Jerusalem artichoke health benefits, benefits and harms of calories

Jerusalem artichokeJerusalem artichoke (“Jerusalem artichoke”, “tuberiferous sunflower”, “earthen pear”, “boulevard”) is a type of perennial plants of the Astrovye family. To taste root resembles cabbage stalk.

The name “earthen pear” the plant received due to the elongated form of tubers. Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke are used to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, strengthen immunity, eliminate salt deposits in the joints, normalize blood glucose levels (with diabetes mellitus).

The birthplace of the Jerusalem artichoke is North America. Interestingly, in ancient times, the Brazilian Indians long before the discovery of a delicious and highly nutritious root crop ate it. An earthen pear came to Europe thanks to the traveler Samuel de Champlain at the beginning of the XVII century, who first compared it in taste with an artichoke and sent tubers from Canada to France. Since then, active cultivation of an unpretentious plant has begun. It is interesting that Jerusalem artichoke is still used in Europe as a raw material for the production of wine, beer, fructose, alcohol, and liquor.

The tubers of this plant are the traditional ingredients of German, English, Belgian, Dutch, French cuisines.

Botanical description

Botanical description of Jerusalem artichokeJerusalem artichoke looks like a sunflower, but the edible part of the plant is not above the ground, but in the soil. At one place the boulevard can grow up to 25 years. The perennial cultivation of the plant contributes to the thickening of the plantations, the grinding of tubers, so gardeners recommend cultivating an earth pear for one, two or three years.

The root of the Jerusalem artichoke stem, with weighty lateral ramifications. Depending on the grade, the length of the stem reaches 2 – 5 centimeters, the leaf plate – 10 – 20 centimeters. Leaves egg-shaped, petiolate, large with a pointed apex. 1 – 2 escape of regrowth grow from the buds of the tuber. Leaf blade covered with stiff hairs on top, solid, with pubescent veins from below.

The shoots are cylindrical plants, up to 3 meters in height. Hilly tuberous tubers of oblong-oval, pear-shaped, spindle-shaped configuration form in the soil on stolons. They have an irregular shape. Coloring pulp – white, cream, with a yellowish tinge. From above, the edible root crop is covered with a thin, inedible brown skin. Depending on the age of the plant, the mass of tubers can vary from 20 to 250 grams, and their number from 30 to 40 pieces.

Jerusalem artichoke is moisture-loving, light-loving, but does not tolerate overmoistening of the soil, acidic and saline areas.

The following varieties of earthen pears are distinguished: fodder and tuberous (vegetable). The most popular are: “Skorospelka”, “Pasko”, “Sunny”.

Features of growing Jerusalem artichoke:

  • does not require care;
  • can grow in the sun and in the shade;
  • not afraid of pests, weeds;
  • does not accumulate nitrates in tubers, the green part;
  • in calories it resembles potatoes, in taste – cauliflower and asparagus.

Today Jerusalem artichoke is cultivated as a valuable food, technical, and fodder crop, which surpasses corn, potatoes, and sugar beets in productivity. The plant is often planted with the purpose of decorative landscaping of recreation areas (parks, squares), to protect crops from the winds, to increase the fertility of agricultural land.

The tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke contain a large number of pectins, due to which they are actively used in the production of jam, preserves, marshmallows, marmalade and jelly for children’s diet menus.

Over the past 50 – 60 years, Jerusalem artichoke has been widely used in the dairy, canning, bakery, and meat industries. It is used in the production of soft drinks and spirits, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry as a source of inulin (to create dietary supplements).

What is part of the earthen pear?

Jerusalem artichoke is a health-improving cocktail containing pectins, mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, inulin, necessary to maintain health. According to experimental data, the root crop is recognized as the cleanest and safest plant to eat, since it does not accumulate heavy metals in tubers and deciduous parts. Growing even in unfavorable conditions (for example, on the territory of Chernobyl, where an accident at a nuclear reactor occurred), the boulevard did not take anything harmful from the soil.

What is a part of an earthen pearEarth pear is recommended to use when:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • reduced hemoglobin;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hypertension;
  • impotence in men;
  • regular mental and physical stress;
  • allergic diseases.

