Watermelon benefits and harms

Watermelon benefits and harms

The chemical composition of watermelons is unique in its own way; watermelon does not contain natural acids and practically does not contain salts, but alkalis are abundant in it. Therefore, watermelons are very useful for the genitourinary system of the body. Watermelon is indicated for kidney diseases, stones and sand, with exacerbations of pyelonephritis. The benefits of watermelon are strong cleansing and diuretic properties. Nutritionists recommend that you periodically carry out a fasting day, during which you need to eat up to 2 kg of watermelon pulp or fresh watermelon juice. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to watermelon juice.

Diuretic action is possessed not only by the pulp of the watermelon, but also by the rind. A decoction is made from the peels of watermelons, which well relieves swelling caused by heart failure. Moreover, the raw materials for the preparation of such a broth can be harvested for future use: cut and dried watermelon peels can be stored for a long time. And watermelon seeds are a good anthelmintic agent, by the action of which they can be compared with pumpkin seeds.

Watermelon contains only 38 kcal per 100 grams, so it can be safely eaten by those suffering from obesity, diabetes and digestive disorders. Watermelon is a dietary product that removes toxins from the body and promotes weight loss.

Watermelons are usually consumed fresh. They are also used to make jams, compotes, nectars, and are used to flavor wines, liqueurs, and confectionery. In order to choose a quality watermelon, follow some simple rules.

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Anna Evans


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