Shrimp benefits and harms

The chemical composition of shrimp is unique in terms of the content of nutrients. Shrimp meat contains some microelements more than beef, about 50 times. Shrimp contains protein, water, a small percentage of fat, vitamins and minerals. Shrimp meat contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, sulfur, manganese, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum. And this is not a complete list of minerals that make up shrimp. Of the vitamins in the composition of these crustaceans, vitamin E, A, H, C, and an almost complete range of B vitamins should be mentioned.

The calorie content of shrimp is low, so they are recommended for inclusion in the diet. They are always recommended by nutritionists for people suffering from obesity, diabetes or eating disorders. The beneficial properties of shrimp are especially needed by children and pregnant women, because the amino acids contained in the protein in the meat of these crustaceans ensure the normal development of the child’s body. The benefits of shrimp are obvious for the whole human body: their regular consumption improves hormones, strengthens the immune system, promotes tissue renewal and regeneration due to the influence of a natural antioxidant – carotenoid astaxanthin. It is this substance contained in shrimp that is responsible for their reddish color during heat treatment.

The most useful, of course, are fresh and frozen shrimp boiled in salted water. But already boiled frozen specimens usually go on sale. How to cook shrimp? They are boiled, fried, baked, used for salads and side dishes, added to pasta, used as an appetizer, marinated in spices and oil.

Anna Evans


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