“Golden mean” – how to organize competent watering for tomato seedlings

Every gardener dreams of growing high-quality, solid seedlings, because it depends on how much the plant will bear fruit. Few people know how often and with what it is necessary to water tomato seedlings, because this crop, with improper care, becomes susceptible to various diseases. The irrigation process should be carried out carefully, with a certain amount of liquid.Tomato seedlings in plastic pots

What affects the correct watering of tomato seedlings

After sowing tomato seeds, seedlings require high-quality care and maintaining the correct water balance. It depends on the correct implementation of this procedure how the root system will develop, whether the plant will be susceptible to diseases and what crop it will give in the future.

For example, in hot weather with rare watering, the tomato can dry out, and with excessively frequent moisture, you can ruin the entire root system.

How to carry out this procedure, and what affects the quantity and quality of watering, not everyone knows even experienced gardeners, because sometimes they are faced with a number of questions, answers to which can only be given by a specialist.

General rules

Proper watering of seedlings depends on the further growth of vegetable crops.

Knowing the characteristics of soil moisture, you can protect tomatoes from various diseases, prevent drying or rotting of the root system.

How to water seedlings

3 days after the seeds are sown in the ground, they must be soaked with water. If the top of the soil is dry, this should be done earlier. Regular spraying of germinated seeds will be no less useful, but you should not overdo it here – the water should be able to evaporate, otherwise the seedlings will rot.

The rest of the time, seedlings should be watered when a crust forms on the ground. This must be carefully monitored and the necessary moisture balance observed.Watering seedlings in pots

It is recommended to spray fertilizers no more than once every 4 weeks.

A couple of days before picking tomatoes, you should moisten the soil so that it dries out a little, has a crumbly structure.

Do not forget that in the container where the seeds grow, it is always necessary to make drainage holes, thanks to which excess water will gradually leave.

Watering seedlings after picking

After carrying out this procedure, the plant needs to rest, 5 days will be enough. Subsequent watering (1 time in 7-10 days) depends on the size of the bush and the age of the seedlings.

Each time the tomato will require more moisture.

After the dive procedure, the soil should be moistened from the pallet. Thanks to this, the tomato will have strong and branched roots.

Rules for watering tomato seedlings after planting in the ground

When planting a tomato under the open sky or in any other place is nearing, the plant should be well nourished with moisture. As a result, the roots will get stronger, and damage to the root system will be minimized during the transplantation process.

After transplanting into the ground to a permanent place, you need to be careful with water. Excessive watering can contribute to the appearance of tomato diseases, which will adversely affect the future crop.

At the very beginning of planting, tomatoes need moisture, then for 3 weeks you should forget about watering. In this case, you should not pay attention to the scorching sun and dry weather; nothing will happen to seedlings in 3 weeks.

After the specified period, without watering, the ground under the roots should be moistened. You need to act very carefully, water should not fall on the leaves. Further, it is necessary to water between rows, and after the appearance of fruits – over the entire surface of the soil.

This irrigation scheme will ensure the growth and strength of the plant root.Watering from a watering can seedlings

How often to water

The best time to water a tomato is in the early morning or evening hours. It is not recommended to irrigate the crop in the scorching sun – the plant will dry out. It is important to keep an eye on the leaves – they must be clean, because in case of pollution they will not let the heat of the sun’s rays through.

Do not forget about loosening the soil under the fruits – then they receive the necessary amount of oxygen and moisture.

The water temperature during irrigation should be at least 24 degrees Celsius – cold water should not be watered. Also, in no case do not water the tomatoes with a hose – this entails a violation of the root system and acid balance.

The best chemical composition for fruits is rainwater – its properties increase crop growth, contribute to a good harvest.

If possible, during rainfall, large containers are installed in order to fill them with rainwater and water the tomatoes in the future as needed.

In the greenhouse

Proper watering of tomato seedlings in a greenhouse is not much different from the rules for watering in the open. It does not matter at all what material the covered greenhouse is made of: polycarbonate or ordinary film, the main thing is not to flood the plant, then it will develop well.

What requirements should be followed when watering a tomato in a greenhouse:

  • watering should be done no more than twice a week (depending on the weather);
  • pour no more than 4 liters of water on each bush, preferably at room temperature;
  • pour water exclusively on the ground under the root so that it does not fall on the leaves;
  • the watering procedure should always be carried out before lunch or in the evening.

