Medlar health benefits, benefits and harms of calories

MushmulaSome call medlar one of the most ugly fruits on the planet (when it comes to the Germanic form). However, in the Middle Ages, this tree was very popular, and Charlemagne loved him so much that he decided to plant a medlar in every city he conquered.

What is the medlar

Medlar is a tree from the Rosaceae family. For today in the world 2 of the medlar are cultivated: German (or Caucasian) and Japanese. In the wild, almost 30 species of this plant are found.

German loquat. It was known to the ancient Babylonians and residents of the Transcaucasus. Today it is found in countries with a warm climate, including in Western Europe, it grows on the Crimean peninsula and in the west of Ukraine. It is a deciduous plant with spines on its branches. The fruits ripen after frost.

Japanese medlar. Mostly grown up by the Chinese and Japanese. It differs in large orange-brown fruits with juicy pulp and dense skin (they resemble apricots in some measure). It blooms in autumn, and bears fruit in spring.

The ugly appearance of medlar gave rise to various ugly names for this plant. But despite the ugliness of the fruit, they taste very good. The medlar fruit resembles a giant rosehip, only brown in color. More precisely, the color of ripe fruit varies from rust to dirty brown. Full ripening of the fetus occurs after harvesting or on a tree after frost (when the fruit loses its astringency). After that, the fruit becomes soft, sweet, with a citrus flavor, and the aroma resembles a spicy baked apple. Having cleaned the ripe fruit from the skin and seeds, you can immediately use it or make jams and jellies from it.

Fruits ripen on small trees that rarely exceed 2,5 meters in height. Unlike many fruit trees, the medlar in the spring first blooms green leaves and only then white flowers appear. The average life of these trees is about 50 years, the peak of fruiting is 2-3 the year after planting.

Information about the origin of this plant is not so much, but, most likely, there was a medlar in southwest Asia or southeast Europe in very ancient times. This fruit tree was grown by the ancient Greeks and Romans, it was very popular in Western Europe in the Victorian era. Medlar mentioned Shakespeare in his works, and in Iran and Turkey it is still popular. However, for industrial purposes today almost never grown. The fact is that the most delicious medlar becomes at a stage shortly before the onset of decay. So the “window” of edibility of this fruit is very small. In addition, a ripe fruit, when it is actually very tasty, is far from presentable in appearance.

Even in the Middle Ages, medlar fruits were used as a remedy for intestinal disorders. However, over time, this fruit was undeservedly forgotten, and yet its high nutritional value and healing properties are necessary for modern man.

Benefit for health

Health benefits of medlarMedlar, like many other fruits, is rich in useful components, moreover, in an optimal concentration for the human body. These amazing fruits are full of vitamins A, C, B1, B2. When it comes to medlar, one cannot but recall the proteins, tannins, pectin, and low-carbohydrate organic acids that are also found in fruits. The mineral complex consists of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, so we can say with confidence that the daily intake of these fruits will provide the body with the necessary dose of substances that are important for strengthening immunity.

If we recall the medicinal properties of the medlar, the word “universal” is best suited to characterize. Even in the Roman Empire, these fruits were known as fruits for the treatment of almost all diseases of the stomach. And today, in alternative medicine, this plant is used against digestive disorders, as a natural diuretic and laxative, a means to improve intestinal motility.

People with liver and kidney problems are advised to eat this fruit regularly, as it provides an effective detoxification of the body. Medlar also stabilizes bad cholesterol.

The chemical composition of the fruit (100 g)

Calories 46 kcal Proteins 0,4 g Fats 0,15 g Carbohydrates 10,4 g Potassium 267 mg Calcium 17 mg Magnesium 13 mg Sodium 11 mg Phosphorus 25 mg Iron 0,25 mg Manganese 0,3 mg Zinc 0,1 mg Copper 41 μg Selenium 0,5 μg Vitamin A 77 μg Vitamin C 1 mg Vitamin B1 0,03 mg Vitamin B2 0,03 mg Vitamin B3 0,1 mg Vitamin B6 0,2 mg Vitamin B9 15 μg

Health benefits

Medlar, as some say, is an ideal winter fruit that boosts immunity, strengthens the body to fight viruses, protects the organs of the respiratory system. In addition, there is an assumption that these berries have the properties of aphrodisiacs.

Health Benefits of MedlarNatural antioxidant

Medlar is rich in vitamins A and C, phenols and flavonoids, known for their antioxidant properties. These substances remove free radicals from the body. The antioxidant properties of medlar reduce the risk of cancer, cataracts, and diabetes. Also, these fruits protect brain cells, prevent neurological diseases, memory loss.

Antiviral agent

Fruit syrup is used as a cough medicine, tea as an expectorant. In addition, medlar reduces the symptoms of angina pectoris. If you pour boiling water and insist on the leaves of medlar, ginger, basil, honey and licorice root, you will get an effective drug for colds and asthma.

