Gooseberry health benefits, benefits and harms of calories

gooseberriesFor many, gooseberries are associated with summer and summer cottages. Delicious, slightly sour berries are pleasantly refreshing on hot summer days. And it is also one of the most useful fruits that nature has given us.

General characteristics

Gooseberry is a shrub closely related to currant. Both plants belong to the same family. It is believed that the gooseberry originates from Europe, but quickly and easily spread to other parts of the world. Nowadays, these sour fruits are known on all continents. Depending on the variety, the shrub can grow up to one and a half meters in height. Ripe fruits come in different colors: more often greenish-yellow, but there are also red-purple ones.

Nutritional characteristics

Gooseberry is a dietary product. Two handfuls of berries contain slightly more than 40 kcal, and the glycemic index of fresh fruits does not exceed 15 units. In order not to arrange a lecture now on the topic of glycemic indices in food, let’s just say that this is actually a rather low (and therefore useful) indicator. He says that gooseberries (in almost any quantity) will not cause sharp spikes in blood glucose, as, for example, candy, fried potatoes or other high-calorie foods do. Thanks to this, gooseberries are absolutely safe for people with diabetes and dieters.

This garden berry contains a lot of vitamin C, provitamin A, B vitamins, tannins, flavonoids, various minerals and trace elements, including iron, phosphorus and copper. Ripe berries have been found to contain large amounts of serotonin, which has anti-cancer properties. And another remark about ascorbic acid: in ripe fruits it is twice as much as in immature ones. Varieties with dark berries contain vitamin E and a large amount of pectin. Both components contribute to the elimination of heavy metal salts from the body.

Nutritional value at 100 g

Caloric value 44 kcal Proteins 0,88 g Fats 0,58 g Carbohydrates 10,18 g Fiber 4,3 g Vitamin C 27,7 mg Vitamin B1 0,04 mg Vitamin B2 0,03 mg Vitamin B3 0,3 mg Vitamin B6 0,08 , 9 mg Vitamin B6 0,37 μg Vitamin E 25 mg Calcium 0,31 mg Iron 10 mg Magnesium 27 mg Phosphorus 198 mg Potassium 1 mg Sodium 0,12 mg Zinc XNUMX mg

Benefits for the body

This small greenish fruit has tremendous benefits for the body. It is good for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. It helps lower cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory and tonic properties. It removes bile, acts as a mild laxative and diuretic, which helps to get rid of edema, is useful for metabolic disorders, obesity and chronic constipation. Fresh gooseberry juice removes toxins from the body and vice versa supplies the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of gooseberries for the bodyGooseberries are believed to:

  • strengthens muscles;
  • sharpens cognitive abilities;
  • improves liver and lung function;
  • increases fertility;
  • good for vision;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes cellular metabolism;
  • useful for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

The Benefits of Gooseberries

For digestion

Nutritionists advise to eat a handful of berries with seeds and skins at least twice a day during gooseberry season to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Fruits contain organic acids (malic and citric), which are also beneficial for the digestion of food. The second important component is fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility. Although, looking ahead, I must say that the role of dietary fiber in the body is not limited to this.

For heart

Gooseberries are a source of pectin.

The Benefits of GooseberriesAnd that serves as a kind of “trap” for cholesterol molecules, thereby lowering the level of lipids in the body. Potassium (also found in fruits) relieves blood vessels from excessive stress, prevents atherosclerosis and some other cardiac diseases.

For nerves

It is sad to say about it, but stress has long become an integral part of modern life. At work again crunch time, nerves at the limit? No need to run to the pharmacy for another portion of “chemistry”. A handful of ripe gooseberries in a summer fruit salad will relieve stress like pills. These garden berries are high in magnesium and B vitamins, which support the nervous system, improve memory and concentration, and relieve stress symptoms.

For joints

Two glasses of gooseberry juice a day is the best natural way to improve joint health. The fruit contains substances that have anti-inflammatory effects, which are very helpful in relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis. And as a natural diuretic, gooseberry is useful in removing excess uric acid from the body, which is one of the causes of gout.

For healthy body acidity

Studies show that meat lovers may have a slightly higher acidity in their bodies. Gooseberries belong to the category of so-called alkaline foods. That is, when it enters the body, it regulates the acid-base balance, restoring natural levels. By the way, both fresh berries are suitable for these purposes, for example, sour gooseberry sauce, served with different types of meat.

