Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming is a demanded and popular branch of agriculture aimed at meeting the needs of the population in meat and egg products. The long and painstaking work of breeders made it possible to obtain a huge number of different breeds of chickens, differing in size, color, productivity, conditions of detention and external characteristics. Large farms prefer breeds that quickly gain weight, have stable egg production and a high level of disease resistance.

For many private farmsteads, the appearance of the bird is also of no small importance, which will satisfy the aesthetic preferences of the owner. A unique breed of chickens, which harmoniously combines all of the above characteristics, is the Adler silver.

History of origin

Adler breeders have been working on breeding this breed for a long time. In 1950, workers at the Adler poultry farm began a long process of crossing the Russian White breed with the Yurlov vociferous, May Day, Plymouth Rock White. The result of the painstaking work of poultry farmers has become a universal breed of chickens – the Adler silver, which has both meat and egg directions. The breed received official recognition only 10 years after the start of breeding work.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

The bird has gained the greatest popularity in small farms. For mass production of eggs and chicken meat, producers choose broilers or crosses.

Breed description

The Adler breed of chickens is a unique species that combines productivity, high taste and aesthetic indicators.

  • Breeding birds at home will provide an opportunity to get tasty and high-quality meat, as well as a sufficient number of eggs.
  • This species is distinguished by dense, dense and white plumage, with black feathers in the tail and head area.
  • A large amount of feather mass makes it possible for pets to easily survive frosts and a sharp decrease in temperature.
  • The shape of the wings is rounded.
  • The body of the bird is massive and straight, parallel to the surface.
  • Despite the voluminous chest, this breed has a graceful and aristocratic appearance.
  • On a short neck, you can see a voluminous mane and a wide head with a red crest in the form of a leaf. The number of teeth on the comb does not exceed 5 pieces.
  • The color of the curved beak is yellow.
  • The developed powerful muscular system of the paws and thighs has a positive effect not only on the endurance of the breed, but also on the quality of the meat.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

When choosing individuals for breeding, the following negative indicators must be avoided:

  • large and massive tail;
  • hanging comb of irregular shape;
  • excessively high landing of the body;
  • elongated and thin neck;
  • the presence of a feather covering on the shins;
  • the presence of unusual color;
  • cock weight over 4,5 kg;
  • chicken weight more than 3 kg.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

These signs indicate that the species is not purebred, and individuals with the above indicators are not used to produce offspring.

Performance indicators

A high level of productivity and an elegant appearance are the main indicators that the owners of private farmsteads pay attention to. The average number of eggs per year from a young laying hen is 210 pieces. The mass of one egg can reach 80 grams. Active egg production lasts up to 4 years. A distinctive feature of laying hens is the presence of lighter limbs.

Activities to increase the number of eggs:

  • use of special mineral complexes;
  • daily consumption of greens and grated vegetables;
  • introduction to the diet of chalk and egg shells;
  • strict adherence to the diet and daily regimen;
  • comfortable environment and lack of stress;
  • the presence of a long daylight hours;
  • lack of accumulation in a small area of ​​a large number of birds;
  • the presence of positive temperature in the chicken coop;
  • absence of diseases and timely provision of medical care;
  • timely cleaning of the premises and change of bedding material.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Experts do not recommend overfeeding laying hens, the excess weight of which will negatively affect the number of eggs.

During the period of change of feather cover in birds, the level of productivity decreases, but after 30 days the number of eggs becomes the same. Experts do not recommend early mating of birds, which will negatively affect the health of females. Up to 6 months it is strictly forbidden to keep individuals of different sexes in the same room.

Before the onset of puberty, young animals need to artificially limit the duration of daylight hours and strictly follow the diet. The first eggs can be obtained from birds that have reached six months of age. To maintain egg production throughout the year, the temperature level in the chicken coop should be in the range from + 18 to -5 degrees Celsius. In the event of a significant decrease or increase in temperature, the birds stop producing an egg product. The weight of an adult male can reach 4,5 kg, and the weight of a chicken is 3 kg. These figures indicate the high meat productivity of this breed.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

One cannot but rejoice at the high survival rate of young animals, which is at the level of 96 percent. To maintain the adult population at this level, it is necessary to vaccinate all individuals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any pet, chickens of this breed have advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

  • lack of aggression;
  • availability of acquisition;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • high level of productivity throughout the year;
  • compatibility with other inhabitants of the compound;
  • high taste indicators of egg and meat products;
  • roosters have the instinct to protect their family;
  • calm and balanced character.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews


  • high price range;
  • lack of instinct to hatch offspring;
  • the need to install additional lighting sources;
  • adjustment of puberty;
  • high mortality rate when infection enters the chicken coop.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Conditions for keeping

Despite the unpretentiousness of this breed, experienced poultry farmers recommend paying special attention to the conditions of detention that affect the health of pets and their productivity. The Adler breed does not tolerate closed spaces well and needs free access to open areas. Experts recommend using spacious enclosures or chicken coops with a walking area.

