Both pickles and jams – how to turn an unripe vegetable into a delicacy: all about the benefits and harms of green tomatoes

For several hundred years, tomato has been used in the cuisine of European and Latin American countries. Ripe fruits are usually consumed: yellow, red and pink.

But not all countries have the conditions to grow vegetables for a long time. In most cases, this is due to the peculiarities of the climate, which does not allow the fruits to fully ripen. Many are concerned about the question of what to do with tomatoes that did not have time to fully ripen.

Of course, there is the option that you can collect green fruits and leave them to ripen at home. But few people know that it is permissible to use green tomatoes without waiting for their ripening time. In most cases, this problem is relevant when the fruits cannot grow in the garden due to a fungal disease – late blight.

If green tomatoes are subjected to heat treatment, then you can get rid of the fungus, and then the tomato will become suitable for human consumption.Four green tomatoes

To eat or not to eat? What are the benefits for the body?

Green tomato can have a healing effect when used externally. By applying it to the body, varicose veins can be cured.

Also, eating green vegetables can stabilize the acid-base balance and cleanse the intestines well.

Tomato belongs to nightshade vegetable crops. Their fruits are characterized by toxic substances in the composition, but only at the time of immaturity. In fully ripened fruits, they are not. A tomato that has not spent the proper time in the garden will be tough, with an unpleasant aftertaste.

Based on this, we can conclude that it is not recommended to eat green tomato fruits, it is not only not tasty, but also quite dangerous. Often the use of unripe vegetables leads to poisoning.

Composition of green tomatoes

The composition of green fruits differs significantly from ripe tomatoes. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the number of useful elements in a green vegetable per 100 g of product.


  • A – 32 mcg;
  • B1 – 0,06 mg;
  • B2 – 0,004 mg;
  • B4 – 8,6 mg;
  • B5 – 0,5 mg;
  • B6 – 0,081 mg;
  • B9 – 9 mcg;
  • K – 0,4 μg;
  • C – 23,4 mg;
  • E – 0,38;
  • RR, NE – 0,5 mg;
  • alpha-carotene – 78 mcg;
  • beta-carotene – 0,346 mg.

If you cook an unripe vegetable correctly, you can save the entire storehouse of the necessary nutrients. The green tomato contains potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, amino acids, etc. A significant difference between these fruits is the content in their composition of substances such as solanine, lycopene, tomatine.Green tomatoes on a branch


Solanine is a poisonous element (glycoalkaloid). A large amount of it is found in green, not yet ripe, tomatoes. Thus, the culture protects itself from mold fungi. As the tomato matures, the concentration of solanine decreases significantly.

It is worth taking into account that light green fruits that have just begun to ripen are much safer to eat than tomatoes that are dark green in color.

If solanine is used in small doses, then it can be useful for the body, namely:

  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • has an antiviral effect;
  • gives an antispasmodic effect;
  • is a good diuretic.

It is worth remembering: if you exceed a safe dose of solanine, it will have a bad effect on red blood cells, which will lead to a violation of their functions in delivering oxygen to the body.

The substance has a very detrimental effect on the human nervous system. To get serious poisoning with green fruits, it is enough to eat only 5-6 pieces. Some of the symptoms that occur when poisoned with this element are abdominal pain, nausea, headache, drowsiness and diarrhea.

In very severe forms, solanine poisoning can be fatal. In the case when a person has eaten a green tomato fruit, and his condition has deteriorated sharply, it is necessary to take any sorbent and urgently consult a doctor.


This substance is also quite toxic, belongs to a number of glycoalkaloids, and is present in green fruits. Its concentration is much less. To get an overdose, you need to eat more than 4 kg of tomatoes, which is beyond the power of any person. In small doses, it has a beneficial effect on the body. It has already been proven that this element can accelerate the process of increasing muscle mass in athletes, breaks down fats well, and improves immunity. On the basis of tomatine, the medical preparation cortisone is made.


This element affects the color of the vegetable itself. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects DNA cells from oncogenic mutations.

Useful for eye diseases such as cataracts. Significantly reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis. Normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

Lycopene is not a toxic element, but only in limited quantities. Overdose may cause discoloration of the skin. In this case, it is recommended to take a sorbent and exclude lycopene from the diet for a while.Sliced ​​green tomatoes


The second name of this element is the “happiness hormone”. It improves mood, has a beneficial effect on brain activity, and normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses.


Significantly reduce the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the body. The vitamins and useful microelements contained in the tomato maintain phytoncides at the correct level.

How to reduce the harm of green tomatoes

It has long been proven that green tomato contains much more organic acids than ripe fruits. Eating a large amount of green vegetable can cause an overdose, which will affect the functioning of the pancreas and gallbladder.

What diseases are contraindicated to use green tomato

There are pathologies in which the use of an unripe vegetable can cause a number of complications in the body. It is not recommended for people with gout, arthritis, and gallstones.

How to reduce harm

Green fruits contain a large amount of nitrates, which prevent the flow of oxygen into the body. As a result, hemoglobin may decrease, liver function may be disrupted and poisoning may begin.

If you eat more than 5 green tomato fruits, this will lead to intoxication, and if you exceed this amount twice, you can provoke a fatal outcome.

