Banana benefits and harms

Bananas contain significant amounts of vitamin C, a major antioxidant and anti-aging agent that protects the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Thanks to vitamin C, the fruit is an immunomodulating product that strengthens and increases resistance to infections. Banana pulp contains vitamin B, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, fruits are rich in carotene, which prevents the development of thrombosis, and vitamin E.

Despite the presence of sugars in the composition of bananas, namely fructose, they will not harm diabetics. On the contrary, the benefit is that they are able to mildly reduce the swelling caused by diabetes and qualitatively improve the composition of the blood. Bananas are a source of fast energy, one fruit will allow you to instantly recuperate after heavy physical exertion. But for people who are obese, it is better to use them with caution. It’s not even about the high calorie content of bananas (89 kcal), but rather the increased starch content.

The use of bananas

Due to their pronounced pleasant aroma, bananas are also actively used in the cosmetics and perfumery industry for the aromatization of cosmetics, household chemicals, soaps and so on. Facial masks are made from fresh fruits.

Bananas are usually eaten fresh. However, they make excellent preserves, jams and nectars. In Asia, alcoholic beverages are made: wine, liqueurs and vodka. A favorite dish of many African peoples is fried bananas, which taste like baked potatoes. They are very popular in dried form, like chips and candied fruits used for decorating confectionery.

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Anna Evans


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