How to plant tomatoes for seedlings correctly

Those who have been involved in home gardening for a long time already know that strong seedlings are the key to a good harvest. It is important to pay attention to each stage, from buying seeds to caring for seedlings.

If everything is done correctly, the bushes before planting in the ground will be strong, squat, with bright elastic leaves. Such seedlings take root well and quickly adapt to a new place.

Try to follow our recommendations and you will definitely succeed.

Seed selection

Seed selection

When choosing seeds, it is better to go shopping at a large garden center. Here you can choose exactly the variety that you need. You should focus not only on a bright picture, but also on the characteristics of a tomato.

The variety must be zoned and intended for the growing conditions that you have.

In the greenhouse, you can grow more capricious tomatoes, here they are protected from sudden temperature fluctuations and are less susceptible to disease. For indoor use, indeterminate varieties with unlimited growth are usually purchased.

If you only have a garden bed at your disposal, you need to choose varieties that are resistant to heat, night coolness and late blight. For planting on the street, it is best to buy seeds of determinant tomatoes – they are quite unpretentious, do not require the use of a support.

What conditions are needed for the growth of tomato seedlings

What conditions are needed for the growth of tomato seedlings

First of all, you need to remember that the tomato is a light-loving plant, so when sowing seedlings in the winter months, you will definitely need lighting. Until the end of March, it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps. The daylight hours for tomatoes during this period should be at least 12-14 hours.

Another important condition for the proper development of seedlings is the observance of the correct temperature regime.

At the initial stage, seedlings need a daytime temperature of 14-16 ° C and a night temperature of 12 ° C. After 5-7 days, the temperature is raised to 24 ° C during the day and 12-14 ° C at night.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings

To determine the timing of planting tomatoes, you need to consider several factors at once. The sowing date depends on the climatic zone of cultivation, the characteristics of the variety, the recommendations of the lunar calendar (for those who adhere to them).

By regions

Each region has its own unique climate with its own peculiarities. However, sometimes the weather can surprise you. Experts recommend taking into account the long-term forecast of weather forecasters, or studying statistical data on weather conditions over the past 5 years. The whole picture looks like this:

  1. In the Moscow region and other regions of the middle lane, sowing is carried out during March, focusing on the fact that seedlings should be planted in the ground towards the end of May.
  2. In the conditions of Siberia, the Urals, the Altai Territory, early varieties are sown at the end of February, and mid-ripening varieties are sown at the beginning of March. Late tomatoes are not grown in these regions, as the plants simply do not have time to give the crop.
  3. For the southern regions, planting seedlings in the ground is permissible already in April, so it is necessary to sow the seeds in early January.

Useful advice! If at the time of transplanting the seedlings into the ground there was a sharp deterioration in the weather, leave the plants at home until the onset of suitable conditions. You can control the growth of seedlings by greatly reducing watering and lowering the room temperature to 19 ° C.

By maturity

By maturity

Calculating the planting date for a particular variety is simple. You just need to find information on the packaging about how many days it takes for tomatoes to fully ripen, and then add 10-15 days to them, which are necessary for spitting seeds and adaptation after picking.

According to the ripening period, tomatoes are divided into several categories:

  • Ultra-early. Ripen in 40-50 days (transplantation into the ground at the age of 40-50 days).
  • Early. They go through a vegetation cycle in 90-100 days (planting in the ground at the age of 50-55 days).
  • Mid early. They take 100-105 days to harvest (transplant to the ground at the age of 55-60 days).
  • Mid-season. Before fruit ripening, 105-120 days pass (transplantation into the ground at the age of 60-70 days).
  • Late ripe. The crop is ready for harvest in 120-130 days (transplantation into the ground at the age of 70-80 days).

At the time of planting seedlings in the ground, the soil should warm up to 12 ° C, and the air should have an average daily temperature of at least 12-15 ° C. If tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse, the dates are shifted 2-2,5 weeks earlier.

According to the lunar calendar for 2019

After you have determined the appropriate period for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings, it is recommended to coordinate it with the phase of the moon. The data of the lunar calendar have long been taken into account by farmers when carrying out work.

Practice has shown that plants planted on favorable days grow faster and have good immunity, and if you sow on forbidden dates, the quality of the seedlings will not be up to par.

In 2019, the following dates will be favorable for planting tomatoes for seedlings:

  •  January – 1, 12-16, 24-26, 28, 29;
  • February – 1, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18-20, 25-28;
  • March – 1, 8-10, 14, 15, 17-20, 24-28;
  • April – 12, 18, 20, 21, 27–29.

Unfavorable days are best reserved for other things. After all, it may happen that the labors associated with sowing work will simply go to waste.

In 2019, you should not sow on the following days:

  •  January – 2, 5-7, 18, 20-22, 31;
  • February – 5, 7, 13–17, 27;
  • March – 2, 3, 5–7, 11–13, 16, 21, 22, 31;
  • April – 4, 5, 8-11, 13, 15-17, 19, 20.

If it was not possible to do sowing on favorable days, this can be done on neutral dates.

