Russian black bearded breed of chickens

The breed of chickens black bearded is quite often used by poultry farmers as a bird of meat and egg productivity. However, there are those who breed these feathered pets only for decorative purposes. This is due to the beautiful, unusual, interesting appearance of individuals.

These chickens appeared at the end of the 20th century. However, it is not exactly known which breeds were used in crossing. Some experts believe that in the process of breeding a new breed, breeders took the Creveker and Wyandotte breeds. According to other scientists, these were Wyandotte and Oryol chickens.

Adult Russian black bearded laying hens reach a live weight of three kilograms, roosters gain weight up to four kilograms. The average annual egg production of a bird is about 200 eggs. However, it all depends on the feeding and maintenance of feathered pets. The weight of the egg reaches 65 grams. The shell color is light brown.

Black bearded chickens attract poultry farmers with their interesting and unusual appearance: black plumage with a green tint and a beard. Feathered pets have magnificent plumage, which allows them to endure cold and severe frosts. This is a calm, balanced, completely non-conflict breed. She easily gets along with other birds in the hen house.

Black bearded chickens love walking, where they are happy to look for pasture, insects, and worms. But for high productivity, nevertheless, it is worth taking care of feeding them. It should be nutritious and balanced. It is imperative to include boiled eggs and crushed shells in the diet, which make it possible to compensate for the lack of calcium and protein in the bird’s body.

When feathered offspring appear in the courtyard, they should be carefully looked after and looked after. Chickens feather very slowly, which can adversely affect their health with sudden changes in temperature.

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Anna Evans


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