The therapeutic properties of the amino acids that make up the Jerusalem artichoke:

  1. Arginine. It stimulates the immune system, improves muscle nutrition, reduces the amount of fat under the skin, enhances the synthesis of growth hormone, has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Valin. It improves muscle coordination, participates in tissue regeneration, reduces the body’s sensitivity to cold, heat, pain, calms the nervous system, and relieves depression.
  3. Histidine. It is part of hemoglobin, helps tissue growth processes, prevents hearing impairment, and is used to treat ulcers, anemia, and allergies.
  4. Lysine. It is a part of proteins, stimulates the breakdown of fats, promotes their conversion into energy, necessary for growth processes.
  5. Isoleucine. Regulates sugar level, participates in energy supply of an organism.
  6. Methionine. Relieves manifestations of depression, lowers cholesterol, prevents the appearance of fatty deposits in the liver.
  7. Leucine. Increases protein synthesis, is needed to nourish muscle tissue, saves glucose, resists the destruction of amino acid molecules.
  8. Tryptophan. Stimulates the production of growth hormone, normalizes sleep, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, increases muscle mass, reduces body fat.
  9. Phenylalanine. Participates in the production of thyroid hormone (thyroxine), is needed for the synthesis of endorphins.

Jerusalem artichoke warns and eliminates the lack of the following elements:

  1. Calcium. Serves as a building material for bone tissue, a lack of a compound in the body increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  2. Potassium. Nutrient deficiency causes neuralgia. Potassium intensively leaves the body during treatment with diuretics, heavy sweating, during vomiting, diarrhea.
  3. Manganese. Affects the activity of the sex glands, the function of blood formation.
  4. Magnesium. Regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, is involved in metabolic reactions, muscle contraction.
  5. Silicon. It accelerates redox processes, prevents violations of bone strength, the development of atherosclerosis.
  6. Sodium. Participates in the life support of the body. Macroelement deficiency in the body is associated with diuretic intake, abuse of diets, starvation, excessive fluid intake, frequent sweating.
  7. Iron. It is a part of hemoglobin, stimulates respiratory processes, prevents anemia.

In terms of ascorbic acid content, Jerusalem artichoke surpasses potatoes by 5.

Root crop – a storehouse of vitamins of group B:

  1. Thiamine (B1). Supports the health of the nervous, digestive systems, heart).
  2. Riboflavin (B2). Responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, reproductive function.
  3. Nicotinic acid (B3). Improves absorption of ascorbic acid.
  4. Pantothenic acid (B5). It is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, the occurrence of metabolic reactions.
  5. Pyridoxine (B6). Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses between muscles and neurons, the production of hemoglobin.
  6. Biotin (B7). Regulates protein and fat metabolism, is involved in the production of the glucokinase enzyme.

Ground pear useful inulin, which is a polymer of fructose. With regular use of the root, in the colon increases the number of bifidobacteria that suppress pathogens (shigella, salmonella, staphylococcus, enterococci).

Thus, Jerusalem artichoke is a source of water-soluble fiber and dietary fiber, which cleanse the inner surface of the intestine, prevent constipation, reduce cholesterol, reduce the risk of gallstone disease, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The product quickly causes saturation of the body, absorbs toxins and toxins. The lack of fiber in the daily diet increases the risk of the formation of malignant tumors, gastritis, pancreatitis.

Chemical composition

Tubers of Jerusalem artichoke on 20% consist of dry substances, among which 80% falls on the polymer homologue of fructose – inulin, 11% – on pectin substances.

Table No. 2 “Chemical composition of Jerusalem artichoke tubers”

Nutrient content in 100 grams of product, milligrams


Ascorbic acid (C) 6,0 Niacin (B3) 1,3 Tocopherol (E) 0,2 Thiamine (B1) 0,07 Riboflavin (B2) 0,06 Beta-carotene (A) 0,012



Trace Elements


Contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke:

  • individual intolerance (rarely);
  • increased gas formation (the use of root strengthens flatulence).

In other cases, it is believed that the roots of earthen pears are absolutely harmless.

Cooking application

Tubers of Jerusalem artichoke have a sweet-nutty flavor, have a crispy juicy flesh, resembling a radish. The root crop is recommended to be consumed raw, in which the maximum amount of beneficial substances for the human body is preserved.

The use of Jerusalem artichoke in cookingJerusalem artichoke goes well with quince, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, pears, herbs. It is introduced into the composition of various vegetable salads, vinaigrettes. Delicious, highly nutritious root crops can be subjected to various types of cooking: salting, pickling, pickling, boiling, frying, stewing, canning, drying. It is interesting that after that they acquire a more pronounced taste and aroma than fresh tubers of the plant.

Fried and baked Jerusalem artichoke is used as a filling for pancakes, cakes, pies. In addition, they make casseroles, compotes, jellies, kvass, side dishes, cream soups, preserves, mashed potatoes, cutlets, and fritters from earth pears.

When cooking dishes with Jerusalem artichoke, it is useful to use herbs, spices, seasonings, which enhance the therapeutic effect of the vegetable, relieve flatulence. These include: dill, cloves, cumin, garlic, onions, parsley, coriander.