On a note! In the case when the seeds are germinated, the date of sowing should be considered the day of soaking. Seed growth begins from the moment they enter a moist environment.

How to plant tomatoes on seedlings at home on the windowsill

The moment of planting seeds is considered no less important than all other stages of growing tomatoes. You should approach the process with all responsibility – this will help grow healthy and strong seedlings.

Land preparation

Land preparation

The soil for planting seedlings must have sufficient friability, nutritional value, moisture capacity. Seedlings germinate best in soil with a neutral acidity index. Before use, the soil must be decontaminated.

You can make your own soil mixture from:

  • 2 hours of turf or leaf land;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • sand – 1 part.

The soil must be free of debris and foreign matter, have a uniform structure. A few days before planting, the earth is watered with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate to destroy pathogenic microflora and fungi.

If there is time, for disinfection, you can steam the soil in a water bath for 40 minutes, or heat it in the oven.

On a note! You can make the mixture more nutritious by adding a 0,5-liter jar of wood ash to it.    


Seed preparation

Seed preparation

After opening the package, the seeds should be poured onto a white sheet of paper and only large and dense specimens should be selected for planting.

You can also calibrate the material using a saline solution prepared at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water.

  • Seeds are poured into a bowl with a solution and left for 5-10 minutes.
  • Floating seeds can be thrown away, they are unusable, and the remaining ones must be washed in clean water.

Next, it is necessary to carry out disinfection with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate.

  • Seeds are soaked in the composition for 20-30 minutes (no more).
  • After that, the seeds are again washed in ordinary water and dried at room temperature.

Since swollen seeds germinate better, experts recommend soaking them.

  • It is best to take melted or spring water, dip the seeds into it so that they are barely covered, and leave for 2 days.
  • Zircon, Epin or sodium humate can be added to the soaking water according to the instructions.
  • All these drugs stimulate growth processes.

For hardening, soaked seeds can be put in the refrigerator overnight, repeating this procedure twice.

  • To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the seeds can be germinated by wrapping them in a damp cloth. At room temperature, the germination process will take 3-4 days.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the fabric remains moist at all times. As soon as sprouts appear, you can start planting.

Planting container, what to choose


Planting container, what to choose

The classic planting option involves sowing in a wooden box or a plastic rectangular container. Caring for seedlings in such containers is very convenient. In a common container, it is easier to water plants, to transfer from place to place.

If you choose between wood and plastic, it is better to give preference to artificial material. The plastic container can be quickly and easily washed with a brush and soap, it is easier to disinfect. The disadvantages of such a planting include the need for picking, over time, the plants will become crowded.

The height of the container for seedlings should be 8-10 cm. Several drainage holes must be made in the bottom to drain water. Place the box or container on a pallet.

On a note! Excess water after watering from the pallet is conveniently removed with a small syringe.

Growing in snails

Growing tomato seedlings in snails

An original and relatively new method of obtaining seedlings is the cultivation of seedlings in snails. For it, a synthetic substrate for a laminate is used, produced in the form of a tape. With this method of sowing, very little soil is required.

  1. On a tape spread on the table along the upper edge with a small interval, lay out 1 tbsp. a spoonful of earth.
  2. The seeds are then placed on the soil.
  3. In the process of work, the tape is neatly rolled up into a roll.
  4. The finished “snail” is fastened with a thin clerical rubber band.

You can make several of these snails and put them in a common container.

The method is mainly used to save space.

Growing in film

A similar principle is used when growing seedlings in diapers. In this case, instead of a common tape, the soil and seeds are laid out on small pieces of film, which are then folded into a neat envelope and also placed in a common container.



  1. Before sowing, a small layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the box and soil is poured, which is lightly tamped.
  2. After that, grooves 1 cm deep are cut on the surface of the earth, into which the seeds are laid out with an interval of 2 cm.
  3. Leave a gap of 4 cm between rows.
  4. The less dense the planting, the longer the seedlings will not need picking.
  5. After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, the plantings are moistened from the sprayer and covered with a film or glass.

You can not make furrows, but simply spread the seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, lightly pressing your finger to the ground if the seeds are not germinated. Loose earth is poured on top with a layer of 2 cm and crushed a little, and then they also moisten and cover the crops.

Before germination, the box with seedlings should be in a warm place.

Every day, the shelter is briefly raised for ventilation. The top layer of the earth should remain slightly damp, if necessary, the earth is lightly sprayed with water.

First shoots, what to do

First shoots, what to do

The appearance of the first shoots can be expected in 4-6 days. In general, this indicator depends on the air temperature in the room. The colder the room, the longer it will take for seedlings to appear.

For example, at a temperature of +18 ° C, sprouts will appear no earlier than after 2 weeks. As soon as you notice the loops of seedlings, the seedlings should immediately be placed in the brightest place and the temperature should be reduced by 6-8 ° C.

Do not put the container close to the window glass, it is too cold there. At extremely low temperatures, seedlings will not be able to absorb nutrients normally.

