Leningrad print chickens

The Leningrad breed of chickens was artificially bred in the mid-1980s. To create it, breeders crossed several breeds, namely: Poltava clayey, New Hampshire and black-and-white Australorps, as well as many times and for quite a long time they transfused blood from Australorps to the White Leggorn breed.

Leningrad chickens belong to the egg and meat direction of productivity. Their average annual egg production is about 170-200 eggs, the average weight of which is 60 grams. The shell color is light brown. The main feature of eggs from these feathered pets is a large yolk. Adult Leningrad chickens reach a live weight of three kilograms, and roosters of this breed gain weight up to four kilograms.

In addition to high egg productivity, these feathered pets are distinguished by a large amount of tasty, tender meat. And all thanks to the excellent exterior performance. These birds have a good, powerful body and chest.

The safety of young Leningrad chintz chickens is about 95-96%. These feathered pets are distinguished by excellent health. They rarely get sick and are quite hardy. Chicks grow quickly and gain weight. At eight weeks of age, the live weight of chickens reaches one and a half kilograms. It is worth noting that cockerels grow somewhat more slowly than laying hens.

These birds are also often called Leningrad white chickens because of their color features. They are characterized by beautiful appearance and elegance. Feathered pets have good body proportions, lush plumage and a bright color.

The Leningrad chintz chicken breed is popular with amateur poultry farmers due to its high productivity rates, both meat and egg.

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Anna Evans


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