Chickens need dry rooms, without drafts and with a high level of illumination. The area of ​​the poultry house should correspond to the number of birds. One individual needs 0,5 m2 of living space. The floor covering should always be covered with dry straw or wood shavings. Containers for water and feed should be of a length that will allow the entire livestock to eat and drink at the same time.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

In the most comfortable and warm zone of the chicken coop, it is necessary to place perches, the maximum height of which should be 100 cm. The thickness of the poles should correspond to the circumference of the chicken paws. In the case of a large number of birds, you can not use poles for sleeping. For laying hens, nests must be installed, which can be made from wooden boxes filled with dry hay or straw. It is necessary to place these structures in the farthest corners of the house.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

An obligatory element of the premises for chickens is containers with ash or river sand, in which birds can clean their feathers.

To prevent the development of dangerous diseases, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning and disinfection of the chicken coop with lime mortar every 6 months, ventilate the room daily, and install sources of additional lighting. Manure removal and bedding should be done weekly. Particular attention should be paid to the zone of summer walks, which should be fenced with a metal or nylon fence, at least 1,8 meters high. The size of one cell should not exceed 50 mm. This area should be sloping or located on a hill.

It is not recommended to equip platforms for walking in lowlands with high soil moisture and waterlogging of the soil. Experienced poultry farmers advise sowing grass on the site in late autumn, which the birds will be able to feast on in the middle of spring.

In the summer, it is advisable to take the feeders and drinkers out into the fresh air and place them under special canopies that will prevent the feed from getting wet during rain. The chicken coop and the summer playground should be connected by a special passage that will enable the birds to move freely between the structures. Before the onset of cold weather, it is imperative to insulate the house.

The walls and ceiling must be upholstered with special insulation, and the cracks in the doors should be filled with foam rubber. To maintain a high level of productivity, it is necessary to install additional sources of lighting in the room. Despite the cold chickens need daily walks in areas cleared of snow and protected from cold wind and drafts.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Failure to comply with the rules of maintenance can provoke the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Subtleties of feeding

Bird feeding should be carried out at least four times a day at regular intervals. For morning feeding, a dry grain mixture is suitable, the daily diet is based on nutrient mixtures consisting of bran, compound feed, chopped greens and grated vegetables. Before going to bed, chickens eat dry grain. Compliance with this diet makes it possible to obtain the maximum indicator of productivity. Experts recommend adding salt, bone meal and fish leftovers to the lunch mixture.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Two meals a day can only be used for laying hens, the weight of which does not matter much. Particular attention should be paid to the diet in the period of frost. Wet mixes should be at room temperature and should not be covered in ice. To prevent freezing of food, it is necessary to clean the feeders in a timely manner and constantly change the water in the drinkers, preventing the liquid from turning into ice. The winter diet should contain a large amount of chopped vegetables and dry grass.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Untimely feeding with unbalanced food will weaken the immune system and provoke the development of infectious and viral diseases.


The Adler breed of chickens has practically no instinct for hatching offspring. To obtain young animals, it is necessary to use special incubators, in which fresh eggs must be placed in the spring. To obtain the maximum number of fertilized eggs, it is necessary to have one rooster for 6 hens. For the withdrawal of young animals, it is strictly forbidden to use eggs from sick and very old chickens.

Egg age should not exceed five days. The appearance and shell of eggs should not have deviations from the norm and external mechanical damage. It is strictly forbidden to wash or wipe the collected material.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

An ovoscope is a special device that allows you to determine the suitability of the breeding material as accurately as possible.

The resulting offspring have good immunity and a high percentage of survival. In one brood there are about 80 percent of females. Signs of healthy offspring:

  • high level of activity;
  • no external flaws;
  • the presence of pure downy plumage;
  • average weight – 35 grams;
  • a good appetite.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Newborn chickens need a temperature regime of + 30 degrees. In comfortable conditions, the chicks are evenly distributed in the box and do not stray in one place. It is possible to provide comfortable conditions only with the help of a special lamp that heats the paddock with young animals. Experts do not recommend the use of incandescent lamps, the bright light of which leads to excessive nervous excitability and increased activity.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Newborn young animals should be accustomed to the daily routine from the first days. Their daylight hours should start at 6:00 AM and end at 20:00 PM. To maintain the night temperature, you can use special heating pads.

For the first feeding of day-old chicks, a crushed boiled egg should be used. Two-day-old young animals can already eat a mixture of boiled eggs, chopped green onions, millet and cottage cheese. Uneaten food should be thrown away and a new and fresh dish should be prepared for the next feeding. A prerequisite for the full growth and development of offspring is the presence of clean and fresh water in the drinker.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

Daily cleaning of the place where the chickens are kept and changing the litter is a mandatory procedure for the full development of the young and preventing the mortality of the livestock. Only after 60 days of life, young animals can be fed along with the rest of the bird.


The wide popularity of the Adler silver breed of chickens provoked the appearance of many positive and negative reviews. Small farms note the universal properties of this breed, the breeding of which makes it possible to obtain both meat and egg products. Calm and good-natured disposition allows you to keep a bird along with other representatives of domestic birds.

Novice farmers note the unpretentiousness of chickens and undemanding conditions of detention, which significantly reduces the cost of arranging a chicken coop. Among the negative aspects of this breed, poultry farmers note the complete absence of the instinct to incubate offspring, but this problem can be solved through special incubators or the presence of brood hens of other breeds.

Poultry farming description of chickens and subtleties of cultivation, reviews

For information on how to properly care for the Adler silver breed of chickens, see the following video.

Anna Evans


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