After a week, the temperature should be raised to room temperature (22-24 ° C). When the cotyledon leaves appear, the seedlings begin to feed on the roots, so it is advisable to feed the seedlings without waiting for the appearance of true leaves. For top dressing use a weak solution of any mineral fertilizers.

From this moment, they begin to use artificial lighting, since it is now that leaves and flower buds are being laid. With a lack of lighting at this stage, instead of brushes, tomatoes will begin to lay leaves, as a result, the onset of fruiting will be delayed.

Fluorescent lamps should be turned on daily, placing them at a distance of 7-10 cm from the plants. In the process of growing seedlings, the lamp is moved away so that the light source remains at the same distance.



Tomato roots grow quite quickly. A pick will be needed when the root system fills the entire space of the soil. If the procedure is late, the seedlings will show signs of starvation, they will become frail.

Experts believe that it is best to dive on the 7-10th day after emergence, in the phase of formation of 2 true leaves.

The picking procedure requires accuracy. If the roots are damaged, subsequent plant adaptation will take longer.

  1. For seedlings, containers are prepared in advance, usually these are plastic glasses with a volume of 0,5 liters.
  2. The soil should be moistened a few hours before the procedure, so that it is easier to remove the plants along with the clod of earth.
  3. Each seedling is hooked from below with a special spatula or a tablespoon and planted in a separate container.
  4. When planting, plants should be buried to the cotyledon leaves, and the soil should be lightly tamped.
  5. After picking, the cups are placed in a shaded place for 1-2 days.
  6. When the seedlings get a little stronger, they are again given maximum lighting.

Without a pick

Some summer residents immediately plant seeds in larger containers in order to do without a pick. Choosing this planting option, they argue that they do not need to spend extra time fussing with seedlings, the plants will not experience stress, the root and stem will remain intact.

The process of planting in individual pots is different in that it is necessary to put 2-3 seeds in the hole at once in case some of them do not sprout. Later, one, the strongest, plant is left in the container, and the more stunted ones are carefully cut with scissors.

A simple way to grow tomatoes without picking – video

Growing in peat tablets

Growing in peat tablets

One of the convenient methods of growing tomatoes is the method of sowing seeds in peat tablets. Such seedlings can be planted in the ground, bypassing the picking stage.

  • The diameter of the tablets must be at least 4 cm.
  • They are pre-filled with warm water, and after swelling, they are placed in a transparent plastic container 10-12 cm high.
  • In the center of each tablet you need to make a recess for the seeds.

If you are not in doubt about the quality of the seeds, you can put one seed in each tablet, otherwise put a few, and then remove the weaker plants.

  • Top the seeds with a thin layer of soil.
  • Then plantings are covered with glass, film or a transparent cover.
  • As soon as the seeds begin to hatch, the coating is removed.
  • Further, the seedlings are looked after in the same way as in conventional cultivation.

Basic seedling care

Basic seedling care

Seedlings should be intensively covered until the end of March. Young plants need daylight hours lasting up to 14-16 hours. In the first few days of life, this figure should be even higher – up to 20 hours a day. Humidity is also important for seedlings.

They need to be accustomed to the dry air of the room gradually. Therefore, at first it is better to slightly open the film for several hours, constantly increasing this time. The coating can be completely removed after 5-7 days. In the future, it is desirable to maintain air humidity in the room with seedlings at the level of 70%.

The top layer of soil in the container should always remain moderately moist. Tiny plants are watered near the stalk itself, releasing water from a syringe. Seedlings need to be watered in the morning.

For the prevention of the “black leg”, it is recommended to periodically use a pale solution of potassium permanganate for irrigation.

Seedlings are fed with a solution of mineral or humic fertilizers every 7-10 days. For rapidly growing plants, it is recommended to re-transplant into 1 liter pots.

Mistakes when growing seedlings

Mistakes when growing seedlings

No matter how hard gardeners try to grow strong seedlings, some of them still make typical mistakes when growing:

  1. Beginners absolutely in vain avoid buying hybrid seeds, preferring varietal tomatoes. Do not be afraid of hybrid novelties. They are more unpretentious to growing conditions and are generous in yield.
  2. Failure to comply with the temperature and light conditions often leads to stretching of seedlings. Gardeners, believing that the plants do not have enough nutrition, begin to feed and water them intensively, which only exacerbates the situation. Give the seedlings more light, and water and fertilize only when necessary.
  3. Small, newly emerging seedlings need very little moisture. You should not be too zealous with watering, otherwise the seedlings will be struck by the “black leg” and it will not be possible to save it.
  4. If the seedlings are not shaded on sunny spring days, burns may appear on the leaves in the form of white or transparent spots. To prevent this, at noon you can block the window with gauze or a sheet of white paper.
  5. Seedlings may turn yellow and lose leaves with a lack of light and excess moisture. In this case, you need to adjust the watering and use additional lighting.

How do I grow tomato seedlings – video

Try to care for the seedlings according to their needs. If you make mistakes in care at the initial stage of tomato development, you can forget about a generous harvest. Plants will have to spend a lot of energy on their restoration, which will significantly delay fruiting and not in the best way affect the quantity and quality of fruits. 

Anna Evans


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