Partridge health benefits, benefits and harms of calories

PartridgeWildfowl from the Fazanov family is one of the main elements of French cuisine. Europeans adore two types of partridges – red and gray. The gray look was also popular on tsarist tables in pre-revolutionary Russia. The image of a partridge in popular culture is formed in the best spirit of the aristocracy: a small carcass baked in rare herbs with a sweet and sour sauce, which is served after a long hunt to two middle-aged, but eminent lords.

Today partridges are included in the basic menu of every third establishment. The bird responds well to heat treatment. The meat stays tender both when frying and when baking or boiling. A definite plus: a partridge (average size, weighing 3-400 grams) cooks much faster than other types of poultry.

The story of the heron

Scientists claim that the ancestors of modern birds are two prehistoric species:

  • P. Palaeoperdix;
  • Margarita grams.

The first species grew and developed on the territory of southern Europe and served as an integral part of the diet of promising Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals living out their days.

Archaeological evidence of the life of the second species is found in Northern Mongolia and on the territory of Transbaikalia. Both species claim to be the direct ancestor of the partridge, but scientists still doubt and operate with hypotheses, not facts.

Birds prefer a temperate Eurasian climate. Some partridges are more sympathetic to species from other parts of the world, and they inhabit locations somewhere in Canada and the United States.

Birds are sedentary. They prefer open areas for living, where it is easy to get seeds and catch insects. A miniature bird makes nests on the ground in cozy places, so as not to once again be exposed to anxiety and panic attacks while raising young.

What a modern bird looks like

A male turkeyThe partridge has a small flattened beak, dark long legs. The size and weight (on average 450 grams) of the partridge is barely medium. The plumage is uneven: the upper part is speckled, the lower part is more brown, the sides and tail are of a red hue. There are no spurs on the legs of the bird. Males and females have one significant difference – the saturation of the plumage. Females are paler, and males are striking in bright colors. Such a contrast is due to the desire of the male to continue the genus and fertilize (conquering with the gorgeous color of the feathers) as many females as possible.

Partridge symbol in popular culture

The partridge is a controversial character in biblical history and ancient mythology. Holy Scripture uses the partridge as the embodiment of hunting dexterity and luck. The Bible describes the dexterity and rationality of the movements of birds, gives the rules for hunting partridges.

Ancient mythology offers a different, more interesting interpretation. It is believed that the partridge is a symbol of the Devil himself. He decided not to bother with the standard appearance in the form of an angry buffalo or an eagle waiting for its prey, but became an ordinary partridge. The little bird does not attract attention and allows it to trade in its devilish deeds, remaining unnoticed.

All these are speculations and scientifically refuted statements. Do not be afraid to eat partridge meat, there is nothing devilish in it, but there are plenty of useful vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

In addition to the biblical and mythological line, the bird also became famous on a national scale. The partridge is the national symbol of the state of Alaska. Small birds have become famous even in heraldry. The coat of arms of the Kursk region consists of the image of 3 birds soaring in the air. There is no doubt that these are three birds from a rare, extinct subspecies of the silver partridge.

The degree of threat to the existence of the species

Today, none of the species is threatened with extinction. There are 2 subspecies of the gray partridge, which have the smallest number of individuals, because they were affected by the hunting industry. This amount is not critical, but if the state does not slow down the pace of hunting, the numbers may well cross the line of the norm to a deficit.

People are gradually deteriorating the living conditions of birds. We build agricultural land and, thereby, reduce the area of ​​existence to an unprecedented size. All that is required of humanity is to be loyal and follow the law.

Bird species

Species of cockroachesThere are 3 main types of partridges for food:

The ptarmigan earned this name due to its unique camouflage skills. The plumage adapts to the external environment and takes on the desired shade (in winter – white, in autumn – brownish-brown). There is a small exception: in zones with an established, practically unchanged climate, there is no need to change the color of the plumage. Ptarmigan resembles chicken as much as possible in taste, texture and color of meat.

Gray representatives of the species live in swampy areas, ravines, meadows with tall shrubs and grass. The body is colored gray, and the tail is a bright red color. The meat is denser and more tasty, in comparison with ptarmigan, takes on a dark pink hue.

Keklik or mountain partridge is the smallest representative of the species (weight – up to 400 grams, height – up to 30 centimeters). The plumage is monochrome, only the beak and paws stand out, since they are colored red. The color of the meat, like that of the gray partridge, is dark pink.

Chemical composition of the product

Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of raw product)

Nicotinic acid (PP) 6,5 Biotin (H) 0,003 Tocopherol (E) 0,5 Cobalamin (B12) 0,002 Folic acid (B9) 0,008 Pyridoxine (B6) 0,4 Choline (B4) 70 Pantothenic acid (B3) 0,5, 2 Riboflavin (B0,2) 1 Thiamine (B0,1) 0,004 Retinol (A) XNUMX

The benefits of eating partridge

ButterfliesEven Avicenna (Persian scientist, philosopher and physician) in his work “Canon of Medicine” pointed out the healing effect of partridge meat. Gradually, scientists, relying on the knowledge of their predecessors, but using newer diagnostic methods, determined the real benefits of the bird.

Partridge meat is shown to people suffering from obesity. The calorie content of the product is minimal, so it can be included in any meal. The composition includes special enzymes that accelerate the metabolism to the limit, remove cholesterol, and improve the overall performance of the body.

Additional product properties:

  • normalizes the digestive tract in case of poisoning, constipation, diarrhea;
  • performs the role of additional stimulation of desire (increases the level of libido);
  • normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • promotes relaxation and strengthening of the nervous system;
  • helps to treat respiratory diseases;
  • regulates biotin levels. Biotin, in turn, regulates sugar metabolism. People with diabetes are advised to pay attention to the ingredient and agree with the doctor on the introduction of meat into the daily diet;
  • improves memory and enhances concentration;
  • strengthens the hematopoietic organs, normalizes their work.

