Shamo – fighting chickens

Among the fighting chickens that are popular with poultry farmers, the Shamo breed can be distinguished. She, like other similar feathered pets, has her own characteristics and advantages over other breeds, which are important to know about for those who want to try themselves as the owner of a fighting cock.

Shamo chickens come in different sizes: large, medium and dwarf. They are descended from Malayan chickens. Their home is Siam. But they gained their current popularity after they got to Japan, where they began to breed them much more actively. In Europe, or rather, in Germany, these feathered pets appeared only in the middle of the 20th century, and in Russia only by the end of the 1990s.

Regardless of the size of the bird, Shamo laying hens produce about 60 eggs per year. But in large chickens, the egg weighs about 60 grams, while the individuals themselves reach a live weight of three kilograms, and roosters up to five kilograms. In medium-sized birds, an egg weighs an average of 40 grams, the live weight of laying hens reaches two and a half kilograms, and males – four kilograms. In dwarf Shamo chickens, eggs can weigh up to 35 grams, laying hens themselves weigh about eight hundred grams, and roosters a little more than a kilogram.

Shamo is a chicken that is characterized by well-developed muscles, strength and endurance. She has a very aggressive character, the birds are constantly ready to engage in battle with their opponent, they constantly create conflict situations if there is another individual nearby. These feathered pets never give up, they are always persistent, stubborn, ready to go and fight to the end.

If the poultry breeder decides to purchase such a bird for himself, he should take care of its placement in advance. It is best to keep Shamo chickens in cages, separate from the rest of the livestock. However, in order for it to be a really good, strong, hardy fighter, individuals need to be constantly trained and prepared for upcoming battles.

Fighting chickens Shamo need regular walking on green grass to warm up, as well as receive the necessary vitamins and minerals contained in pasture. In the diet of these feathered pets, there must be foods containing a large amount of protein that promotes the growth and development of the bird.

Shamo are fighting chickens, which are very demanding on the conditions of detention, especially at a young age. Grown up, strengthened individuals are much easier to tolerate cold, dampness, and are not so much susceptible to various kinds of diseases. For young animals, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions: cleanliness in the room, optimal temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting. In the drinkers they should have only fresh, clean water, which should be changed regularly.

Anna Evans


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