Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens are especially popular among poultry breeders; these species are also used in industrial breeding. The rating of chickens is associated with increased body weight, with incredible taste and nutritional value of the most tender meat, with excellent endurance characteristics of the breed as a whole. On farms, you can find representatives of different breeds of meat-oriented chickens, which may have external distinctive characteristics, for example, they have increased body weight and short, thick, slightly elongated legs.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens

Features of the meat direction

Breeds of meat chickens are not simple laying hens. These representatives of poultry grow rapidly, gain more weight, they can be safely kept in a small private courtyard or in an equipped chicken coop. These chickens are especially valued in Europe. They are grown for different purposes, sometimes even as ornamental breeds. But the main purpose of the bird is meat.

The appearance of such birds was once due to targeted selection. It was necessary to breed a breed of chickens that would both lay eggs and provide meat (the second point is more important). Over time, breeders preferred to divide the purpose of the breeds into egg and meat. The latter have been bred for over a hundred years.

Even without special education, back in the old days, it was possible to distinguish ordinary chicken from meat chicken by appearance. These breeds are larger, stockier, thicker, they have a much softer feather coating, and the paws are almost twice as large and powerful. Growing such birds is a worthy and easy task. This is due to the fact that they are not very whimsical to the conditions of detention, temperatures. They are less receptive to people, not afraid of them or pets, stress-resistant, if they need to be urgently relocated.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens

It is worth considering that the meat breeds of chickens grow rapidly; in one season they provide the family with meat for the whole winter. The egg production of chickens is small, but this is enough for one farmstead, moreover, chicken eggs are larger than usual. Eggs of high quality, practically in no way inferior to the eggs of ordinary laying hens.

The meat of such chickens is a unique dietary product. It contains almost no fats, but a lot of protein and calcium, useful substances and mineral acids. The product belongs to low-calorie and easily digestible, its use has practically no contraindications. Often the meat of such a chicken is included in the diet of sick and weakened people after operations. The most favorite is the breast, where the white meat is concentrated the most. In general, it is beneficial for breeders to breed more beef breeds at a lower cost.

Sometimes such breeds are called “big”, which, moreover, are distinguished by a calmer disposition and increased immunity.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens

A bit of history and characteristics

It is noteworthy that the first large breeds of chickens were bred in Indochina. And European breeders only improved the breeds, having obtained more stable ones by breeding. A particularly valuable meat breed of chickens was quickly popularized in European countries such as France, Italy, and in America, gradually spreading throughout the world.

All meat chicken breeds have characteristic features:

  • lower egg production when compared with laying hens (about 160 pieces per year);
  • high intensity of growth, as well as development (rapid weight gain, susceptibility to obesity);
  • tolerance for temperature differences (but not very low rates);
  • young animals usually reach 1,5 kg of weight, an adult chicken gains up to 4,5 kg within six months;
  • meat breeds have a slow metabolism, and the chicken reaches its full maturity by the end of 7–8 months of life.

Meat breeds of chickens

Keeping and breeding

For the full development and reproduction of meat breeds of chickens, proper fattening is required, which will result in a constant and rapid increase in body weight. It is better to use a special food rich in vegetable proteins. A special vitamin-mineral complex is also introduced into the diet. If the bird is kept on the floor, then you will need to build a special sawdust flooring for it. At the same time, do not forget about the regular cleaning of the room where the bird is constantly. And it is important to set a comfortable temperature regime, make sure that there are no drafts.

Since most types of meat chicken appeared naturally, crossing different breeds of poultry in the household will not be an exception. However, such chickens are unlikely to differ in truly gigantic size.

It is better to use ready-made breeds specially bred for table dietary meat. One of the main indicators of the correct content of the chicken will be the active build-up of muscle mass.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens

properties of chickens

Meat breed poultry is considered exclusive among poultry farmers due to its exceptional growth rates, due to the quality of the product. Along with the features, these species also have common features that characterize them as much as possible.

  1. The body weight of a chicken naturally increases in a short time. The weight of such poultry is almost twice that of standard laying hens and reaches 4-4,5 kg (5 kg of rooster).
  2. These chickens can make good brood hens., they have a well-developed hatching instinct, but the breed is not suitable as laying hens. Interestingly, these chickens do an excellent job of raising young.
  3. Meat breeds of chickens also differ in body structure. They have it more fleshy, massive, but not sinewy, the muscles are located horizontally. Chickens have short, but very strong legs, loose plumage. A special difference between such chickens is considered to be a strong, dense skeleton. There is a scallop, but it is not very developed, because of which it may be invisible.
  4. When choosing a thoroughbred klush, it is worth considering the following: the larger the individual, the less you can count on egg production.
  5. Another characteristic feature of the chicken is its phlegmatic disposition., which is especially striking when compared with the usual laying hens. This bird is not shy, calm, peaceful, practically inactive and generally spends less energy than egg breeds. And importantly, meat chickens are not as voracious as it might seem. They do not require special lighting in the room. In general, they love unpretentiousness and stability, but quickly adapt to new conditions.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens

Knowing the main features of chickens, it remains to choose a breed of large livestock of poultry. Here are a few common types.