Cooking application

Partridge has long passed from the category of “delicacies” to a frequently used ingredient. To feast on a partridge, you do not have to buy a gun, get a hunting permit from the state and your wife, but just go to the nearest store and choose a suitable carcass. The bird is sold gutted and completely butchered. The only thing left to do is to decide on the recipe and prepare the dish.

The meat is considered dietary and insanely delicious. Its structure is more tender (in comparison with chicken), faster and easier absorbed by the human body.

What to cook from partridge:

  • broth (it is necessary to cook over low heat for about 3-4 hours to get a delicate taste and aroma of the dish);
  • baked snack;
  • stuffed main course;
  • fried carcass for dinner (it is recommended to fry the poultry to a medium degree of roast. The meat should remain pale pink inside – this is the essence of partridge consumption);
  • boil the meat and use it as an ingredient in other dishes.

Eggs of chickensIn cooking, they use not only tender partridge meat, but also eggs. Miniature eggs (identical in size to quail eggs) taste like chicken eggs and may well replace them in baked goods, main courses and snacks.

Nutritional value of eggs (based on 100 grams of raw product)

Calories Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 168 kCal 11,9 g 13 g 0,6 g

Eggs differ from meat in their unique chemical composition. They contain a high concentration of choline, which lowers cholesterol levels and boosts metabolism. In addition to stabilizing metabolic processes, eggs regulate blood sugar levels, stabilize the cardiovascular system, and improve the condition of teeth, nails, skin and hair.

What to cook from partridge eggs:

  • omelet;
  • fried eggs;
  • salad;
  • baked snack with cheese;
  • pickled savory appetizer;
  • sauce (mayonnaise);
  • dessert.

Citrus Clove Fried Partridge Recipe

Nutritional value (based on the 1 portion of the finished dish)

Calories Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 678 kCal 37 g 40 g 36,1 g

Fried henWe need:

  • partridge – 1 piece (average weight – 400 grams);
  • lemon – 1 pc (can be replaced with lime);
  • orange marinade (orange juice + chopped chili peppers + garlic + your favorite spices to taste) – 0,5 l;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • bourbon – 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon zest – ½ teaspoon;
  • chopped cloves – ¼ teaspoon.


Preheat oven to 220 ° C. Prepare a baking sheet, chop the lemon into medium-sized circles and place on the bottom of the baking sheet. Gut the partridge, grate with herbs, spices and place on top of a lemon pillow. Send to preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. The meat should be lightly baked and form a tasty, dense crust.

While the bird is languishing in the oven, start making the sauce. We mix bourbon, orange marinade, zest, cloves, your favorite spices to taste in a deep container. Put the savory mixture over medium heat and cook for no more than 5 minutes. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sauce is thick and viscous.

Remove the partridge, brush with the prepared sauce and place in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until tender. During baking, some of the sauce will be absorbed into the meat or simply drain, so try to renew the layer 2-3 times. Simply pour the orange-spice mixture over the bird while it is in the oven. Serve with your favorite side dish and a light vegetable salad.

Grilled partridge recipe in raspberry-mint marinade

Nutritional value (based on 4 ready meals)

Calories Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 1279 kCal 73 g 105,2 g 7,6 g

Kuropatka on the grillWe need:

  • partridge – 4 pcs (weight should not exceed 450 grams);
  • raspberries (you can use both fresh and frozen. Before using frozen raspberries, send them to the refrigerator for several hours) – 150 g;
  • lemon juice – 3 tablespoons;
  • chopped mint (it is recommended to take a fresh bunch) – 1 or 2 tablespoons to taste;
  • olive oil – ½ cup;
  • vinegar – 1 glass;
  • chopped garlic – 1 teaspoon.


Prepare a deep container. Mix raspberries, vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil, minced garlic and mint in it. Crush the raspberries with a fork or use a blender before adding them to the sauce. The main thing is to achieve a liquid berry consistency. Gut the partridges, cut them in half, pour over the prepared sauce and place in a convenient wide container. Cover the dishes with cling film and send the bird to marinate in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Preheat the grill / grill and add the seasoned meat. The grill grate should be oiled with cooking oil. Spread the bird skin side down. Average roasting time is 15-20 minutes on each side. Top up the remaining marinade during cooking. Serve immediately after cooking.

Contraindications to eating meat

There were no direct contraindications to the use of partridge meat. There is a special group of patients with a genetically determined violation of the digestibility of protein foods. They adhere to a special diet all their lives, from which meat is excluded (or introduced in minimal quantities). If there is no such diagnosis in your medical record, eat meat in the amount that you please.

The presence of poultry in the diet and the amount of its consumption is regulated individually. If there is a specific reaction to meat consumption (upset stomach, skin rash, feeling unwell), it is best to find a more suitable and safer source of protein. Learn to listen and feel your body – it knows exactly what you need and what you have in excess.

Meat selection rules

The most proven way to choose fresh, quality meat is to go hunting (or ask a hunter you know) and get hold of the carcass yourself. If there is no such opportunity and desire, then pay attention to the store shelves.

The poultry skin should be tender, soft, free from dirt, rot and stains. If you buy an un-plucked carcass, pay attention to the quality and structure of the feathers. They must be dry, soft and clean.

If you buy frozen poultry at the supermarket, check the integrity of the packaging and the presence of ice. A large amount of melt water indicates repeated freezing and defrosting of poultry. After such manipulations, both the taste and nutritional value of the product are lost, so it is better to refuse the purchase.

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Anna Evans


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