Shock is our way: planting tomatoes with boiling water is a quick and easy way to get healthy tomato seedlings

In order to increase the production of tomatoes and increase their immunity to various diseases, experimental vegetable growers are constantly testing new methods of growing seedlings and caring for the crop. One of the innovative ways to sow tomato seeds is to sow them in boiling water. Acquaintance with the new method will allow you to take it into service and evaluate the benefits from personal experience.four tomatoes

Why treat tomato seeds with boiling water

There are conflicting opinions about planting with boiling water, but vegetable growers are increasingly using it in practice. And there are reasons for this:

  • The essence of the method is based on shock therapy. Like other living organisms, seeds are sensitive to a stressful situation, mobilizing all their forces for survival. As a result, not only the germination of seeds improves, but also the time before fruiting begins is reduced.
  • The growth of seedlings is accelerated due to the fact that hot water contributes to the destruction of the ethereal shell that envelops the seeds.

Pros and cons of the method

Among the positive points can be noted:

  • Seeds germinate even with low germination.
  • Boiling water has a disinfecting effect on the soil and seeds, which, without additional treatments, significantly improves the growing conditions.
  • Shoots appear quickly (after 3-4 days).

The disadvantage may be excessive moisture that appears in the limited space of the seed tray, which leads to decay.Planting seeds

What varieties of tomatoes are suitable

For sowing in boiling water, you can use all varieties of tomato. The method will be most effective for late-ripening varieties, their seeds usually germinate longer than early-ripening ones. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the estimated sowing dates can be delayed by 3-5 days compared to conventional sowing.

Planting tomatoes with boiling water

The sowing technology is quite simple:

The selected container with a depth of 4-5 cm is filled two-thirds with nutrient soil. It can be a purchased peat mixture, peat with coconut chips or pure coconut filler.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • The soil is pre-moistened.
  • Seeds are evenly spread on the surface and easily pressed into the ground with a match, toothpick or tweezers.
  • Boiled water from the kettle carefully spill the planting.
  • The container is immediately closed with a tight lid or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.
  • A hot container is wrapped in a towel or cloth and placed on a warm stove or battery for 40-60 minutes.
  • After warming up, the container must be moved for germination to a warm place on the windowsill or under the lamp.

You can change the order of work. First, spill the soil with boiling water, and then quickly spread the seeds and press them into the ground. Other activities are carried out in the same order, and the result is the same. Seeds will sprout in 3-4 days.

Advice. Since the seeds were close to the surface to form a good root system, you can carefully sprinkle a little soil between the seedlings. Care for seedlings of tomatoes from boiling water is the same as with the traditional method of sowing.

The author of the video shows how her tomato seeds grow after planting with boiling water.

seedling care

Humidity must be constantly monitored. Since the root system of seedlings is not yet developed, the topsoil must always be moist. At the initial stage, the lid of the container should be opened regularly for ventilation and to monitor the condensate. Its excess is removed, and its absence indicates the need for watering.

After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is completely removed and watering is carried out as the topsoil dries. But excessive watering is not allowed, as it can cause the development of putrefactive processes.

Attention! Watering the seedlings is carried out with warm water (not lower than 20ºС), under the root, without wetting the seedling.

When sown in soil, normally filled with nutrients, seedlings do not need to be fed. Excess nutrition can cause seedlings to stretch.

Before emergence, the container is kept at a temperature of 25-28ºС, and after the sprouts have hatched, the temperature is lowered to + 18ºС during the day and + 15ºС at night. At high temperatures, the seedlings will stretch strongly. After the appearance of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings dive into a larger container and grow at 18-22ºС before hardening before planting in the ground.Tomato seedlings on the windowsill

Daylight hours for growing seedlings should be at least 15 hours, so when sowing early, additional illumination is required.

In the first two days, you can keep the seedlings under the lamp around the clock.

Sowing tomato seeds with boiling water will not cause difficulties even for beginners, but the result can exceed all expectations. To verify the feasibility of the method, you can sow the same seeds in different ways. And then make a choice of the best of them based on personal experience.

Anna Evans


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