On the balcony

The irrigation algorithm remains the same as when irrigating in a greenhouse or open field.

In the process of growing seedlings at home, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out, but is constantly moistened, but without fanaticism – excessive moisture will lead to the death of the plant.

The main requirement in watering tomatoes on the balcony is the presence of a pallet on which the container with the plant should stand – this will prevent the accumulation of excess fluid in the soil.

How to determine if a tomato is getting enough liquid

The easiest and surest method is to knock a little on the container in which the seedlings are planted. If the earth is dry and needs watering, the sound will be quite sonorous, but with enough moisture in the earth, the container will make a dull sound.

Experienced gardeners determine the degree of moisture “by eye”, by the color of the soil. If the soil is dull, has a light brown tint, then it needs liquid. In the case when there is enough moisture, the soil is rich brown.

Unfortunately, this test method is not suitable for beginners, because sometimes the soil can be dry on the outside, but well moistened inside. So it is very easy to create an excess of water, which entails rotting of the plant and various diseases.

This method says that if the soil is dry, the pot with seedlings will be light (it needs to be raised), if the soil is well saturated with moisture, it will be heavy.

The first signals that seedlings need water

When a plant needs liquid for a long time, its leaves darken and fade. Often this happens on very hot days. Do not forget about the regularity of watering, but only in the early morning or after sunset.

How much water does a plant need

It is very difficult to give an accurate recommendation on how often seedlings should be watered. There can be many factors affecting watering: from weather conditions to tomato variety and its age. Experienced summer residents recommend pouring from 3,5 to 5 liters. liquids per bush. The only thing to remember is that the soil of each plant must be saturated with liquid to a depth of 10-12 cm.

What to use for watering

Watering tomato seedlings is important, but do not overdo it. Abundant moisture contributes to the appearance of fungal infections and weakens the immunity of the plant.

While the bushes are still small, it is better to use a spray bottle. Thus, accurate spraying of the soil will be carried out.

When the tomatoes grow a little, you can use a special watering can. The jet of water will hit smoothly without pressure, which will not damage the stems of the plant.

After planting a tomato in a permanent habitat, you should not use a water hose, a strong jet will quickly disrupt the structure of the tomato stem.

Today, many irrigation methods have been invented, for example, the same hose, but with a special nozzle, where water is dispersed into small drops. Thus, the process of watering becomes like a falling rain.

From the video you can find out the gardener’s advice on how often the seedlings are watered so that they do not die from an excess of moisture.

Means for watering and feeding seedlings

In order for tomatoes to bear fruit well, they need high-quality soil.

It is necessary to feed the soil with seedlings at the beginning of the growth of the crop and after planting in a permanent place. Most of all, the plant needs potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Experienced gardeners use ready-made fertilizers, and some make them themselves.

Advantages of purchased top dressing for a plant:

  • acceptable price;
  • efficiency;
  • safety for children and domestic animals;
  • speed and ease of use.


  • after preparation is not subject to long-term storage;
  • there is a possibility of acquiring a fake.

One of the important rules for feeding tomato seedlings is the observance of the regime for this procedure. It should be done in the morning or in the evening. At the end of the fertilization process, the plant must always be watered with purified water.

Most fertilizers contain substances that can harm the leaves – they often burn after these procedures.

Today, there are many means for feeding seedlings and an adult plant. Before use, read the instructions to avoid undesirable consequences.

Top dressing of tomatoes with Ecogel

This drug is absolutely safe for humans and pets. Stimulates plant growth and immunity. Helps to resist fungal and bacterial infections (late blight, black leg, powdery mildew), prevents rotting of the root system.

The composition of the biological product includes:

  • chitosan biopolymer;
  • silver ions and organic acids.

By treating tomatoes with this tool, you can increase the yield by 20%, reduce the likelihood of late blight.Ecogel

For the best effect, it is recommended to treat seeds in Ecogel solution for 3 hours. Thus, growth processes are activated, the development of various diseases in a young plant is prevented.

When treating seedlings, it is advisable to alternate moistening the root system with irrigation, an interval of 2 weeks.

Method of preparation:

  • Dilute the drug in water strictly according to the instructions, spray a week before planting in the garden, then a week after the tomato is transplanted to a permanent place.
  • Subsequent treatments are carried out at intervals of 2 weeks – 3 times.

