Rodrigo potatoes care how to grow

Review of the potato variety Rodrigo. Potato gardeners try to choose varieties with high yields. This saves space on the garden plot and you can save energy for processing plants during the growth period. One of the most productive is the Rodrigo potato variety, which differs from many others in the size of its root crops. They are huge, so it is very profitable to grow such potatoes. From a small garden, you can feed the whole family throughout the fall, winter and spring.

The variety came to our country in 2009, some time after it was bred by German breeders. Most of all, it is suitable for growing in the Middle Volga region, as well as in areas with a warm subtropical climate. This vegetable has a lot of positive characteristics. They will be discussed below.

Rodrigo potatoes: characteristics of the culture

Refers to medium early varieties. The ripening period is approximately 70-85 days from the date of planting. It has a high yield, the average is 450 c / ha. From one bush, you can collect from 7 to 9 potatoes weighing 400-600 grams. A sufficiently high starch content in the tubers of this potato (13-15%) allows it to be boiled or fried.

The plant has tall stems (70-85 cm), which decay as it grows. 4-6 shoots are usually formed in the bush. The leaves, although large, are few in number. The flowers are light purple, small. The variety cannot boast of abundant flowering.

Rodrigo is moderately resistant to many diseases, viruses and pests. Has a high keeping quality – 95%. Since the root crops of the variety are large in size and weight, it is grown for large domestic enterprises that produce food, as well as for export.

Rodrigo potatoes: description of tubers

If you briefly describe the variety, then you can list its such qualities:

  • elongated oval shape;
  • usually tubers are about the same size;
  • the peel is dense, deep pink, rough;
  • eyes are small, concentrated in the upper part, shallow;
  • the flesh is of a beautiful creamy shade, sometimes slightly yellowish (depending on growing conditions);
  • potatoes are suitable for starch and alcohol components;
  • contains a lot of carotenoids and other useful substances.

kartofel sorta rodrigo

Advantages and disadvantages

Rodrigo has a lot of positive characteristics, namely:

  1. High productivity, large size of tubers.
  2. Excellent presentation.
  3. Undemanding to soil and watering.
  4. Good preservation, yield losses do not exceed 5%.
  5. The vegetable perfectly tolerates long-distance transportation.
  6. Excellent taste, you can cook a variety of dishes.
  7. Resistance to diseases inherent in this vegetable crop.
  8. Preservation of varietal traits for 5-7 years.
  9. Versatility (Rodrigo potatoes are used not only in cooking, but also in the chemical industry).

There are practically no disadvantages of the variety. The only difficulty that gardeners may face is related to hilling. The fact is that too tall stems interfere with the formation of beautiful ridges.

Rodrigo potatoes: taste

As already mentioned, the variety tastes good. Its yellow puree is considered the most delicate and aromatic. If you try a slice of boiled potatoes, you can feel a rich sweetish aftertaste. When fried, the pieces are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Rodrigo is also suitable for baking, stewing, making soups and salads.
potato dishes
Young potatoes can be used to prepare meals before harvest time comes. To do this, you need to carefully dig a few tubers with your hands, without digging out the whole plant.

Peculiarities of growing

Agricultural technology of the Rodrigo variety is standard. You don’t have to pay special attention to plants, you just need to fulfill the usual requirements. The type of soil is not important, the main thing is to choose a place with the right predecessors. These potatoes should not be grown in beds where tomatoes, peppers or eggplants were previously grown. But after onions, legumes, cabbage and grains, he will give a good harvest.

It is recommended to germinate Rodrigo seed potatoes before planting. This can be done in boxes, clear plastic bags, or in bulk on the floor. In this case, the germination room should be warm and lighted. You can plant tubers “under a shovel”, in holes up to 10 cm deep or in ridges (furrows). Do not unnecessarily thicken the plantings, otherwise then the grown plants will be difficult to weed and huddle. It is advisable to add nitrogenous and potassium fertilizers to the holes or furrows.
dolomite flour

If there is not enough planting material, larger seed potatoes can be cut into several pieces. The only condition for dividing is the presence of at least 3 eyes on each piece. The cut points should be dried before planting in the ground for at least a day. If the cuttings are placed in damp soil, they will begin to rot and will not allow the sprouts to develop.

In the southern regions, it is possible to grow two crops per season. To do this, the first planting must be carried out in April at the highest site, well heated by the sun. In order for the seedlings to appear faster, the garden is covered with a black film. Thanks to this approach, Rodrigo will mature within 70 days. The second time potatoes can be planted at the end of June, and the harvest can be harvested in mid-autumn.

Pests and diseases

The variety is rarely affected by pests and is not susceptible to scab, potato cancer and late blight. The main danger lies in the attacks of the Colorado potato beetle. If the plants are not processed, the insects will plant eggs on the leaves, from which larvae will appear, capable of devouring all the green mass of the stems. Therefore, in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, it is worth using all available means, both folk and chemicals. Of the shops, Prestige, Tabu and Inta-vir have proven themselves best. You should know that after processing plants with these preparations, the crop can be harvested and eaten no earlier than 20 days later.

Some gardeners do not like to use chemicals, so the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae are collected by hand in a container of water in which they drown. Many grow potatoes mixed with garlic, calendula and marigolds. The aroma of such crops repels insects, and they do not harm the plants.



Since we began to grow the variety relatively recently, it will be useful for beginners to find out the opinion of experienced summer residents. They strongly recommend that you start these potatoes on your site, and not only because of its simplicity. You can make good money on it, because with a successful coincidence of circumstances (primarily weather factors), the tubers grow so large that one copy turns out to prepare a full meal for two. In this case, you can leave part of the harvest for yourself, and sell the surplus.

The Rodrigo variety has only solid positive characteristics, so there is no doubt that this is the potato that you need.

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Anna Evans


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