Wyandot chickens

The Wyandot chicken breed is native to the United States. They got their name from a tribe of Indians who are very similar in their clothes to the color of the plumage of a bird.

These feathered pets belong to the group of birds of the meat and egg direction of productivity. There are various colors of Wyandot chickens: golden, white, yellow, black, multi-colored. But the most popular plumage color is silver.

On average, laying hens lay up to 180 eggs per year. Adult individuals gain up to four kilograms of live weight, roosters reach a weight of five kilograms. Wyandot chickens are fast growing. Puberty in these feathered pets occurs at six months.

Wyandot chickens are good hens. They become caring mothers.

The bird perfectly tolerates winter and severe frosts, which in no way affect its egg production. Along with high egg production rates, Wyandot chicken is no less attractive for those poultry farmers who breed poultry meat breeds. Its meat is distinguished by juiciness, tenderness and excellent taste.

These feathered pets feel more comfortable in spacious, bright chicken coops. It is advisable to regularly remove the litter from the room, replacing it with a new, fresh, clean one. Dry fallen leaves, small shavings, buckwheat or rice husks can be used as bedding material.

Due to the fact that Wyandots tolerate cold well, there is no need to warm the house for the winter. In the warm season, feathered pets need to be provided with walking, where they can pluck the grass and look for pasture for themselves. Their favorite food is strawberries.

Next to the chicken coop, you need to install a “bath”, half filled with ash and sand, so that the birds can clean themselves of parasitic insects. Wyandottes should always have food in the feeders and this should be carefully monitored. It is also necessary to take care that feathered pets do not catch any infection, as they are very susceptible to this kind of disease.

For these birds, the most effective food with a high protein content.

Chickens of the Wyandot breed are very popular not only among amateur poultry farmers, but also among poultry farms that grow feathered pets in large quantities.

Anna Evans


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