Hazelnut benefits and harms

It is difficult to consider hazelnuts a complete food – this healthy delicacy is too expensive in our stores. Even though this nut itself is not a rarity or any particularly unique plant. Rather, on the contrary: in some places they even planted plantings.

Let’s immediately agree that we will call hazelnuts and hazelnuts, and hazelnuts, and some types of fruits of related plants close to them. They all have a fairly similar shape, taste and useful properties, only slightly differing in size and some purely gastronomic qualities.

But nevertheless, the great Michurin once called the nuts “the bread of the future.” And hazelnut – in particular, was recognized by him as one of the most useful and rich in properties. Indeed, it can be recognized as a truly unique fruit that combines the nutritional value and calorie content of bread, the protein content of meat, the vitamin properties of fresh fruits and incomparable taste. But a little more about everything.


The calorie content of hazelnuts is very high – 100 grams of the kernels of these nuts contain 680 kcal, which is almost two and a half times more than in white bread – the fear and horror of fashion models. And this despite the fact that eating zhmenya – another hazelnut is much easier and more pleasant than a large piece of bread.

The reason for such a high calorie content is the large amount of oils contained in the composition – more than 60% of the mass of the fruit is vegetable fats. They contain many essential fatty acids that our body needs for the proper course of metabolic processes.

By the way, despite this fat content, hazelnuts do not contain cholesterol at all. Therefore, for those suffering from atherosclerosis, it seems to be prescribed by a doctor.

Hazelnut is a very high-calorie product

Proteins make up about 15% of the solid components of the nut. Although they are exclusively plant-based, they contain all 8 essential amino acids for humans. It is these properties that make it possible to recommend it as a partial replacement for meat and animal products for vegetarians: the body will receive all the structural components for the regeneration of many tissues and muscle growth from nut kernels in full.

But hazelnuts contain little carbohydrates. No more than 5 percent of various sugars are dissolved here along with proteins and fats. Thanks to this, the nut is a very good help for diabetic patients or those who suffer from other forms of metabolic disorders. The pancreas reacts extremely positively to numerous vitamins and mineral components, and nuts require almost no insulin secretion.

In addition, hazelnuts are beneficial because they are very easy to digest. There are practically no cases of allergic reactions to it, but at the same time in the intestine it actively stimulates muscle contraction and accelerates the absorption of all food components. But in addition to its nutritional properties, hazelnut has earned great recognition as an effective drug against many diseases and disorders.

Useful properties of hazelnut

Perhaps the most famous healing property of hazelnuts for health has long been considered their ability to normalize the composition of the blood and improve the condition of the blood vessels themselves. For example, according to Pushkin himself, it was the treatment with hazel in Pskov that helped him cope with venous insufficiency, which led to pain and frequent loss of sensitivity in the legs.

Hazelnut oil is used as a base for natural medicines

Today, the nuts themselves and hazelnut oil are the basis for a large number of medicines and traditional remedies that help with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. This is not surprising: the complex of active substances, which is part of the chemical composition of hazelnuts, seems to be deliberately aimed precisely at improving the circulatory system.

For example, the combined action of vitamin B6 and fiber ensures the removal of cholesterol from the blood. The same B6, together with iron and magnesium, is actively involved in the formation of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells, increasing blood saturation and preventing the development of anemia. And potassium is the main mineral that helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and maintain their elasticity. In addition, potassium is necessary for the qualitative regulation of blood pressure and the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle.

Hazelnuts also enhance the body’s defenses. Vitamin C and vitamin A significantly enhance immunity, and together with the action of tocopherols, they have the property of protecting all organs and systems of the body from the risk of developing cancerous tumors. And, perhaps most importantly.

Why hazelnuts are useful for men

The benefits of hazelnuts for increasing potency were known in the ancient world. Moreover, it has such a pronounced effect that many representatives of the stronger sex in the most crucial periods literally sit on a nutty diet. And the result is not long in coming! The consequence of medicinal properties – potency and libido increase, death genesis is stimulated, the work of the pelvic organs is normalized.

These truly healing properties of hazelnuts are easily explained by the combination of zinc and B vitamins. The first is the famous “male” metal that increases the production of semen and male hormones, and the second affects the general tone and metabolism in the body.

As a result, hazelnuts are the real food of the gods, a wonderful food and medicine all rolled into one. You should not just buy numerous confectionery products with nut fillings if you want to improve your health – the number of nuts in them is minimal, and the benefits of sweets are easily covered by many of their shortcomings. Therefore, the best snack of a hearty lunch will be raw whole nuts, which bring energy, strength and health with them.

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Anna Evans


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