Liven Calico Chickens

Liven chintz chickens belong to the meat-and-egg direction of productivity. Scientists suggest that they were bred by crossing local feathered pets in the Livensky district with the Yurlovsky Vociferous.

The main distinguishing feature of the Liven chintz chickens can be traced in the name of the breed – it is a chintz color. Also, these birds are characterized by large size and brown color of the shell of the laid eggs. Adult laying hens gain up to four kilograms of live weight, and roosters weigh about five kilograms. The average weight of an egg from Liven chintz chickens is about 100 grams. In the first year, laying hens lay only about seventy to eighty eggs, but in the next few years, egg production increases significantly – up to one hundred and thirty eggs. Puberty in these feathered pets occurs at the age of seven months.

These birds are completely unpretentious to the conditions of detention and feeding. They quickly adapt to any climatic conditions, endure frost and cold. Laying hens are calm, active, not aggressive and not conflict.

Calico chickens are distinguished by a wide variety of external features. They can have both leaf-shaped and rose-shaped comb. Some individuals may even “boast” of crestedness. The plumage color of these birds is also very diverse, however, nevertheless, black color prevails in comparison with all others.

Currently, it is quite difficult to find and purchase Liven chintz chickens. They are not a very common and popular breed among poultry farmers. This is primarily due to their low productivity. However, if desired, lovers of rare and exotic breeds can find such feathered pets for breeding in their backyard.

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Anna Evans


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