make small curtains at the entrance, which are gathered on the sides so as not to prevent the birds from getting to the sleeping place.

For more on how to make a perch for chickens with your own hands, see the video below.

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Anna Evans


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