In the USA, Jerusalem artichoke tubers are used to make diet coffee. To do this, root crops are pre-dried, crushed. It is interesting that homemade baked goods with the addition of dry powder of earthen pear are not stale for a long time, since the fructose included in its composition retains moisture in bakery products for a long time.

Application in folk medicine

  1. With cardiovascular disease. Reduces the manifestations of hypertension, the formation of blood clots, coronary disease, tachycardia, prevents atherosclerosis. To prepare a therapeutic agent, 250 grams of crushed, peeled, tuber should be poured with 500 milliliters of water, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered. Method of use: 100 milliliters 2 to 3 times a day.
  2. With heartburn. Freshly squeezed juice from Jerusalem artichoke tubers relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, lowers the acidity of gastric juice, is indicated for reflux esophagitis, erosion of the duodenum, gastritis, colitis, and ulcers. Take symptomatically 100 milliliters strictly before meals.

The application of Jerusalem artichoke in folk medicineIn order to avoid exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, preventive courses are held annually in the spring and autumn, lasting 10 – 14 days.

  1. With low hemoglobin. To eliminate anemia 15 grams of flowers of Jerusalem artichoke pour 600 with milliliters of boiling water, insist 8 hours, filter. Take 30 minutes before meals for 100 milliliters.
  2. With the deposition of salts in the joints. Wash, chop 2 kilograms of fresh stems, leaves and 1 kilograms of raw root vegetables. Raw water, boil on low heat for 30 minutes, drain. Pour broth into a bath filled with water, temperature 37 – 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour, the course is 20 sessions. If necessary, repeat therapy after a two-week break.
  3. With polyarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism. Drink an earthen pear juice thrice a day for 70 milliliters while eating for 1 – 2 months.
  4. From purulent wounds. For the treatment of skin diseases, the Jerusalem artichoke is crushed, juice is squeezed out of the root, in which a bandage is moistened, applied to the sore area for 1 an hour as a compress. The procedure is repeated in the morning and evening until the ulcers, eczema, accompanied by purulent fusion, disappear.
  5. From rhinitis, rhinitis. Pear juice is instilled four times a day in 10 drops in each nostril.
  6. From vision problems. Jerusalem artichoke juice (100 milliliters) diluted with honey (10 milliliters) and take 20 milliliters during the day for a week. For a stable good condition, the duration of the course is increased to 21 days.
  7. From immune disorders, vitamin deficiency. To fill the deficiency of vitamins in the body, increase barrier functions, it is recommended to drink a mixture of carrot and Jerusalem artichoke juices daily at breakfast in a ratio of 1: 1. The daily norm is 250 milliliters, the course of administration is 1 month.
  8. From poisoning. The earth pear removes the effects of intoxication, removes decomposition products. To normalize the work of the stomach and intestines throughout the day, use 50 milliliters of juice from the plant tubers every 2 hour. The daily dose of the healing drink should not exceed 400 milliliters, otherwise the likelihood of the appearance of flatulence increases.
  9. For hair. To improve the condition of hair, to prevent baldness, 50 milliliters of burdock oil is combined with 100 milliliters of earthen pear juice. The mixture is stirred and carefully rubbed into the roots of the hair, distributing along the entire length. It is interesting that Jerusalem artichoke juice retains its beneficial properties for no more than 12 hours in a cold place, so it is prepared immediately before use.

Remember, folk recipes – an additional support of the body, which can not replace skilled medical care.

Jerusalem artichoke with diabetes

Jerusalem artichoke with diabetesGround pear tubers contain inulin (up to 80%) – a polysaccharide consisting of fructose molecules linked together. Interestingly, a complex carbohydrate of plant origin is used to feed the colon bifid bacteria, normalizes the microflora, which in turn improves the absorption of vitamins, strengthens reduced immunity, relieves constipation, relieves inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Together with fiber, inulin inhibits the absorption of glucose from food, which contributes to a slow change in its level.

When eating Jerusalem artichoke, people with diabetes mellitus 2 type will not feel a significant rise in sugar, unlike patients with 1 type, when strict insulin dose calculation is required, because 100 carbohydrates are concentrated in 13 grams of earthen pear.

Inulin exhibits a moderate choleretic effect, therefore, is indicated for consumption by people suffering from biliary tract dispensia of the hypotonic type. In addition, the polysaccharide improves the absorption of phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc. Inulin, together with fiber, removes radionuclides, slags, toxins, salts of heavy metals from the body, neutralizes the oxidized metabolites, free radicals.

Glycemic index of Jerusalem artichoke – 50.

