Potato Morning care how to grow

Against the background of most mid-season table varieties, potatoes stand out Early Morning. It is one of the leaders, as it has excellent taste and unpretentious cultivation. The variety was bred at the Scientific Institute of Potato Growing. Lorkha. This potato has proven itself well, therefore it is grown not only in private gardens, but also in extensive farm fields. Many agricultural firms grow tubers for wholesale.

Potatoes Morning Earlier: Description

Belongs to mid-season varieties, its growing season is approximately 3 months. It is included in the State Register and is successfully grown in the Central regions of the country. Productivity is normal, up to 240 kg / ha. One bush forms 6-9 tubers with an average weight of 110 to 125 grams. Indicators of starch content – 15-17%.

The stems of the plant are of medium height, numerous, erect. Leaves are light in color, small in size. The flowers are pale, collected in voluminous corollas. The root system is well developed.

Potato morning: characteristics of tubers

In order not to confuse this variety with others, it is worth remembering its such features:

  • tubers have a regular oval shape;
  • the skin is light in color, cream or slightly pinkish;
  • eyes are small, not numerous;
  • the flesh in the cut has a pale yellow color;
  • the taste is excellent;
  • boiled well during heat treatment;
  • keeping quality is high – 95%.

The variety is recommended by experts for cultivation in the Central and Central Black Earth regions. Agrotechnics are standard. The only thing that needs to be paid special attention is to protect the culture from the attack of the golden nematode.
golden nematode

Advantages and disadvantages

Potato variety Morning has many positive qualities. These include:

  • stable yield;
  • unpretentious cultivation;
  • availability of planting material and its low cost;
  • undemanding to soils;
  • resistance to diseases and pest attacks;
  • good keeping quality in proper conditions;
  • versatility in cooking.

The potato variety “Morning” has practically no drawbacks before. It is important to dig up the tubers in a timely manner so that late blight does not damage them, and in order to obtain higher yields, it is advisable to apply fertilizers to the soil and not forget about watering.

Peculiarities of growing

Experienced gardeners have long studied the agricultural technology of this vegetable crop, but young farmers can be reminded of the rules for its cultivation. For example, if you plant non-sprouted tubers in cold ground, then there is no point in waiting for a high-quality harvest. It is important to carry out all the necessary preparatory work.

Already in March, the seed potatoes Morning need to be pulled out of storage, sorted out and sorted into wooden boxes. It is not necessary to fill the container to the top, it is enough to lay 2-3 layers. The boxes with planting material are located in a warm, well-lit place. So in 3-4 weeks the potatoes for planting will have the first short, but rather strong sprouts of light green color. If you sprout tubers in a dark room, they will be too long, thin and brittle. Sprouted seed potatoes give earlier and more friendly shoots.
sprouting potatoes in the morning

The place on the site must be chosen bright and even, on which the sun’s rays freely fall. It is recommended to dig up the earth in the fall and sow siderates (mustard or rye) into it. Humus can also be added at the end of the season. In the spring, re-digging of the soil is carried out.

In order for the tubers to grow large and even, for planting it is better to choose that part of the garden where the potatoes have not been cultivated for 2-3 years. The land is well rested here, the pests are gone due to lack of food, so the harvest will be magnificent. The most ideal precursors for potatoes are legumes, different types of cabbage, cucumbers and cereals. This is due to the fact that they have different diseases and pests, which means that they do not accumulate in the soil.

Planting and care

For successful cultivation, you need to wait until the soil warms up to + 8-11 degrees. When this happens, you can safely bury the seed in the ground.

Received potatoes Morning reviews from those gardeners who grow it in a smooth or ridge method. With the first, holes are dug on the site, and with the second, long high ridges are formed. Regardless of the planting method, it is important to adhere to a specific placement pattern. The distance between the holes should be 35 cm, and between the rows (ridges) 60 cm. Thanks to this distance, the roots will form well, a larger number of tubers will be tied, and it will be much easier to process the area.

In the spring, adding manure to holes or ridges is unacceptable. Only humus, ash and onion husks can be added. They will provide young plants with the necessary nutrients.
copper sulfate and wood ash

List of basic care works

  1. Fertilizers. They need to be applied during the budding period and after flowering. Nitrogen components contribute to the active growth of green mass and tubers.
  2. Loosening. In order for the roots to breathe and absorb moisture without hindrance, it is necessary to loosen the soil as often as possible.
  3. Weed removal. Weed grasses absorb moisture, nutrients and sunlight. You can’t let them do it. Weeding is carried out several times per season, it significantly improves the condition of this vegetable crop.
  4. Hilling. Plays an important role in the formation of tubers and the growth of the root system. The higher the ridges, the higher the yield will be.
  5. Watering. It is actively carried out during the period of sprouting and before flowering. Quite often, gardeners are worried about the question: when is it better to water potatoes in the morning or in the evening? There is no difference for this variety, the main thing is not to do it at noon, when the sun is at its peak and can easily burn wet plants.

feeding potatoes
If you adhere to the above recommendations, then the yield of the crop will increase significantly, the quality of tubers will increase several times.

Pest and disease control

This variety is not afraid of potato cancer, scab and other diseases. It is also resistant to nematodes and banded mosaics. But that doesn’t mean he’s perfect. Unfortunately, the plants are not immune from the attack of the Colorado potato beetle and its numerous larvae, so the potatoes must be treated with insecticides in a timely manner. All processing norms are spelled out on the packaging with chemicals, which can be bought at any garden store.

When is the best time to spray potatoes, morning or evening? Early morning and late evening are equally good for this procedure. But in broad daylight, plants should not be sprayed, since the poisons quickly evaporate from the surface of the green mass and poison a person. In addition, when processing, it is imperative to use respiratory and hand protection.
sprayer for potatoes

Cleaning and storage of potatoes

Excavation of tubers of the Morning variety is carried out on the 100th day from the moment of planting. During these three months, the skin of the potatoes becomes dense, they stop growing and are completely ready for extraction from the soil. A week before harvest, it is recommended to cut the tops and mow the weeds, if any, on the site.

It is best to dig potatoes with a shovel or pitchfork if harvesting is carried out in small areas. All kinds of diggers, potato harvesters and other agricultural machinery are used in the farm fields.
early morning potato variety

To preserve the maximum amount of harvest, the tubers must be carefully sorted before placing in storage. Damaged and damaged specimens are immediately seized and disposed of. The most beautiful and healthy potatoes are selected for planting; next year they will serve as planting material. All other tubers are harvested in nets or boxes and sent to the cellar or basement. In addition, you can store such potatoes in bulk.

Follow the above rules, grow quality potatoes of the Early Morning variety, and all winter enjoy the dishes prepared from it, the taste of which will be appreciated by every member of the family.

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Anna Evans


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