Fidelia potatoes care how to grow

Fidelia potatoes: features of the variety. It is no secret that Dutch potato varieties are the most popular all over the world, but German breeders are not far behind their colleagues from the Netherlands. Thanks to their tireless work, growers are constantly getting new hybrids with improved characteristics.

One of the latest novelties of German breeding is the Fidelia potato variety, which has excellent adaptive properties and high productivity. This culture has other advantages, for which the farmers and gardeners have already said their thanks to the Norika specialists from Germany. What is good about Fidelia potatoes? Let’s try to figure it out.

Variety description

Fidelia is an early ripe table variety recommended for cultivation in the central regions of the Russian Federation. This potato is distinguished by uniform growth and maturation, the ability to withstand low temperatures and dry periods, high resistance to infections, good transportability, long shelf life, excellent taste. Also, vegetable growers note that it is not prone to premature germination. The only drawback, namely weak immunity to late blight, against the background of all the listed qualities, seems insignificant. Correct and timely prevention of late blight will help avoid this problem.

Bushes of the Fidelia variety are dense and powerful, semi-erect stems are extended to a height of 70 cm.The leaves of a dark green color have a wavy edge around the perimeter. Flowering is uniform, in a matter of days the area under these potatoes becomes like a beautiful carpet, on which numerous flowers of a red-violet hue are woven.

One plant produces from 9 to 14 medium and large tubers weighing up to 120 g. There are almost no small potatoes, even with insufficient care. Productivity decreases only in two cases: when grown in poorly fertilized depleted soil and when weeds are “rampant” that take nutrients from the crop.

fidelia tubers

Elongated yellow tubers are covered with a barely visible fine mesh. There are few eyes, so medium potatoes are usually selected for planting and planted whole, without cutting. The flesh is the same pleasant yellow color as the rind. It is distinguished by increased oiliness, does not darken on the cut, does not boil over. The starch content is estimated as average – 12,5-16,5%. Potatoes with these characteristics are suitable for preparing any kind of food at home and food on an industrial scale. It can be boiled, baked, fried, used in fillings and salads. Especially tasty it turns out to be mashed potatoes of an appetizing pale yellow color.

Fidelia is a precocious potato. From the day of planting to full maturation, it takes only 65-75 days (depending on growing conditions). You can try young and juicy tubers already on the 45th day from the moment of planting. The yield of the variety ranges from 190 to 320 kg / ha, which is considered a fairly high indicator. Fidelia’s record is 434 centners per hectare, but to achieve such a result, you need to try very hard.

potato variety fidelia

The quality and safety of this variety of potatoes should be noted separately. It is resistant to mechanical damage during harvesting and transportation to storage. The marketability of tubers varies within 85-97%. Keeping quality is as much as 97%, and I must say that not every elite variety can boast of such safety. With well-organized storage, the crop will “live” until spring with virtually no loss.

A few words about landing

Potatoes are planted in the ground as sprouted, otherwise the seedlings will be uncooperative. You should not focus on how to germinate planting tubers, even novice gardeners know this. Prevention of late blight is much more important. As you know, there are no remedies yet that can completely cure infected plants from it. It was already mentioned above that Fidelia is susceptible to this dangerous disease, therefore it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis – disinfection of the soil and planting material.

In the ground, on plant debris, phytophthora spores can be located, ready to instantly spread throughout the site as soon as conditions become favorable. To neutralize them, the soil is treated with antifungal agents before planting. For example, a solution of copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid or some strong fungicide – Thanos, Radomil, etc. Also, seed material should be subjected to pre-planting processing. A couple of days before planting, sprouted tubers are disinfected with a fungicide or bioactive agent (Maxim-25, Agat-25).

As for the timing, you can plant Fidelia in the ground no earlier than it warms up to 10-12 degrees. As a rule, the soil heats up to this temperature in the first half of May. Any landing pattern. The main thing is not to allow excessive thickening, so that the plants do not interfere with each other. The recommended density is 5 bushes per square meter, the planting depth is 10 cm.

Peculiarities of growing

By and large, there are no peculiarities, standard agricultural techniques are used. Hilling and weeding are carried out twice a season, watering 3-4 times (at the beginning and at the end of flowering, as needed), nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. Top dressing will bring the greatest benefit during the period of mass budding, especially on depleted soils. Fertilizers will strengthen plants, accelerate their growth and development.

weeding potatoes

Like any other variety, Fidelia potatoes need protection from pests. The most dangerous are the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm and bear. You can fight them by using effective chemicals such as Bazudin, Confidor, Decis, Sonnet. Those who prefer to grow potatoes without chemicals can be advised against insect-destroying biological products that are harmless to humans. Antonem-F, Bicol, Nemabakt have proven themselves well. These funds effectively destroy both pests and their larvae.

Harvesting is carried out in dry weather. The dug out potatoes are dried in a shaded place for 2-3 hours, sorted, diseased and damaged tubers (if any) are discarded, and then sent for storage. Potatoes are best stored in mesh bags or wooden boxes at a temperature of 2-3 degrees and a humidity of 70-80%.

In conclusion

Our farmers really liked the German potatoes of the Fidelia variety. Reviews of grateful Russian vegetable growers confirm this in the best possible way. After being included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, only a few years have passed, and this potato can already be seen on many summer cottages and fields of farms. It really deserves attention and praise for its excellent qualities.

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Anna Evans


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