Breed of chickens Krasnoshapochnye

Red-capped chickens attract amateur poultry farmers with their beautiful, unusual, large comb. This breed belongs to the egg direction of productivity. She’s pretty rare. The birthplace of the bird is England. Red-capped chickens are the result of crossing Lancashire Mooneys and Yorkshire Pheasants. Currently, their breeding is carried out only by professional poultry farmers – collectors who seek to save this breed from extinction.

Laying hens of the Red-Haped breed lay up to two hundred eggs per year, the average weight of which is 60 grams. Their shell is white. Adult individuals gain up to two and a half kilograms of live weight. Roosters reach three kilograms. The meat of this bird is tender and very tasty. However, to get it, you need to wait a long time: chickens grow very slowly and gain weight.

Chickens do not have a very large physique. They have a small head, on which is placed a bright, beautiful crest of pink color and small size. The tail of the bird is small, the belly is full. The lobes are dark in color and round in shape, while the earrings are small and rounded. The plumage is magnificent, hiding powerful and strong shins. The beak is slightly curved at the end, has a light shade, despite its small length it is very strong.

The red-capped breed of chickens is quite hardy. She tolerates severe frosts and cold without problems, is not susceptible to respiratory diseases. However, in terms of maternal instinct, these feathered pets are not very developed. Laying hens will never incubate offspring. Therefore, in order to hatch chickens, it is necessary to acquire incubators. These chickens fly well, which means building high fences or covered ranges.

In food, the bird is unpretentious. However, for faster growth and high productivity, it is better to include greens in her diet, as well as fortified feed.

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Anna Evans


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