The tomato variety “Sugar Pudovichok” is pleasant and healthy in one vegetable under a red-raspberry wrapper

The tomato variety “Sugar Pudovichok” was bred by Russian breeders specifically for areas with extreme weather conditions: Siberia and the northern regions. The Siberian Garden company is located in Novosibirsk, and its specialists are masters of their craft, since the variety turned out to be practically without flaws.Several tomatoes

Description and characteristics: distinctive features of the variety “Sugar Pudovichok”

Plants of the variety rarely reach a height of 1 meter, they are quite compact, stocky, often formed into two stems. The number of leaves is moderate, they are strong and voluminous. Variety “Sugar pudovichok” – determinant, stem growth is limited to 3-5 fruit formations. Requires the formation of a bush and a garter.

Ripe fruit color

The fruits are very large, with slightly pronounced ribs at the stem, uniform red-crimson color. The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened.

Ripening time

According to its characteristics, the variety has an average ripening time, the fruits begin to ripen together 110-115 days after germination. The fruiting period lasts until the beginning of September in the open field and the end of September – in the protected.


According to the description, the taste of fruits deserves the highest rating: fleshy, moderately juicy, sweet, fragrant, with a thin skin and a small amount of small seeds in 3-5 seed chambers. The consistency of the pulp is tender, almost homogeneous. The sweetness of the fruit allows children and adults with diseases of the digestive system to use tomatoes.


A small number of fruit brushes (3-5) are laid on the stem, in each of which up to five, less often six fruits are tied. The fruits are very pleased with their size. On average, their weight per bush is more than 300 g, and individual specimens – more than 600 g. In open ground, 3-4 kg of tomato are harvested from one bush, in greenhouses – 8-12 kg per 1 m2.Three tomatoes of the Sugar Pudovichok variety

Similar large-fruited varieties

According to physiological characteristics, the variety “Sugar Pudovichok” is similar to the popular varieties: “Velmozha”, “Pride of Siberia”, “Russian Bogatyr”, “Tolstoy”, “Sensei”, “Sibiryak F1”. These are low, large-fruited varieties, easy to maintain and adapted to growing in open ground conditions.

What is a good variety

The variety has numerous positive qualities:

  • excellent taste, pleasant texture, high content of sugar and dry matter;
  • cold resistance and tolerance for temperature changes;
  • simple agricultural technique.

There are no significant shortcomings in the variety. With sudden changes in humidity, fruit cracking is possible.

Where is cultivated “Sugar pudovichok”

in the greenhouse

It is not effective to plant the entire area of ​​winter, heated greenhouses with undersized, quickly finishing tomato varieties. But in spring greenhouses, they give a good return when planted in their pure form or as compactors of tall varieties. “Sugar pudovichok” can occupy low places under the curves of greenhouses and temporary shelters.

In the open field

The growth and development of plants and their fruiting are influenced by natural factors, the Sugar Pudovichok, created in Siberia, endures the vagaries of nature with dignity and, due to its cold resistance, is cultivated in the northern regions and the Far East.Tomatoes Sugar Pudovichok on a branch

Features of agricultural technology varieties


The variety is grown exclusively in seedlings, for which, 55-60 days before the intended landing in a permanent place, they begin sowing seeds in boxes and containers. Seedlings are planted in separate pots at the age of 10-12 days after germination, after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves. For seedlings, an optimal temperature and humidity are created to prevent it from stretching and overgrowing. If the seedlings begin to stretch, the temperature is reduced and watering is temporarily stopped.

Carefully! Temperatures below 14°C are unacceptable for seedling production, as they promote the development of diseases.

A gradual decrease in temperature to 15-16 ° C 10-14 days before planting in the ground contributes to its hardening.

Different planting schemes are suitable for growing, but the number of plants per 1 m2 should be no more than 4. Compaction of plantings complicates care, worsens illumination and ventilation, and fertilization of flowers decreases.


Although the plants of the variety are low, during the growing season, under favorable conditions, a rich vegetative mass is formed, which reduces the number of fruits and impairs their ripening.

To form a compact fertile bush, 1-2 shoots are left on the main stem below the first flower brush and the next.

The rest of the shoots are carefully broken out, preventing them from growing more than 5 cm. Once a week, 1-2 leaves are removed in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbfruit ovaries to improve the development and ripening of fruits.

Advice! To get large fruits, it is necessary to leave no more than 3-5 ovaries on one fruit brush.


The stem must be tied under each fruit cluster (each stem), as heavy fruits will pull it towards the ground. You can tie each plant to a separate support, or pull a strong trellis for a whole row. Tied up with soft material or threads that do not injure the stem.Tomatoes Sugar pudovichok in the open field

Additional fertilizing

The variety responds gratefully to fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers and microelements. The feeding scheme does not differ in features:

  1. The main dressing in the fall (manure, compost, ash, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers).
  2. In spring, complex nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
  3. During the growing season – at least 4 dressings with an interval of 10-14 days. The first two of them with the predominance of nitrogen for plant growth. Subsequent with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus – for setting and ripening fruits.

For top dressing, environmentally friendly top dressing with herbal infusions with wood ash, iodine and yeast solutions are also used.

Fertilizers are applied by watering the solution under the root or by foliar irrigation of the leaves with low concentrated solutions of fertilizers and microelements.

In conditions of high humidity and prolonged rains in open ground, fertilizers can be applied dry under the root, followed by loosening.

Attention! When fertilizing, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturers, since an excess of nutrients can be even worse than their deficiency.

Prevention and control of tomato diseases and pests

The Sugar Pudovichok variety is resistant to black leg, cladosporiosis, brown spot, bacterial wilt, and tobacco mosaic virus. In the absence of prolonged waterlogging, it resists the development of rot. It has medium resistance to phytophthora. To avoid defeat by the main tomato diseases, preventive measures can be taken:

  1. Disinfection of the soil before planting with weak solutions (1-1,5%) of foundationazole or potassium permanganate.
  2. Timely cleaning of weeds, damaged leaves, fruits with signs of disease.
  3. Ventilation of greenhouses, moderate watering.
  4. Regular loosening of the soil, especially in open ground in wet weather.
  5. Avoid injury to the stem during pinching and removing leaves.
  6. Carry out watering under the root, without wetting the plant.
  7. Preventive spraying with preparations containing copper: “Polycarbacin”, “Copper vitriol”, “Fitosporin”, etc.

For pest control, folk remedies are effective in the form of tinctures and decoctions of bitter pepper, wormwood, and tobacco. Traps and poisoned baits are used to fight the bear.Copper sulfate

Use and processing of tomatoes

Fresh tomato variety “Sugar Pudovichok” is very tasty, but it is also well suited for processing, due to the high content of dry matter and a small amount of seeds.

A small drawback can be considered that it will not work to preserve the whole fruit because of their size. But mashed potatoes, juices, lecho, pastas, cold and hot salads are exceptionally tasty.

It is also suitable for drying. These fleshy tomatoes pair well with almost all vegetables and many fruits.

Easy to care for, with minimal requirements for nutrition and growing conditions, the Sugar Pudovichok tomato variety will easily take root in the garden of both experienced amateur gardeners and beginners. Having made a choice in favor of a variety, you get an excellent vitamin product at minimal cost.

Anna Evans


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