Size matters – description and characteristics of the variety of tomatoes Pudovik

Growing vegetables, including tomatoes, has become a favorite of amateur gardeners. For many of them, at the initial stages, it was just a hobby, but over time they gained the necessary experience and knowledge. You can choose the right variety by studying its characteristics and rules of care.Tomatoes Pudovik

Characteristic features: description of the variety “Pudovik”

The country of origin is Russia. Belongs to the determinant type. The bush grows strongly, no more than 1 units should be planted per 2 m3, growing a bush in one stem, up to four can be placed. In the open field, the height of the bush is 120 cm, the plant grown in the greenhouse reaches 180-200 cm.

The foliage is profuse, dark green. The fruits are large, with dense pulp, slightly elongated. Ripe “Pudovik” has a crimson-red color, greenish at the base.

The yield reaches 5 kg per bush, following the rules for care and not thickening the planting, you can get 20 kg / sq. m. Fruit weight from 0,7 to 1,2 kg. It has a good presentation, high safety during transportation and ripening.

Tomato “Pudovik” refers to mid-season varieties. From sowing seeds to the appearance of the first harvest, about 115 days will pass. Tomatoes ripen gradually and can be harvested throughout the summer. A fruit with dense pulp, has a small amount of seeds, a pleasant sour-sweet taste.

Similar large-fruited tomatoes and their characteristics

Consider the following types of tomatoes:

It has large fruits, weighing up to 230 g, yield – 12 kg / m2. Bushes 120 cm in height, do not require the removal of stepchildren. Mid-season. Resistant to powdery mildew and Fusarium wilt. Intended for outdoor cultivation.

Popular large-fruited tomato. The first fruits reach 800g, the middle ones – 300. The heart-shaped fruits are pleasant to the taste. Used for salads, juices and sauces. Bushes powerful 130 cm high.

Grown in greenhouses or open field. Fruits are up to 600 g, on a bush they grow up to 5 kg. Height is 120 cm. Has tasty dense pulp, contains a small number of seeds. The variety is adapted to the northern regions.Several large tomatoes

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

This variety has its advantages and disadvantages.

The merit includes the following:

  • high palatability, dense fleshy composition with a small number of seeds;
  • large fruits;
  • resistance to a number of diseases;
  • good presentation and safety during transportation.


  • a tall bush that needs to be tied up;
  • requires the removal of stepchildren;
  • with an excess of moisture, the fruits begin to crack;
  • thin skin, when pressed, a dent remains;
  • not stored for a long time.

Rules for growing varieties “Pudovik”

Tomato can be cultivated in greenhouses and open ridges.

Growing in a greenhouse

Planted from late April to early May. The soil must be prepared and warmed up. It requires the content of basic nutrients, as the variety has a high yield. Seedlings should have a brush ready to bloom.

Bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern with a width between rows of 80 cm, between seedlings – 60 cm, if the plant is formed into one stem. When growing in two stems, we leave 70 cm between the bushes.

It is necessary to prepare a structure for tying bushes. We stretch a steel cable over the rows at a height of two meters. As the plants grow, they are tied to the cable with twine.

In the greenhouse, you need to create a microclimate that does not allow excess moisture. Arrange vents for ventilation. The temperature is maintained up to 30 ° C, at a higher temperature the pollen becomes sterile and the ovary is not formed. For better pollination, you can shake flowering plants.

In open ground

When grown in open ground, planting dates are shifted. Optimal – from the beginning to the middle of June, when the frosts pass. Planted in holes at a distance of 70 × 70 cm, as for tall tomatoes. In the ground, “Pudovik” grows up to 1,2 m. To support it, pegs up to 1 m high are installed, and tied up several times as it grows.

If there is a threat of late frosts, the bushes are covered with lutrasil or film. Watered as the soil dries, loosening and hilling. The fruits are harvested before the onset of cold night fogs, if they remain unripe, they are removed and left to ripen in a warm place.Bushes of tomatoes in the open field

Peculiarities of growing

Like all tomatoes, this variety involves the following actions when leaving:

  • sowing seeds for seedlings;
  • growing and picking seedlings;
  • pasynkovanie plants;
  • garter bushes;
  • watering;
  • top dressing.

A high yield is obtained when using healthy seedlings. Mid-season varieties begin to be sown from March 15. Plants are dived by transplanting them into a large container, two weeks after germination and the appearance of two true leaves. In greenhouses, the plant is planted at the age of at least 65 days.

The Pudovik tomato bush, as it grows, branches very much and increases in volume. A large number of shoots reduces the yield. Removing stepchildren on a plant is a necessary condition for its productivity.

When pasynkovaniya must comply with the conditions:

  • do not let the shoot grow more than 5 cm;
  • leave a 2 cm stump, excluding the appearance of a new one in the same place;
  • actions must be careful;
  • first remove the sprouts under the flower brushes.

So that tall plants with heavy fruits do not lie on the ground and do not break off, they should be tied up at least 4 times per season. The garter under the brush with fruits is especially important.

The principle of applying mineral fertilizers for the Pudovik variety does not differ from the usual care of tomatoes. Pre-sowing filling of the soil with urea or other nitrogen fertilizers is necessary. Important components of fertilizers are phosphorus and potassium. The best are complex fertilizers for tomatoes, applied every two weeks in liquid form during irrigation.

Excess humidity in the greenhouse is unacceptable. The most useful will be watering under the root of the plant, followed by hilling. Very convenient and useful drip irrigation.Tomatoes Pudovik in the greenhouse

Pests and diseases of the variety

Although “Pudovik” is considered a fairly stable plant, it is necessary to protect it from harmful influences. Prevention of diseases is important: the soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting, and the seeds are also treated.

A very good effect is achieved when using phytosporin. The solution can be applied to the ground before planting seedlings, the plant can be sprayed, even if there are fruits, such treatment is acceptable.

Phytosporin protects the tomato from various fungal diseases, from the most dangerous – phytophthora. Not dangerous to humans and animals.

On plants, the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle is possible. In the greenhouse, you can limit yourself to collecting the pest manually. When growing crops in open ridges, insecticides are used. They are used in the mass appearance of larvae.

The treatment should not be applied after the appearance of the ovary, as harmful substances will remain in the fruits.

How to use “Pudovik”

Refers to salad varieties, which determines how it is used. Fresh salads are prepared from it. Freshly squeezed tomato juice will be tasty and healthy. After pasteurization and conservation, this drink is subject to long-term storage.

It is part of winter preparations: lecho, salads, vegetable stew, tomato sauces and pastas. In cooking, it is contained in the recipes of many dishes.

It should be remembered that the Pudovik variety is not subject to long-term storage. It needs to be used quickly. The variety is preferably grown for personal consumption. Combine with varieties that are subject to preservation or remain green for a long time and gradually ripen.

Anna Evans


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