Cabbage Atria: characteristics and description of the variety

But it’s not in vain that experts are constantly working, creating new varieties. After all, such vegetables receive good immunity, do not get sick and give a high-quality harvest.

Variety description

The Atria f1 cabbage is a hybrid of the white cabbage variety. Atria has plastic inflorescences, it is distinguished by its productivity and ideal preservation of the root. The variety is medium-ripe, forming 3 months after planting the shoots or 140 days after pecking seeds in an open area.

Vegetables ripen large, juicy with a blue-green tint. The head weight is 4-8 kg. Atria can lie well on the ground in different climatic conditions and is not afraid of transportation.

Many summer residents grow this variety for sale, as it has a stunning appearance and can withstand long-term transportation. The growing season is from 130 to 145 days, and if you make calculations from sowing seedlings in the ground, then this period is 120 days.

Fertility per hectare is 1 ton. Despite the fact that this is a late-ripening variety, if you do not take care of it, then it can lie for 6 months, then start to rot. With a competent approach to chanting, it can lie until summer without losing its gastronomic properties.

Advantages of the variety

There are many advantages, but the main ones for the user and those who cultivate it are the following:

  1. High gastronomic properties.
  2. Durable sockets.
  3. High fertility.
  4. Resistant to popular diseases.
  5. Simultaneous formation of all planted heads of cabbage.
  6. Resistant to cracking.
  7. Smooth head.


You can plant cabbage in two ways: through seedlings and without seedlings. The seedling method is used in the cultivation of vegetables in southern areas. Planting seeds in the ground is an ideal solution for all other natural areas, including Siberia. The right sowing time is the end of March.


After purchasing seeds, they need to be checked for quality and germination. In the first situation, they are immersed in water for 7 minutes. Those that go to the bottom are suitable for disembarkation. The grains that remain on the surface are empty – they cannot be used for cultivation. In order for the seeds to germinate, they are placed on a wet rag for 7 days. The fabric is watered daily to keep it from drying out.

Only hatched seeds are used for sowing. For the Atria variety, soil from sod and loam, as well as peat, is useful. Clean sand is also used. Before sowing, seeds and soil must be fertilized with a solution of potassium permanganate. Used 250 ml of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. The soil is well irrigated with liquid, and the seeds are immersed in the mixture for 20 minutes, after which they must be washed and dried.

Atria cabbage

If sowing is carried out in seedlings, then the sprouts need to be hardened. To do this, they are taken to the street, where the air temperature is from + 15 to 18 degrees. First, the sprouts must be left for several hours, and then taken to a warm room. Gradually, the time spent on the street increases. The purpose of hardening is to avoid stress on the plant at the time of planting.

Caring for this variety of cabbage is standard. It consists of watering, loosening the soil, feeding, mulching.

Pathologies and pests

This variety is not afraid of fungal pathologies, but bacteria and viruses can attack it:

  1. Mucous bacteriosis. It appears due to the high temperature in the room where the seedlings are cultivated, or abundant irrigation. First, the leaves begin to rot, then the forks.
  2. Vascular bacteriosis. Appears after heavy and frequent rains. At first, the leaves turn yellow, then dark and fall off.
  3. Mosaic. Appears after aphids. First, the leaf plate turns white, then the leaves stop growing and become wrinkled.

Antibiotics help fight diseases. Particularly effective is considered to be a 0,1% Binoram solution, Fitolavin 300.

Harvesting and storage of crops

You can collect Atria already in mid-October. You can reveal ripeness by simply feeling the heads of cabbage – if they are dense and do not shrink, then you can collect. In northern areas, it happens that they do not have time to harvest the cabbage before the cold weather.

It must be remembered that cabbage is not afraid of frosts down to -7 degrees. If frosts come when the heads of cabbage have already been cut, they will deteriorate. Therefore, you need to wait until the temperature drops below and the leaves warm up, and only then cut off the heads from the stumps.

Vegetables that have been harvested at an air temperature of +4 to +7 degrees will lie for a long time and well. Late cabbage is usually pulled out of the ground by the roots, allowed to lie down for a couple of days and cut with a knife.

Before being sent to storage, the heads of cabbage are selected. Loose ones are used for sourdough, dense and tough ones are sent to the cellar. For long-term storage, a temperature of -1 +2 degrees is suitable. In this case, the humidity should be 96%.

Atria cabbage

A higher storage temperature provokes the formation of rot, and at a low temperature, the stumps are slightly frozen and quickly deteriorate after thawing. Do not leave vegetables for storage on the floor – this will provoke the formation of rot.

Wooden shelves are ideal for storage, on which the heads of cabbage are folded in one row, stumps up. If there is not enough space, then you can tie the heads of cabbage in pairs by the stumps and hang them on hooks.

Atria f1 cabbage is ideal for cultivation in different regions. The plant loves abundant watering, is not afraid of fungal infections, and is highly fertile. On the Internet, you can find many positive reviews of summer residents about this variety. The fruits can be eaten raw or processed.

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Anna Evans


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