Chickens breed Egyptian Fayuromi

Egyptian Fayuromi is a breed of chickens that was tamed by people about three thousand years ago. It simultaneously looks like many other breeds and does not look like any of them. Many experts believe that it is almost impossible to meet and find the Egyptian Fayuromi in its pure form. Mostly there are hybrids with individual features of this breed. In Europe, this bird appeared only by the middle of the 20th century, in the 1940s.

These are unusual chickens that attract the attention of poultry farmers not so much for their productivity as for their beauty and amazing appearance. They are bred, as a rule, by lovers of decorative feathered pets. Egg productivity in birds is very small. Laying hens lay only two eggs per week, and even those are small. The color of the shell is pinkish. Sexual maturity in chickens occurs at the age of four months, sometimes even a little later. Layers are also distinguished by their low weight. At one and a half to two years old, they weigh about two kilograms.

Egyptian chickens are more adapted to a warm climate. They are more often bred in countries where warm weather prevails. However, if the chicken coop is carefully insulated, feathered pets will withstand even a cold winter. The room in which this breed of birds is kept should be spacious, high, as these individuals love freedom.

It is necessary to feed Egyptian Fayuromi chickens with high-quality, balanced feed. But there is no need to look for any special food for them. They can only eat insects and worms for a long time, but in order for them to gain weight well, they still need to be fed.

The main advantages of this unusual breed of chickens are disease resistance, omnivorousness, sociability, contact, a good mother hen and mother of her offspring. Laying hens love to create nests, they will find food in any conditions. The disadvantages of the Egyptian Fayuromi include good volatility, so you need to look after the bird and build high fences and even sheds, low egg production, and slow growth.

In a way, these feathered pets go with ostriches, especially when they run. They have an unusually set tail and rather long legs. The color of the bird can be varied, but the most common is silver. Chickens are very similar to roosters, and it is difficult to determine the sex of an individual until puberty.

Egyptian Fayouromi like to talk among themselves, they are active and mobile. If you wish, you can try to train them. They are amenable to this process.

Anna Evans


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