The earth pear prevents the development of acidosis, stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

To reduce blood sugar levels, root vegetables are consumed raw, boiled. In addition, based on it, prepare the infusion: 60 grams of crushed earth pears are poured with a liter of boiling water, insist on 3 hours. Drink in unlimited quantities throughout the day. In addition, experts recommend regularly taking 250 milliliters of fresh juice, previously diluted with water.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Preparations with Jerusalem artichoke:

  1. “Neovital”. The supplement contains stevia powder, reindeer horns, and earth pears. The drug improves metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, increases the effectiveness of treatment of diabetes.
  2. “Inulin”. It lowers the level of glucose, which stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreatic cells, prevents the development of complications from diabetes (1-th and 2-type).
  3. Alga Heliantus. The composition of the dietary supplement includes brown algae, flax seeds and Jerusalem artichoke. The tool removes toxic substances and slags from the body, improves fat, carbohydrate metabolism and the state of the cardiovascular system.

The tuberous sunflower absolutely does not contain sugar, fructose gives sweetness to the root crop. Due to this, after eating the earthen pear is not observed a sharp increase in blood sugar. Energy cell hunger is regulated without insulin. Tubers can be eaten raw, stewed, baked, boiled, as a side dish or as an independent dish. On its basis, prepared vegetable salads, casseroles, drinks (analogs of coffee).

Remember, any therapy for endocrine pathologies can be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Used in cosmetics

The use of Jerusalem artichoke in cosmetologyCurrently, Jerusalem artichoke is actively used in folk aesthetic medicine and cosmetology as a natural means of hair and skin care. From the juice, leaves, pulp of tubers prepare masks, peels, tonics for the face and dandruff remedies, baldness. In addition, the Jerusalem artichoke relieves the following skin problems: excessive dryness, peeling and violation of the dermis, psoriasis, furuncle, wrinkles, eczema.

Home Cosmetics Recipes:

  1. Mask to return the skin tone. Peel one root vegetable (medium size), chop. Combine the resulting mass with 2 drops of tea tree oil and olive oil, 2 milliliters of honey. Mix the mixture thoroughly, apply on a cleansed face on 20 minutes, rinse with water. The procedure is performed 2 once a week. The course of therapy is 2,5 of the month.
  2. Anti-acne remedy. To eliminate black spots, sebaceous plugs and relieve inflammation, wipe problem areas daily with Jerusalem artichoke juice.
  3. Peeling to remove pigment spots and dead skin particles. Ingredients: pear juice (15 milliliters), grapefruit essential oil (2 drops), sea salt (5 grams). All components are thoroughly mixed, applied to the skin of the face and décolleté area with smooth, light movements, rinse with water. The procedure is performed regularly 1 once every 1 – 2 week, the effect is cumulative.
  4. Tonic to moisturize the skin. In stuffy rooms where heating devices work, the skin is exposed to dehydration. As a result, tightness, discomfort, peeling. To prepare a moisturizing fluid in 50 milliliters of mineral water, add 10 milliliters of pear juice. The resulting tonic sprinkle face throughout the day. By its properties, the agent is not inferior to micellar water.
  5. Dandruff mask. To strengthen the hair, eliminate seborrhea after shampooing the head with any mask mixed with the juice of Jerusalem artichoke and rubbed into the roots, spread over the entire length. If necessary, rinse with water (according to the manufacturer’s instructions).
  6. Broth from baldness. Ground pear leaves are harvested, washed and boiled over a period of 3 hours in a small amount of water. The resulting broth is cooled to room temperature, rinsing their heads. To improve the condition (strengthening) of hair follicles, this procedure is carried out three times a week until a persistent result appears.


Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial herb with edible tubers. The basis of the healing properties of earthen pears are biologically active substances. A distinctive feature of the root vegetable from other vegetables is a unique carbohydrate complex, represented by fructooligosaccharides, inulin, as well as a balanced macro- and microelement composition. Jerusalem artichoke contains iron, silicon, zinc, magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2.

Root crop protects the liver from disease influences, promotes the synthesis of glycogen, bile acids, protein. Inulin, a part of the Jerusalem artichoke, acts as a sorbent, neutralizing toxins in the blood and intestines, restores the functioning of the digestive tract.

Other useful properties of the vegetable: improves the state of blood vessels and skin, immunological parameters of blood, lowers blood pressure, partially normalizes blood sugar, reduces gluconeogenesis, secretion of gastric juice, prevents the oncological diseases, and fights diabetes.

To maintain health, it is recommended to eat 100 grams of raw pearl tubers daily. When used in Jerusalem artichoke in large quantities, increased gas formation is possible. In general, the vegetable is completely harmless.

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Anna Evans


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