Zygopetalum orchid: main types, home care

Zygopetalum (lat.Zygopetalum) – a genus of the Orchid family, including mainly epiphytes, which, depending on the habitat, can become both terrestrial plants and lithophytes. In …

Lelia orchid and its main types

Lelia (lat.Laelia) – a genus of flowering plants of the Orchid family, which includes epiphytes and lithophytes. It is found mainly in the subtropics of …

Plants for paludarium

The main requirements for plants grown in the paludarium are thermophilicity, moisture resistance and the absence of a tendency to root rot. Such cultures are …

Plants suitable for florarium

When the decoration is completed, and the necessary equipment for the florarium is installed, you need to decide what to plant in your plant terrarium. …

Ehmeya: care and reproduction at home

Ehmeya (Aechmea) belongs to the Bromeliad family. Homeland – tropical forests of Central and South America. The indoor flower ehmeya is an extremely spectacular and …

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