Whiskey benefits and harms

Sometimes rye is added to the grain mixture to make whiskey. Earlier, in the mists of time, even oats were added to this mixture, from which they subsequently made their favorite drink. But this was due more to crop failures than to attempts to find a special taste.

Whiskey from overseas

And another very famous whiskey is the so-called bourbon. What is bourbon whiskey made of? This is the same whiskey, only made from corn.

Bourbon is named after the county in Canada where it was first made. Technologically, the process of making bourbon is no different from that of Scotch whiskey. The only difference lies in the raw materials from which it is made.

Whiskey and vodka

Interestingly, grain whiskey is often used as a raw material for vodka production. And although the whiskey itself has a fairly high strength, it is distilled about four to five more times to obtain vodka or gin.

It is also noteworthy that in Scotland itself, grain whiskey is not popular as a drink, but for the preparation of vodka it is made in sufficiently large volumes.

A little about “whiskey” and “whiskey”

But ignorance of many nuances of whiskey making leads consumers around the world to a well-known delusion. Everyone knows that whiskey is spelled as “whiskey” in the native language. The word “whiskey” on the bottles is regarded by many as a sign of counterfeiting and fraud. This is fundamentally wrong.

Although the traditional Scotch whiskey is called “whiskey” (often the manufacturer even focuses on this, calling it “scotch whiskey”), the word “whiskey” refers to their drinks Irish and Canadian producers. Therefore, even without even picking up a bottle, by the name alone, you can immediately find out what the whiskey is made of, which is in front of us on the shelf in the store – from Irish or Scottish malt. And the further choice, whether or not to make a purchase, depends only on personal preferences.

Anna Evans


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