The best breeds of laying hens

Laying hens in the modern world are represented by a wide variety of breeds. Any summer resident or owner of a country house will always be able to choose the best, most profitable and suitable option for his household. It is worth noting that not all poultry are characterized by high egg production. Some lines are designed for meat, they are also called broiler breeds. Therefore, when buying chickens or young hens, great attention must be paid to the direction and breed of the bird.

Crosses are considered the most popular and egg-laying, among which such breeds as Leggorn, Hisex Brown, Loman Brown, Kuchinskaya Jubilee stand out. Egg laying in crosses is 10-15% higher than in other breeds. But it is significantly reduced when hatching chickens. Therefore, you must immediately decide whether to breed offspring from this breed or it is better to abstain. Higher productivity is observed in white crosses, however, the size and weight of eggs in brown crosses is greater.

Leghorn breed

The most common and popular among owners of country houses and summer residents are white Leghorns. These birds are characterized by high productivity. Egg-laying in such hens begins at the age of 5 months. And in the first year, it is their most productive, laying hens lay up to 300 eggs. In subsequent years, their egg production decreases significantly. The eggs of this breed are white.

Leghorn breed

Highsex Brown

Chickens of this breed are very productive. For a year they are able to carry up to 360 eggs. And all because their egg-laying period reaches one and a half years or up to 80 weeks. The weight of the eggs is also quite impressive – up to 70 grams. Therefore, many poultry farmers and owners of country houses prefer to keep Hisex Brown laying hens on the farm.

Highsex Brown

Lohman Brown

Sexual maturity in this breed of chickens begins at 4,5-5 months. Their first year is also the most productive. The size and weight of the egg can be quite large and reach 60-64 grams. Chickens of this breed carry red (brown) eggs. For a year they are able to produce up to 300 or more eggs.

Lohman Brown

Kuchinskaya Anniversary

These chickens are capable of carrying up to 250 eggs per year under good conditions. The egg shell of this breed has a light brown color. Egg-laying in Kuchinsky jubilee chickens begins at the age of five months. And the weight of the egg reaches 60 grams.

Kuchinskaya Anniversary

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Anna Evans


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