Shades of color and taste of tomatoes “Andromeda” – characteristics of the variety, features of care, tips for growing

The Andromeda tomato variety was bred by the Russian breeder A. A. Mashtakov at the end of the 20th century. This variety has an early harvest. In addition, tomatoes of this variety are able to grow in both warm and rather cool climates. That is why it is worth paying attention to them when deciding what to grow on your site in the next vegetable season.Four tomatoes on a branch

Description and characteristics of the variety “Andromeda”

“Andromeda” is a high-yielding and cold-resistant variety. It can be grown outdoors, but growing in a greenhouse or greenhouse gives better results.

A distinctive feature of tomatoes of this variety is high yield and early ripening. The first fruits ripen on average 90-115 days after the emergence of seedlings. Already in June – early July, it will be possible to harvest the first harvest. During the season, with proper care from one square meter, you can collect up to 12 kg.

Description of the tomato belonging to this variety and indicated on the package with seeds:

  • the hive is deterministic, which means that the hive has a height constraint. The bush grows on average up to 60-75 cm, in greenhouse conditions up to 1 m.
  • not standard – has rather thin stems that can bend under the weight of the fruit.
  • It has an average branching – the bushes are moderately sprawling.

Attention! For comfortable growth of bushes and care for them, it is recommended to plant no more than 4 bushes per 1 sq. m.

The fruits ripen in clusters of up to 8 pieces on a branch; when harvesting, they can not be separated. They taste sweet, but there is a noticeable sourness.Green tomatoes and ripe red ones

Varieties: red, pink, gold

There are three subspecies of the Andromeda tomato:

Main variety. The mass of fruits ranges from 70 to 130 g.

Differs in special precocity and heat resistance. The weight of the fruit can reach up to 140 g. The color of the fruit is light.

It has the largest fruits of all subspecies – up to 350 g. The fruits are orange, slightly ribbed.

Otherwise, all subspecies have similar characteristics.

Similar varieties

The deterministic early-ripening varieties of tomato also include the following:

  • Alaska – ripening period from 85 to 100 days. Suitable for seedless cultivation. Unpretentious to weather conditions. Fruits weighing up to 100 g.
  • White filling – ripening period is about 100 days. It can grow both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Frost-resistant. Fruit weight from 80 to 130 g.
  • Betalux – maturation period is about 95 days. Fruit weight 60-100 g.
  • Sanka – ripening period 90-100 days after germination. In open ground, fruits grow up to 100 g, in a greenhouse up to 150 g.


Tomatoes of the Andromeda variety managed to gain popularity among gardeners mainly due to their precocity and unpretentiousness in care. This variety was bred in the Rostov region and in central Russia it can grow in open ground.

At the same time, it is resistant to spring frosts. In colder regions, it is still better to cultivate it in a greenhouse.

Also among the main advantages can be noted unpretentiousness in care. Even a novice gardener will be able to grow a decent tomato crop, subject to agricultural technology. The immunity of Andromeda tomatoes is above average.

This variety is also convenient for those who grow vegetables for sale. If you pick tomatoes that are not overripe, they can be stored at a temperature of 2-7 degrees for up to three months.Tomato seeds Andromeda

Lack of variety

A significant drawback of the Andromeda variety is an underdeveloped root system. When growing a variety, special attention must be paid to feeding the plant.

Important! Seeds for seedlings will have to be bought every year. Like any other hybrid variety, Andromeda will not produce seeds capable of producing the same yield next year.

Growing conditions for tomatoes

Experts recommend sowing seedlings in early March. To do this, it is better to use a specialized light soil.

Be sure to have drainage holes in the container. Seeds are planted at a depth of 2 cm.

After the first two leaves have appeared, the sprouts need to dive and harden. The subsequent care will be timely watering and the location of the seedlings under the sun. It is convenient if each sprout is in a separate cup.

Seedlings should be planted when the danger of frost has passed. If Andromeda tomatoes grow in open ground, it is necessary to wait for an air temperature of 17 degrees. In the southern regions, this time falls on the May holidays, and in the Moscow region around the beginning of June. Landing in a greenhouse can be done a couple of weeks earlier.

Recommendations for planting and growing Andromeda tomatoes, you can see how they grow in the video.

Features of growing tomatoes “Andromeda”

After planting seedlings in the ground or a greenhouse, further care consists in the timely removal of weeds, watering and top dressing. For top dressing, be sure to use potassium and phosphorus, they will help strengthen the immunity of the plant.

For the first time, the Andromeda tomato is fed during the laying of the first brush. The recommended amount of top dressing is 30 gr / 1 sq. m. Before carrying out the procedure, the bush must be poured abundantly with water.

Tomato “Andromeda” is not demanding for watering, it can also tolerate a slight drought. If the plant is in open ground, in rainy weather, only hilling may be necessary.

When growing Andromeda tomatoes in the open field, pinching is not necessary. If the bushes are planted in a greenhouse, then the formation of a bush in two stems is recommended. The only stepson must be left under the first inflorescence, the rest are cut off. In the future, the bush will need tying.Andromeda tomatoes in a greenhouse

Diseases and pests

Although the immunity of the Andromeda variety is strong enough, there are diseases characteristic of it. Red “Andromeda” is more susceptible to late blight than other subspecies of this variety. But tobacco mosaic and macrosporiosis are not terrible for this variety.

To prevent diseases, it is necessary to remove the lower leaf plates. This will improve air circulation at the roots.

Preventive treatment with fungicides is also necessary. It is important to properly spray – you can not spray tomatoes at the stage of fruit ripening. It is best to treat with chemicals before flowering.


Due to their taste qualities, Andromeda tomatoes are popular with housewives both for whole-fruit canning or preparation of blanks, and for fresh consumption. In terms of nutritional value, the characteristics of Andromeda tomatoes are excellent, so they can be used in dietary nutrition.

Tomatoes are a very popular crop. Growing tomatoes of the Andromeda variety is within the power of both experienced gardeners and beginners. Unpretentiousness in care and excellent taste have allowed this variety to become popular in Russian areas.

Anna Evans


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