For eyes

Gooseberry for smokersThe benefits of gooseberries should be appreciated by those who like to sit at the computer. This fruit is rich in lutein, which supports visual acuity. More of this useful substance is found in dark berries and a minimum amount in light green fruits. In addition, lutein slows down the recurrent changes in the eyes, serves as a natural filter against UV radiation.

For smokers

Gooseberry, strawberry, banana, orange and apple. What do you think is common between these fruits? From them you can make a smoothie or fresh, is extremely rich in vitamin C. Scientists call this vitamin one of the best antioxidant substances that can protect the body from free radicals and carcinogens.

Cigarette smoke is one of the most poisonous substances known to modern science, which contains a huge amount of carcinogens that slowly destroy the body.

In order to tame this destructive process even a little, smokers need large portions of vitamin C. Gooseberries are excellent for such purposes.

For the treatment of anemia

Juicy gooseberries contain iron and ascorbic acid, and this vitamin and mineral pair is a salvation from anemia. Iron increases the production of red blood cells (in other words, it improves hemoglobin levels). Ascorbic acid improves the body’s ability to absorb the same iron from food, which restores a healthy blood formula. For this reason, in folk medicine, gooseberry is often referred to as a remedy for anemia. The berries are recommended for people after operations or injuries with large blood loss, as well as for women with heavy menstruation.

Gooseberry in folk medicine

Gooseberry in folk medicineResearchers and herbalists find gooseberries (especially darker varieties) even healthier than apples, cherries, or raspberries. Here are some gooseberry treatments.

With anemia, vitamin deficiency, skin rashes, it is advised to drink gooseberry juice with a small addition of honey. Improvement of the condition is predicted for 4-5 weeks of treatment. Juice from the berries can be obtained using a conventional juicer or pour the crushed berries with a little water. Berry juice will also help to remove toxins and excess fats from the body. But in this case, they use a drink diluted 1: 2 with water. For sore throats and colds, juice and honey will also come to the rescue. The tasty drink can be drunk or gargled with. Previously, gooseberry juice was thought to cure malaria and all types of inflammation.

Gooseberry decoction has a slight laxative and analgesic effect. Pour a spoonful of berries with a glass of boiling water and cook over very low heat for 10 minutes. The cooled and strained drink is consumed in a glass 4 times a day. The same broth is suitable for treating skin burns resulting from contact with poisonous plants. The liquid is lubricated on damaged skin several times a day. The healing “compote” quickly relieves pain and accelerates healing. But only ripe berries are suitable for preparing the medicine. Fresh fruits or a decoction of them are also useful for women with menstrual irregularities.

In folk medicine, not only berries are used, but also gooseberry leaves. So 25 g of dry leaves, brewed with half a liter of boiling water, are useful for removing stones from the kidneys. This medicine is advised to take a glass three times a day (but only after consulting a doctor).

Possible dangers of gooseberry

Sour berries are not recommended for use in the presence of stomach or duodenal ulcers. Due to the high content of tannins, the fruits are not recommended for colitis and enteritis. Berry seeds can exacerbate certain intestinal diseases. It is also important to understand that, due to the diuretic effect, excessive use of gooseberry decoction can cause dehydration of the body or leaching of useful substances from it.

Too many berries are not advisable for people with kidney or urinary tract diseases, as well as for individuals with individual hypersensitivity to these berries.

Use in cosmetology

Studies have shown that the succinic acid contained in gooseberries has the properties of the “elixir of youth”. In cosmetology, the juice of this berry is added to anti-wrinkle products. Fresh pulp masks have antioxidant properties, cleanse the skin and lighten age spots. Cosmetics with gooseberry extract stimulates the production of collagen, prevents early flabbiness of the skin, makes it elastic, and also accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells, soothes irritations and inflammations on the skin.

Berry mask

A natural mask made from ripe gooseberries to restore the radiance of the skin. For this home remedy, you only need berries crushed into gruel. The mask is kept on the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. If desired, you can supplement it with other ingredients, such as beaten egg, vegetable oil, yogurt, cream or other fruits. In addition, crushed gooseberries (along with seeds) are good for home exfoliation.

If summer and childhood have their own taste, then it certainly resembles a gooseberry. Appearing in July, these berries pamper with their useful composition until autumn. If you want to enjoy this fresh sweet and sour taste in winter, then the main thing is not to forget to make the preparations in time. Gooseberries in the form of jams, compotes, frozen berries, liqueurs, liqueurs and wines will be a great reminder of the sunny summer.

Anna Evans


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