Ursolic acid in the leaves of the tree has an overwhelming HIV effect, although these properties of the plant have not yet been fully studied. And scientific studies show benefits for the treatment of candidiasis.

Benefits of Diabetes and Heart Disease

Tea made from this fruit is an effective way to regulate sugar, blood triglycerides and cholesterol. This ability of medlar determines the presence of fiber in the fruit. It prevents the absorption of harmful fats in the colon. A low concentration of sodium and sufficiently high portions of potassium improve the heart rate and stabilize blood pressure. This exotic fruit is also able to protect the heart from the effects of stress.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Clinical studies have shown that medlar relieves osteoporosis symptoms. It has been established that the ursolic substance contained in the leaves prevents the loss of minerals, and also reduces the symptoms of inflammation of the joints in osteoporosis.

Anti-cancer agent

The medlar in the form of tea activates the elimination of toxins from the body, which provoke the onset of cancer.

Regular consumption of this fetus reduces the risk of disease, in particular, prevents malignant degeneration of cells of the lung, colon and in the tissues of the oral cavity. Also, clinical experiments have determined that leaf extract can inhibit the process of reproduction of cancer cells.

Eye benefits

Like carrots, medlar is good for eye health. And the whole point is the high content of vitamin A, which helps to maintain visual acuity, prevents tissue degeneration as a result of the oxidation process. Regular consumption of fruit will help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, as well as improve vision. In addition, medlar is useful for maintaining eye pigmentation.

Detoxification of the body

It has diuretic properties, therefore it helps to quickly excrete uric acid salts from the body, reduces the risk of the formation of kidney stones and the development of gout. And due to the high content of pectin, it blocks the absorption of toxins in the intestine, thereby preventing oncology. Tea from the leaves is useful for strengthening the liver and general detoxification of the body.

Medlar for digestionRich source of vitamin C

The high content of vitamin C makes the loquat an ideal product to combat scurvy, bleeding gums.

Regulation of digestion

Unripe fruits are used as an astringent, they have a beneficial effect on the health of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. The loquat is also useful for people suffering from constipation, because it regulates digestion due to fiber. Meanwhile, excessive passion for fruits, most likely, will cause severe diarrhea.

Benefits for the reproductive system

For the female body, the fruits are useful as a natural remedy that regulates the menstrual cycle, as well as eliminating the symptoms of PMS. Male loquat will protect against prostate cancer and potency problems.

Harmful properties

Researchers have found almond acid in the seeds and leaves of the medlar. As a result of metabolic processes, it turns into cyanide. In addition, the seeds contain a substance that, when overdose, causes shortness of breath and vomiting. And the overuse of medlar tea can cause food poisoning. You should also be careful with the young leaves of this tree – they contain a substance that causes a headache. Immature fruits are dangerous for people with a stomach ulcer or inflammation in the pancreas. In addition, this fruit can cause allergic reactions. Enter into the child’s diet also with caution, starting with the 1 fetus per day.

The benefits of medlar leaves

The benefits of medlar leavesThe leaves of this tree have many healing properties. Extract from them or broth is used for:

  • immunity strengthening;
  • diabetes treatment (increases insulin production);
  • health promotion of the pancreas;
  • liver cleanse;
  • treating skin inflammation (added to creams);
  • fight against viral diseases;
  • getting rid of depression;
  • improve the condition of people with HIV.

Medical tea from medlar

Tea prepared from medlar as an alternative means is used for dizziness, infections of the mouth and throat, as well as a drug that enhances the potency in men. This remedy will also help in bleeding gums, relieve breath odor. And since the loquat does not contain many calories, it is safe for people on a diet or suffering from diabetes.

How to cook

For the preparation of this drink will need 2 medlar. Finely chop the berries and pour boiling water over 200 ml. Cover and insist for an hour. Strain and take thrice a day.

What to cook from medlar

This fruit is used to make juices, tea, jams, liqueurs. It can be used in any form, while being sure that the body will still feel the benefits of it. Here are a few ideas to cook their medlar.


Medlar jamOnce the medlar jam was not an exotic dessert, but a traditional billet for the winter. To make this delicious jam according to an old recipe, you will need:

  • medlar (1 kg);
  • honey (1 kg);
  • water (xnumx l).

Water mixed with honey and boil. Add well-washed berries to the boiling mixture. Boil for 50 minutes, stirring constantly. Jam (still hot) poured into sterilized jars, roll up and store in a cool place.


For the preparation of this drink will have to prepare:

Rinse the fruit thoroughly, peel it off the stems and pour it into a glass container with a wide neck. Boil water with sugar and cool a little, then pour into a bottle, and then add brandy. Close the jar tightly and shake to mix the ingredients. Insist approximately 14 days at room temperature. It is important to shake the vessel daily. After 14 days of fermentation, strain through cheesecloth and can be consumed.

Medlar is known for its many beneficial properties, which amaze with their healing power. But it is easy to explain the rich mineral-vitamin composition. However, in some cases, this wonderful fruit can be dangerous.

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Anna Evans


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