Convenient, mobile, no hassle: how to plant and grow tomatoes in bags

Most summer residents breed the most popular vegetable crops. Naturally, tomatoes are included in this list without fail. Its naturally grown fruits bring great benefits to the body. What to do when there is not much space in the garden, but you want to get a harvest at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn?

Even the most experienced gardeners strive to discover something new and extraordinary. We offer to try on personal experience the method of growing tomatoes in a bag. This method will help save space, time for planting and care. Portable convenient bags can be placed in any corner of your garden without fear of damaging the root system.Tomato seedlings in bags with support

Benefits of planting tomatoes in bags

For those who have not yet tried the method of planting vegetables in bags, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the advantages of this agricultural method.

  1. Conveniently. This method allows you to plant tomatoes in bags almost anywhere;
  2. No special care required. An interesting way of planting will save time on weeding weeds around the vegetable.
  3. Water minimum. Tomatoes in bags require much less moisture than those growing in the garden;
  4. Ability to change location. Without much difficulty, portable bags can not only be placed where convenient, but also rearranged in case of worsening weather conditions;
  5. The bags keep the optimum temperature of the soil. Do not be afraid of overheating or freezing of the roots.

What varieties are right?

Choosing a variety of tomatoes that can be planted in bags is quite simple. Both short and tall tomatoes are suitable for this planting method.

For example, the varieties Spring of the North, Azhur, Bourgeois feel good during transportation and adapt to different weather conditions. These varieties are resistant to various diseases and insects, which facilitates further care. They bear fruit with rather large berries from 100-150 g.

In fact, this is only a small part of the list of tomatoes that can grow in bags. In an unusual container for soil, absolutely any variety that the summer resident likes will take root. It has long been proven that a tomato bears fruit better when grown in a large container.

What bags are needed

The method of planting tomatoes in bags is quite simple and does not require much effort, but in order for the seedlings to take root and end up with a good harvest, you need to stock up on some information. For example, not many people know how to choose a bag and which seedlings to choose – and the final result of the experiment depends on this.

Before you start planting, it is important to choose the right container – a bag.

The color of the bag must be white or light. Then it will reflect the sun’s rays, and the tomatoes will not overheat. It is better not to use dark colors, because in this case the tomato will require much more water.Several light bags with tomato seedlings

There is one downside to this landing method. When moving around the summer cottage, a heavy bag may tear: to comply with the growing technology, drainage holes will be made in it. Rupture of the burlap can be avoided if the container is moved carefully, preferably with someone’s help.

Many summer residents have found the best option for planting tomatoes – place them in ordinary sugar bags. As practice shows, this is the best choice for a plant.

It is they who do not need additional huge holes, they do not need to be perforated for drainage, it is enough to cut off a little edge to allow air to pass through. That’s why a regular sugar bag is a suitable and convenient container for planting tomatoes.

What you need for boarding

Do not be afraid that planting tomatoes in this way may not give a good harvest. Using this method, it is easy to get juicy and tasty fruits. For planting, you need to have very little: bags, substrate and supports. Such a necessary set can be found in any summer resident.

  1. Bag.

As already noted, the best option is a bag of sugar. In such a container, the tomato feels comfortable: the root system receives a sufficient amount of oxygen and retains moisture. For drainage holes, the bottom corners are cut off.

  1. Priming.

Some gardeners use ordinary dacha soil, slightly fertilized with humus. For looseness, add a little sawdust. You can fill the bag with soil and humus, mixing in equal proportions, or simply use compost.

  1. Garter supports.

As a support, they take, for example, ordinary wooden pegs or make the structure more serious using ropes and garter wire.

In order for the method to give a positive result, it is important to acquire good seedlings. You can grow it yourself, or you can purchase it from trusted manufacturers.

How to choose good seedlings

Quality seedlings are the key to a decent harvest. Beginning vegetable growers may not be experienced enough in this matter, so when choosing planting material, you should pay attention primarily to the appearance:

  1. Stem. The height of good seedlings is approximately 20-30 cm;
  2. Leaves and stem. The bush should be strong with a pronounced green color;
  3. Sprouts should have the beginnings of buds that have not yet blossomed.

If tomato seedlings meet these criteria, then they are about 2 months old – what you need for planting in bags.One bag of tomato seedlings

How to plant tomatoes in bags

Having found good and strong seedlings, you can safely proceed to planting.

So, you will need: a bag, soil, support, garter and seedlings.

We plant tomatoes (step-by-step instructions differ little from the technology for planting tomatoes on the beds):

  1. For planting seedlings, you can choose compost or garden soil fertilized with humus. Any of these substrates need to fill the bag halfway or slightly less. The filling height will depend on the variety of tomatoes. For high varieties, it should be filled strictly by half, for a short-growing tomato – by a third.
  2. Do not cut off the remaining unfilled part of the bag, but wrap it outward (as the sleeves are turned up).
  3. Next, you need to get the seedlings from the container. It is very important before you take out the roots, moisten the ground in which they are located. Thus, the roots will not be damaged, and the tomato will fully take root in a new place.
  4. We turn to the bag in which the tomato will grow. You can plant 3 sprouts on one bag, this will be the best option. To transfer the sprouts to the soil or substrate, it is necessary to make three holes in it, which must be watered. Put one root in each, deepening it into the ground more than usual. So the stem will hold on stronger and more reliably.

Tips from an experienced gardener on how to grow a good crop of bagged tomatoes:

Growing tomatoes in bags

This method is not particularly different from the standard method. As always, it is necessary to nourish the tomato with moisture and carry out a number of mandatory procedures:

Like any other plant, tomatoes need water. It will be enough to arrange watering once every 2-3 days, but if it is unbearable heat outside, this should be done more often.

In the case when the soil is not fertilized, the tomato must be fed with special compounds. It is better to do this before flowering and in the process of fruit ripening.

As the plant grows up, it should be tied up. Especially when the fruits appear, the stem will begin to slope down or even break.

This procedure is needed when the earth is covered with a crust. When loosening, the root system will receive oxygen.

It is necessary if a certain variety of tomato needs such a procedure. It is recommended to do according to the instructions that come with each variety.Tomatoes in bags in a greenhouse


Any summer resident is faced with a number of situations that require a special approach to the plant. In the process of disembarking or leaving, questions may arise that sometimes only specialists can answer.

The following few tips will help in case of frost or perhaps other problems in the care process:

  1. If the weather turns cold and frosts come, you should unfold the folded edges of the bag, thus hiding the plant. In case of severe cold, it is advisable to move the plant to a warmer place.
  2. You should be careful with watering tomatoes. If a sugar bag is used, care must be taken that excess moisture drains very slowly. With frequent watering, the tomato root can rot.
  3. In the first months of tomato growth, soil should be added to the stem to strengthen the trunk.
  4. After the tomato yields, the bags can be used for another two seasons, and the earth thrown into the compost pit. The remains of tomato stalks themselves must be burned.
  5. If the plant was sick during the cultivation of tomatoes, then before using the same bags in the next season, they should be treated with a special agent to prevent a recurrence of the situation. Suitable potassium permanganate or Bordeaux liquid.

It turns out that growing tomatoes in bags is not at all difficult, but even convenient. This method is simply indispensable for those who have a small summer cottage and seek to plant a maximum of vegetable crops. Thanks to this method, you can protect the plant from unwanted insects, diseases and frosts. As practice shows, this method is ideal for obtaining a good harvest.

Anna Evans


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