It is not recommended to eat green tomatoes without heat treatment. So that the use of an immature culture does not cause harm, it is necessary to reduce the amount of nitrates and neutralize solanine. All this can be achieved only by heat treatment or prolonged soaking in very salty water.Green tomatoes on a plate

Heat treatment

To reduce the concentration of toxic substances, you can blanch green tomatoes. To do this, the vegetables should be placed in boiling water for a couple of minutes. You can do it easier: douse them with hot water several times, which will give a similar result.

Soaking in saline

If a person prefers to get rid of nitrates and solanine by soaking, then during the procedure the saline solution should be changed several times. These measures will help reduce the concentration of dangerous elements that do not benefit the body. Thus, the risk of poisoning by green fruits can be reduced several times.


Green tomatoes can be consumed pickled or salted, but products processed in this way are not allowed for all people.

If a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then this method of preparation can lead to even greater pathologies.

Pregnancy and lactation

During the period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding, eating green vegetables is not recommended. Often, a tomato causes individual intolerance, which is characterized by rashes on certain parts of the body. Sometimes, excessive consumption of a green vegetable can lead to weakness and drowsiness.

Green Tomato Recipes

With proper use of a green vegetable, you can minimize harm to the body and at the same time enjoy delicious fruits.

One of the best ways to use unripe vegetables is to preserve them for the winter. Tomatoes can be salted, pickled, made into salads, jams and even caviar. Sometimes they are stewed or simply fried. They go well with other vegetables, and when making jam or jam, even with fruit.

For those who follow the figure, experts recommend eating tomatoes separately from fish, meat, eggs and bread. It is best to add vegetable oil to them, which will only benefit the body.

Salted Tomatoes

To complete this recipe, you need to take whole and strong tomato fruits, put them in a barrel with the addition of herbs. You can use horseradish, garlic, coriander, etc. Next, pour the vegetables with non-hot brine and put them in a cool place. Salted tomatoes can be eaten in a couple of months.

How to prepare the brine: you need to take 2 tbsp. l. salt and dilute in 1 liter of water. You don’t need to boil water.Salted green tomatoes

pickled tomatoes

Strong fruits of a green vegetable should be washed well and 3 cuts should be made (2 on the sides, one at the bottom). On the sides, put a clove of garlic in the cuts, and a piece of carrot on the bottom. Carefully fold the finished tomatoes into a 3-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Wait 15 minutes and drain all the water. Next, you need to prepare the brine.

To do this, take 100 g of salt and 400-450 g of sugar. This is all based on 1 liter of water. Bring the composition to a boil and pour into each jar. At the end, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, roll up. Sometimes for a more varied taste, you can add one bay leaf and peppercorns.

The video shows one of the recipes for making salted green tomatoes.

Pickled green tomatoes

To prepare pickled green tomatoes you will need:

  • green tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • carrots – 2 pc.;
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • seasonings: parsley, dill, bay leaf, garlic, peppercorns, horseradish.

Take tomato fruits of the same size and make a cross incision (carefully so that they do not fall apart). In each incision, put pre-chopped vegetables in a blender: peppers, carrots and garlic.

Put the finished tomatoes in a container, season them with herbs and spices, pour hot water over them. Pre-mix sugar in water – 2 tbsp. l. and salt – 1 tbsp. l. Put the tomatoes under oppression and keep them for several days not in the refrigerator. When foam appears on top, it is necessary to remove the container in the refrigerator.Green tomatoes in jars


To prepare caviar, it is necessary to pass green tomatoes, carrots and sweet peppers through a meat grinder. Salt the mixture, pepper and leave until the tomato juice is released. Then put on a small fire and boil for 1-1,5 hours. 20 minutes before readiness, add 100 g of sunflower oil, vinegar to taste into the mixture. After the caviar is cooked, distribute into jars and roll up the lids.

green tomato salad

To prepare a delicious salad, you need to take:

  • tomatoes – 6 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper – 2 kg;
  • garlic – 300 g.

How to cook:

Tomatoes are cut into slices and stacked in a large saucepan. This is followed by a brine of 5 liters of liquid and 1 tbsp. salt. Boil water and pour over chopped tomatoes. After cooling, the liquid is drained, and garlic and pepper chopped in a blender are added to the tomatoes. At the end, half a liter of sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. vinegar (9%), 1 tbsp. Sahara. Add salt to taste, put the mixture to boil for 15-20 minutes.


Prepare vegetables: peppers, carrots, tomatoes, onions and garlic. Cut everything into small pieces and put on fire in turn. First put onions, then garlic, and then everything else. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat. You can not add water to the dish, since in the process of stewing all the vegetables will give enough juice. Before removing from heat, salt the mixture, put greens, seasonings to taste.

Green tomato jam

This recipe is not at all difficult to prepare. It is necessary to cut the tomatoes into slices and put in the freezer. After freezing put to thaw. Over time, liquid will begin to stand out, which must be completely drained. After that, tomato slices should be chopped in a meat grinder or blender with the addition of lemon. Put 1 kg of sugar there and cook on low heat. Boil the mixture in three stages: after boiling, turn off, and then repeat the procedure 2 more times. Do each cooking for 10-15 minutes, breaks between them for 1,5 hours.


Unfortunately, not everyone knows about the benefits or disadvantages of eating green tomatoes. In most cases, people leave an unripe vegetable to ripen already at home. But sometimes eating a green tomato in small amounts can be beneficial. It is worth knowing that there are many recipes that can turn tasteless and unripe vegetables into a delicacy that everyone will be delighted with.

Anna Evans


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