Chickens: Causes and treatment of tumors in chickens

Quite common problems in breeding and raising chickens in a backyard are tumors in feathered pets. For most poultry farmers, this becomes not just a surprise, but something terrible, unusual and terrible, which is difficult to deal with and cure an individual.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify what caused the tumor in chickens. To do this, of course, it is best to seek help from a specialist who can quickly and correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Tumors in chickens can appear in a variety of places: on the legs, on the wings, around the eyes, etc.

The main causes of poultry disease are its improper, inadequate feeding and poor maintenance. On the legs, tumors can form due to the fact that feathered pets are in an uncleaned and uncleaned room, where there is a large amount of liquid pollution on the floor. Treatment of tumors in chickens in such cases begins with a general cleaning of the poultry house. At this time, the individuals themselves need to be moved to another room, and their legs should be treated: wash, pierce abscesses, lubricate the wounds with a disinfectant ointment.

Gout can also be the cause of a tumor in a chicken. For its treatment, it is necessary, first of all, to draw up the right diet for feathered pets, so that they receive useful and nutritious substances, use a balanced, complete food enriched with vitamins and mineral elements. If the bird does have gout, it needs to be injected with vitamin A.

When a tumor is found in chickens, you should not be very upset and sound the alarm. The main thing is to start treatment competently and in a timely manner in order to quickly cure sick individuals.

Anna Evans


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