Top dressing of tomatoes with Zircon

Processing with this tool allows the plant to avoid stressful situations that often occur after planting under the open sky. The drug increases resistance to temperature changes and changes in soil composition.

A good result is obtained by soaking the seeds in a Zircon solution; after treatment, the seedlings sprout a week earlier.

It is recommended to make fertilizer based on Zircon immediately before planting the crop. The finished composition is stored for no more than 3 days away from ultraviolet rays. Before preparing the solution, add a little citric acid to the water.

Preparation of Zircon for tomato fertilizer:

To soak the seeds, you need to take 10 drops of the product and dilute it in one liter of water. Give the composition time to brew for 7 hours.

Spraying can be carried out by adding 4 drops of the product to one liter of water at room temperature. The procedure must be carried out once after planting the crop in the ground, then with the appearance of each new plant brush.

The drug has an excellent bactericidal effect, it will protect tomato sprouts from many diseases.Zircon


This drug has proven itself in stimulating growth and strengthening the root system of vegetable crops. It contains a huge amount of amino acids that are indispensable for the proper formation of a tomato. Helps plants quickly adapt to new conditions, reduces the likelihood of damage by insects.

How to cook:

  • Ribav-Extra is diluted in the ratio of 3 drops per liter of water. Irrigation should be carried out according to the previous schemes (before planting in the ground, then on demand).


The drug acts on the same principle as others, the only caveat: the process of its assimilation by the plant lasts about 3 days. Processing should be carried out in calm and dry weather.

Epin-Extra helps the tomato to endure stressful conditions well. In such cases, or during a culture disease, treatment should be carried out once a week, until complete recovery.

How to cook:

  • the drug is produced in ampoules (one ampoule goes to 5 liters of acidified water), it is recommended to treat the leaves in the evening.


Useful properties of the drug contribute to the acceleration of seed germination, stimulate the proper development of the rhizome.

How to cook:

  • 1 g of the stimulant should be diluted in 1 liter of water, approximately 50-60 ml of the finished composition goes to one tomato.
  • Using the Kornevin preparation for feeding, it is important to consider that the first thing to do is to water the plant with water, and only then with the prepared composition.

Work with this tool should be in gloves, avoid contact with eyes.Kornevin


The composition of this substance is natural and not hazardous to the environment.

You can also soak tomato seeds in it for quick germination and proper development of the crop. The components of Guamat are the remains of the extract of peat and manure.

How to use:

  • dilute according to the instructions 3 g in 10 liters of water.
  • The first irrigation should be carried out after planting in the ground, and then 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.

Folk remedies for feeding tomatoes: milk, onion peel and soda

Thanks to many years of experiments by summer residents, many types of home dressing of tomatoes have appeared. Of course, they are more useful than purchased drugs. Ease of use lies in the fact that absolutely every summer resident has these products, and you can start processing a tomato at any moment.

Tomato seedlings are not fed with anything, because many products have useful properties for tomatoes. Today, popular and proven feeding methods are: spraying with onion peel, milk, soda and melt water.

We recommend using proven fertilizers.

By preparing this infusion, you can protect the plant from infection and enrich it with useful properties. It is necessary to take 25 g of husk for 6 liters of water. Infuse the remedy for 3 to 5 days. Strain before use.Watering infusion of onion peel

  • Watering seedlings with milk.

It is necessary to dilute 1,5 liters of skim milk in 15 liters of water. You can spray tomatoes not only during illness, but also for the purpose of prevention. When planting on a garden bed, this solution should be made more concentrated: 1,5 liters of milk per 6 liters of water.

Many people know that soda has unique means, it is used absolutely everywhere. In this case, it will also be useful: it will increase productivity and reduce the incidence of fruit. For cooking, it is recommended to take ordinary baking soda and prepare a 5% solution from it. Spray seedlings planted in the ground, no more than once every 7-10 days.

  • Melt water is ideal for tomatoes, not only for spraying, but also for regular watering. The procedure should be carried out in the morning or evening.

Knowing the nuances of proper watering, you can protect the plant from many diseases and make it easier for yourself to care for the vegetable crop.

Do not neglect the above recommendations, otherwise you can spoil the plant, which in the future will lead to a poor harvest.

Anna Evans


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