Description of rocks


    Perhaps the most famous breed is the Brahma. The homeland of this chicken is Asia, where the bird was bred as a hybrid of Cochin and Malayan chicken. From the second half of the 19th century, the bird came to Europe, and then to Great Britain and the USA. Now the breed has spread throughout the world, it can be recognized by its characteristic features:

  • the wings are rounded, the legs are elongated, the body is large, fleshy;
  • chicken is distinguished by high growth (one can even say that the bird has a posture);
  • the bird also has an inconspicuous but fleshy comb with barely visible teeth;
  • the tail of the bird is fan-shaped splendor;
  • the beak of such a chicken is quite powerful, bright yellow;
  • Brahma chickens have small oblong ears;
  • in general, the plumage of the bird is very dense (maybe on the paws).

Meat breeds of chickens


The type of broiler chickens is not even the name of the breed, but the technology of its breeding. However, most consumers are accustomed to refer to the name as a breed. The weight of broiler birds is small in comparison with other representatives of the “giants” – about 2 kg. It is cost-effective to raise such chickens for the purpose of quick return, as the chicken develops and gains weight very quickly. The main dish of it is meat fried over an open fire (hence the name broil).

Several breeds of chickens are suitable for broilers, it is important to achieve a full-fledged product in a short time. The quality of the meat depends on how good the feed is consumed by the bird.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens


This bird has a very ancient history. Now the breed belongs to the rarer representatives of poultry. Cochinchins come in two varieties: regular and dwarf (depending on size). Outwardly, the breed is similar to Brahma, being its ancestor. Cochinchins walk with a majestic look, have shaggy plumage and bright colors. (yellow, red, blue), there are partridge species. They prefer to live on perches, so they build special houses with slats for them. They are not particularly active. The weight of an adult chicken reaches an average of 4,5 kg. A laying hen can produce up to a hundred eggs a year.

It is worth considering that this breed, in comparison with the “relatives”, is resistant to cold.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens


Such a bird does not care, because it is hardy, and also unpretentious to external growing conditions. Representatives of the species are able to gain the maximum possible weight, which is why Dorking is considered one of the best meat breeds. Chicken is represented by two varieties: cwhite, characterized by a high degree of productivity, and white, the meat of which compares favorably with its taste. The breed can be bred in the shortest possible time. Dorking has a massive and strong body.

Meat breeds of chickens

Running shoes

This breed of chickens has practically no cons. This hybrid was obtained for practical (meat) use. Chickens of this variety are characterized by rapid weight gain and excellent endurance. It is worth highlighting the main characteristics:

  • cross-hens (broilers) can be used not only in the meat, but also in the meat and egg industry (especially popular in farms), among them the most popular hybrids are ROSS-308, KOBB-500;
  • raising chickens does not require special conditions of detention and expensive feed;
  • broilers are sent for slaughter when they reach 2 months.

Meat breeds of chickens


It is noteworthy that this breed spread in the middle of the century before last in the United States thanks to breeders. The name comes from the city of Plymouth and the addition of the word “rock” (rock). It just symbolizes the large dimensions of the chicken. Plymouth Rocks are extremely weather resistant. Individuals differ in different colors, but white chickens are most common. They have a wide sternum and a large head with a powerful neck, excellent plumage and tail. Plymouth Rocks are raised for both meat and eggs.

The taste of the meat of this bird is more like a broiler – tender. But because of the yellowish tint of the pulp, there is no increased interest in it (as they say, for an amateur). Breeding can be carried out in different climatic conditions – chickens are distinguished by increased immunity. Chickens are usually fattened with the same feed as adults, adding ground corn, cottage cheese, eggs, greens to food.

In comparison with other types of meat production, representatives of this species are distinguished by increased egg production.

Meat breeds of chickens

Purposeful and natural selection of meat breeds of chickens made it possible to obtain other varieties of poultry:

  • Orpington;
  • Malin;
  • Faverolles;
  • Langshan;
  • Jersey giant.

And this is not all types.

Meat breeds of chickens

Meat breeds of chickens

How to choose?

With such an abundance of different breeds of chickens, it can be difficult to single out any one species for yourself. Several factors influence your own choice of meat breed for poultry breeding: from the appearance to the taste of the meat. Broiler is grown from Cross. A chicken of this type is poorly hatched in an incubator at home, so you have to take a ready-made livestock. From some individuals, you can additionally get a good hybrid. But such meaty crosses can only be obtained in industrial conditions.

Meat breeds of chickens

The main criteria for selecting meat chicken for home (farm) breeding are its weight, weight gain rate, adaptive characteristics, pronounced and well-developed muscles.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a breed, it is worth considering the specific features and properties of the breed. It is also important to understand the conditions in which the bird will be kept.

For meat breeds, it is important that the room is kept clean, that the chicken coop has normal lighting and temperature conditions. Poultry feed should be enriched with minerals, useful supplements, vitamins. The placement of chickens in the room should not be too dense: about 15 heads per 1 square meter. When choosing meat breeds, it is worth proceeding from the combination of species. Some breeds have too many similar features, but outwardly differ, for example, in color. In general, one can group a good chicken coop out of them.

Meat breeds of chickens

See below for more details.

Anna Evans


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