Anise ordinary benefit and harm

The composition of the fruits and seeds of anise also contains a significant amount of fatty oil (about 20%), protein compounds, organic acids, natural sugars, some vitamins and minerals.

Anise treatment

The health benefits of anise as a medicinal plant have been known since ancient times. Anise decoction and tincture, as well as other drugs based on it, have bactericidal, antipyretic, antispasmodic and diaphoretic properties. Anise is useful for coughing – it has a pronounced expectorant effect, the ability to thin phlegm and remove it from the bronchi. Anise tincture and decoction are indispensable for bronchitis and tracheitis, and other diseases of the respiratory tract.

Anise fruit

Anise has the ability to enhance the secretory activity of the glands and stimulate digestion and bile secretion. Medicines based on it are often used for flatulence and bloating in children. Often used in combination with fennel. Useful for diseases of the gums and mucous membranes, nasopharynx and larynx. It perfectly helps to freshen the oral cavity, disinfects.

Cooking application

Anise tea calms the nerves, relaxes, tones up. It is also often used as a spice, added to marinades and pickles, baked goods, Christmas gingerbread, main courses, served with meat.

They are used in the manufacture of many popular alcoholic beverages, for example, the famous sambuca and absinthe are made on the basis of anise.

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Anna Evans


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