The very best: juicy, fragrant and sweet tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground – how not to make a mistake in choosing a variety?

Black and green tomatoes are distinguished by a juicy sugary taste. Then come vegetables with pink and yellow color. Among the red varieties, sweet ones are also found, but in smaller quantities. When choosing seeds, you need to carefully study their description and characteristics.

Yellow and red tomatoes on a branch

Growing and caring for sweet tomatoes

Sweetness comes from vegetables with a high dry matter content. Sugar tomatoes are healthier fresh or in salads. Tomato juice has a bright aroma. Varietal tomatoes are sweeter than hybrid ones. The taste of tomatoes is affected by the preparation of the soil: it is dug up and fertilized in the fall. The introduction of potash fertilizers and wood ash improves the quality of the fruit. Boron, manganese and copper help speed up fruiting.

The disadvantage of sweet varieties is susceptibility to fungal diseases. Because of this, tomatoes are difficult to grow indoors.

In the greenhouse

Indoors, varietal tomatoes require special care. It is necessary to observe the mode of watering and ventilation. Bushes need pinching and shaping into one or two stems to avoid thickening of plantings. The first ovaries are removed if the plant has a weak set.

Indeterminate bushes are planted in the center of the greenhouse, and undersized at the edges. In this way, access to light is regulated.

In order to speed up the ripening of fruits and grow them large, a container with fermented grass or manure is placed in the greenhouse. Thanks to this substance, the air is saturated with carbon dioxide, which has a positive effect on tomatoes.

On a garden bed in open ground

In the open ground, vegetables are always sweeter than greenhouse ones, and tomatoes ripened on the bushes are more sugary than when ripening on the window. Unpretentious varieties that are resistant to the vagaries of nature are suitable for beds. Gardeners cannot influence external conditions; it is much more difficult to get sweet tomatoes in the rainy season. Indeterminate plants require garters to stakes or trellises. You can form bushes when 3-4 leaves are formed.Growing tomatoes of different colors

During the period of fruit ripening, it is necessary to make phosphorus-potassium supplements and spray the bushes with micronutrient fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied, since the active growth of green mass will harm the taste and sugar content of the tomato.

Organics such as manure or chicken droppings will produce powerful fruits, but they will be watery and unsweetened.

In August, the tops of the plants are pinched to allow the vegetables to ripen and ripen. During this period, reduce the amount of watering. In open ground, the risk of infection with diseases is increased. Prophylactic treatment against pathogens is necessary.

On the balcony

Tomatoes have a strong root system. They are planted in large pots. At the bottom of the landing tank, it is necessary to pour expanded clay or broken bricks. For an apartment, undersized determinant varieties are chosen.

Balcony tomatoes need frequent and varied feeding. Bushes are sprayed regularly.

There is usually not enough sunlight, so phytolamps are placed near the plants. Preventive treatments with insecticides will get rid of spider mite attacks.

Greenhouse varieties

Determinate tomatoes are suitable for closed ground. Bushes stop growing after the formation of several brushes. There is no need to form a plant. Sweet varieties include:

Early ripening, fruits are plucked 90 days after seed germination. Suitable for any climate as an indoor plant. From each bush receive 4 kg of crop. In the absence of prevention, the hybrid is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Tomatoes are large. The variety is resistant to insect attack. The weight of one fruit can reach a kilogram. Ripened vegetables are stored for a long time. From the bush harvest 8 kg of crop.

Plant height is 60 cm. Pink fruits are resistant to cracking. The variety is valued for its high yield: one plant produces 17 kg of vegetables.yellow tomato variety

Varieties for open ground

Cold-resistant tomatoes should be chosen. Summer residents prefer early and mid-season varieties. Special sugar content and bright tomato flavor are distinguished by:

Compact plants do not require a garter. Ripe fruits are bright red. Due to the dense pulp and high palatability, tomatoes are suitable for pickling and pickling. 8 kg of tomatoes are harvested per square meter.

The unpretentious grade differs in the increased resistance to diseases. It got its name from the graceful shape of the fruit. The amount of harvest depends on the region of cultivation. Bushes require good lighting.

Mid-season variety, from germination to picking a tomato takes 120 days. The fruits are raspberry colored. Plants are not afraid of wilting and fusarium. 6 kg of vegetables are harvested from one square.

The ovary is formed even at low temperatures. Bushes have time to bear fruit before the onset of phytophthora. The weight of one tomato is 120 g. The sweet crop is used for salads and preserves.

Indeterminate varieties of sweet tomatoes

A feature of tomatoes is the unlimited growth of the stem. Plants can bear fruit throughout the year if planted in a heated greenhouse.

It is recommended to form bushes, then the fruits will be tastier.

Sweet varieties include:

Ripe tomatoes are raspberry colored. The mass of one vegetable is 400 g. The crop is harvested in mid-July. The variety has a salad purpose. Due to its sugar content, it produces delicious freshly squeezed juice.

Vegetables are very large, so the bushes must be tied up. One tomato weighs about 350 g. At the stage of technical ripeness, tomatoes acquire a pink-raspberry hue. The variety is resistant to viral and fungal diseases.Sweet varieties of tomatoes


Breeders cross varieties with each other in order to convey pronounced features to the new generation. A distinctive quality of hybrids is resistance to pests and various ailments. Hybrids cannot be harvested for seeds or obtained in a vegetable garden. Popular varieties:

Fleshy fruits reach 250 g. They are well stored and do not crack. From one square meter, 16 kg of crops are harvested. Suitable for all regions, we must not forget about the garter and pinching.

Fruits well indoors. It takes 90 days from seed germination to harvest. Even-sized tomatoes are suitable for canning whole. Long fruiting period, the variety is almost not susceptible to diseases.

Cherry varieties

Cherry tomatoes bear fruit for several months. About two hundred vegetables are harvested from one plant. A few bushes are enough to provide yourself with tomatoes for the whole year. Popular varieties of Cherry:

Each tomato weighs 60 g. During the season, 8 kg of fruits are harvested from the square. Bushes practically do not get sick, so they grow well in greenhouses and greenhouses.

There are three varieties of the variety, yellow, raspberry and red. All of them are early maturing. Over the summer, 3,5 kg of tomatoes are harvested. The weight of one fruit is 25 g.

Tomatoes for allergy sufferers

People do not tolerate red vegetables well. They have a high content of carotenoids, special enzymes. Allergy sufferers are advised to eat yellow or black tomatoes. Hypoallergenic varieties:

Yellow fruits reach 400 g in weight. 3 kg of crop is harvested from the bush. The tomato is suitable for growing outdoors in Siberia and the Far East.

Ripe vegetables are creamy. The weight of one fruit is 200 g. The bush requires pinching and garters. The variety was bred for baby and diet food.

In the video, the author shows how sweet varieties of tomatoes Rose honey and others grow on her beds.

Tomatoes for all time

There are several types that have stood the test of time. They are valued for their unique taste and abundant fruiting. The most delicious varieties:

The main advantage of a tomato is the huge size of the ripe fruit. Each of them weighs at least half a kilogram. Rich taste makes “Bull’s Heart” an indispensable ingredient in salads.Large sweet tomatoes

Tomatoes are valued for their original color and weight. Ripened fruits are stored for several months. Due to the dense peel, it is suitable for harvesting for the winter.

The variety was created for the aggressive climate of Siberia. It is resistant to spring temperature changes and summer heat. On average, one tomato weighs 300 g. The vegetable fell in love with an unusual melon flavor.

Sweet tomatoes are valued more than others. Thanks to selection, you can choose a fruitful variety for any region of the country. Plants are easy to care for and bright in appearance.

Anna Evans


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