Potato Barin care how to grow

Review of Barin potatoes. Dutch and other foreign varieties of potatoes are very popular with Russian farmers. European breeding registers new hybrids almost every year, however, our breeders do not sit idle either. In recent years, they have developed many excellent varieties that can compete with expensive seed potatoes imported from abroad. Take, for example, the Barin variety – a culture that is unpretentious to the conditions, the tubers of which have a great taste and a good presentation.

This potato has many other advantages (they will be described below) and, of course, there are a couple of minor disadvantages. Why insignificant? Because with proper cultivation, they do not appear. In general, the variety turned out to be quite successful. It was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation quite recently, in 2014, and was recommended to be cultivated in the Central region of the country. Over the past few years, the Barin potato variety has crossed established boundaries. The farmers immediately liked it, and today it is grown both in the Moscow region, where the culture was tested, and far beyond its borders.

Characteristic of the variety

Barin potato bushes are distinguished by powerful erect stems, growing in height up to 50 cm.The leaves are medium in size, with slightly wavy edges, of an emerald hue. During flowering, the bushes are decorated with large purple-pink inflorescences. On oval tubers, few superficial eyes are visible, around which pink pigment spots are formed. The rind is thin, pale beige. The pulp is light yellow, in comparison with many other table varieties, it is denser, there is no excessive wateriness. It tastes slightly sweet and does not boil during cooking. Average starch content – 12-15%.

Experts note, and farmers and gardeners confirm the very high yield of Barin potatoes. With good nutrition and well-organized care, you can take up to 1,5 kg of high-quality potatoes from one bush. These are 10-12 potatoes weighing from 75 to 125 g, small ones are very rare. Some gardeners, who carefully look after their plantings, manage to collect up to 400 kg from just one hundred square meters. The period from planting to full maturity is 70-80 days, young potatoes begin to undermine about 3 weeks before this date.


The marketability of tubers of this variety is estimated at 96-97%, which is a fairly high indicator. Thanks to their thin, but dense peel, they tolerate transportation to storage sites well. If the storage has optimal humidity, the inner surfaces are disinfected and the temperature regime is observed, the Barin potatoes will last until spring with practically no losses.

Advantages and disadvantages of Barin potatoes

With each season, the variety is gaining more and more popularity, which is understandable. Its main advantage is its high yield. By planting these potatoes, large farms can grow many quality tubers for sale, and small gardeners for their own needs. In addition, the variety has a lot of other advantages, namely:

  • unpretentiousness to the composition and structure of the soil (grows well even on heavy clay soils);
  • early maturation;
  • large size and attractive appearance of tubers;
  • pleasant taste and culinary versatility (Barin is used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes, including chips, french fries and other fast food);
  • minimal waste during processing due to thin, smooth skin and superficial eyes;
  • transportability and the possibility of long-term storage.

This potato has no serious drawbacks. Agrarians note only a weak resistance of the variety to scab and nematode – diseases due to which the growth of plants slows down and the tops wither ahead of time. They can lead to a noticeable decrease in yield. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to process the planting with special preparations.

Features of agricultural technology

Barin is a rather unpretentious variety, but you still have to work hard to get a good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that even the best varieties and hybrids need proper planting and proper care. Work begins with choosing a suitable place. Barin potatoes grow best in open, well-lit and high areas. With a lack of sunlight and an excess of moisture, the plants begin to wither first, and then get sick.

Preparing the soil for planting this variety begins in the fall. The soil in a vegetable garden cleared of plant residues is dug to a depth of 25 cm (approximately on the bayonet of a shovel) and fertilizers are scattered. You can use wood ash, bird droppings, rotted manure. In the spring, when a comfortable temperature is established, the site is dug up again. If desired, you can enrich the soil with green manure. For example, plant mustard and 2 weeks before planting potatoes, dig up the area, embedding its sprouts in the ground.

digging up the soil

It is also advisable to select seed potatoes from the fall, when sorting the harvested crop. Healthy tubers weighing 60-70 g (4-5 cm in length) are considered ideal for planting. About a month before planting, they are examined again, the damaged and sick (if any) are discarded, sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried and placed in boxes for germination. By the time of planting in the ground, thick short shoots should appear on the potatoes (no more than 2 cm).

Regardless of the planting method, be it holes or trenches, planting tubers are planted at a distance of 45 cm from each other. Laying depth – 18-20 cm. It is desirable that the potatoes lie sprouted up, so they will sprout faster. The tubers are covered with loose soil, which is leveled with a rake. Some newly minted owners of suburban areas, who have not previously worked on the ground, ask why to level the soil surface with a rake. This procedure is necessary for better air and moisture circulation.

planting of potatoes

Care of plantings

Planting maintenance consists of several agronomic measures listed below.

Hilling – is held at least twice during the season. The first time with a sprout length of 10-15 cm, the second – after 3 weeks. It should also be re-spud if the piles are destroyed by rain and wind. Earthen mounds protect the underground part from overheating, reduce the risk of infection, retain moisture necessary for young plants.

Weeding – a very important procedure, on the timeliness of which the future harvest depends. Weeds should not be allowed to dominate the potato beds, because they worsen the aeration of the soil, take moisture and nutrients from the crop, and create good conditions for pests and pathogens.

weeding potatoes

Watering – an agrotechnical technique, which can be dispensed with when growing the Barin variety, but in dry periods, experts still recommend watering the plants. This refers to the intense heat for many days, which dries the earth to a state of stone. In other weather conditions, watering is not necessary. It is advisable to avoid the formation of a crust on the ground, which usually appears after the rainy season.

Additional fertilizing – applied at least three times during the entire growing season. Before flowering, potato bushes are fertilized with urea diluted in water. You can find out about the dosage and familiarize yourself with the rules for using this chemical compound in the instructions on the package. During the budding period, the plants are watered with a solution containing superphosphate and wood ash. A glass of the first fertilizer and a tablespoon of the second are diluted in 7-8 liters of water. The next top dressing is applied during flowering, this time just enough superphosphate. A spoonful of the substance is dissolved in water with a volume of 10 liters.

adding fertilizers to the soil in autumn

Prevention diseases – treatment of potatoes with drugs that reduce the risk of developing diseases. The Barin variety needs this more than others, since it has a weak immunity to nematodes and scab.

Fighting the Colorado Beetle – manual collection or baiting with insecticides of the most dangerous enemy, the larvae of which can eat leaves on the bushes in a matter of days. It is very important to notice its appearance in the garden in time, otherwise it will cause irreparable harm to the plantings.

Collection and storage

Barin’s potatoes ripen in August. You can determine its readiness for harvesting by the state of the tops. If it’s completely dry, then it’s time to harvest. Since the harvest falls on one of the summer months, which can be hot, the dug up potatoes are immediately transferred to the shade, where they are scattered to dry. After drying, the tubers are sorted.

Arizona potatoes

You can store this variety of potatoes in mesh bags or wooden boxes. Basic requirements for the storage: air temperature – 2-3 degrees, humidity – 80%, complete absence of light. In addition, the container with potatoes should be at a distance of at least 10 cm from the walls of the cellar or basement, so that the tubers have free access to air. In such conditions, they are perfectly preserved until May next year.

In conclusion

What do we say about the Barin potato variety? The reviews are mostly positive, only some gardeners complain about its instability to common scab. For the rest, this culture is more than satisfactory to the farmers. Indeed, it gives high yields and does not require large costs for this. And Barin’s potatoes are very tasty, and in any form, fried, boiled, stewed and so on. This is probably why it has long gone beyond the boundaries of the region recommended for cultivation and is found in different parts of Russia.

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Anna Evans


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