Marmalade benefits and harms

Agar-agar, in addition, is also quite poorly digested in the body and is used in medicine as a laxative. Gelatin, on the other hand, contains a large number of useful and essential amino acids. So it is difficult to make an unambiguous choice between these two substances.

3. Sugar.

And of course, sugar. If it weren’t for him, marmalade would not be sweet. It brings both benefits and harm to the body.

It is because of sugar that it cannot be used in diabetes and obesity, since most of it quickly enters the bloodstream, and then spreads throughout the body, where it is broken down and converted into fats.

Without sugar, marmalade would not be so delicious

But this same sugar gives us a good mood and energy. The benefit of marmalade is that, due to the activation of digestion with pectin, sugar is absorbed as fully as possible and is used by the body as an important source of energy for movement and brain function.

The calorie content of marmalade is about 320 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Here, losing weight need to look at both! Sugar also contributes to the thinning and destruction of tooth enamel. Therefore, even healthy marmalade should not be consumed in case of caries.

4. Nutritional supplements.

You cannot ignore the food additives that are part of the chemical composition of marmalade. Natural marmalade does not contain them – there the fruits themselves are responsible for the color and taste. In the composition of artificial marmalade, it is the flavors and colors that create the appearance of the candy. And along with it – health problems. It is known that many additives used in confectionery products can lead to various digestive disorders and the development of cancer.

Therefore, we can unequivocally say that natural marmalade is healthier than cheap, but synthetic. And when choosing it in a store, you should not only read the composition, in which something may not be indicated, but also just look at the color: boiled fruits will not have such saturated colors as candies colored with dyes. Accordingly, it is worth choosing natural sweets among the “nondescript” samples. Try to find natural jujube without dyes or preservatives on this site. Such a useful product will appeal to both adults and children.

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Anna Evans


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