High-line – highly productive chickens

Among the huge variety of egg breeds, high-line chickens are very popular with poultry farmers. These birds are hybrids that were bred by American breeders. They are more suitable for growing on an industrial scale: in farms and poultry farms. However, they can also be found in the home courtyard, in suburban areas.

High-line crosses are represented by two types: high-line chickens Brown and White. They practically do not differ from each other, with the exception of some minor nuances and features. Their egg production reaches 350 eggs within 80 weeks. The weight of the eggs is about 60-65 grams. The color of the shell depends on the type of feathered pets. The safety of young animals varies between 93-98%.

High-line chicken breed has good, strong immunity. The bird is not demanding either on the humidity in the room, or on the temperature regime, or on the lighting. It does not require any special care. Feathered pets quickly adapt, get used to any conditions of detention, including difficult ones.

However, young individuals should still be observed, and it is also necessary to keep the chicken coop clean, regularly clean not only the poultry house itself, but also drinkers and feeders, wash and disinfect them.

High-line – chickens that calmly tolerate both floor and cage content. Their egg production does not depend on this factor. But the chicken must be protected from dangerous diseases, and the main measure to prevent infection is vaccinations. Highly productive breeding of high-line chickens is only possible with proper, balanced feeding of the bird.

High-line chickens have a calm temperament. They are not aggressive at all, do not conflict with individuals of other breeds. Due to their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and very high egg productivity, these feathered pets have gained popularity in many countries of the world and not only in European countries, but also in Asia: China, India, etc., as well as in South Africa and the United States. States of America.

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Anna Evans


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