Shaver chickens

The Shaver breed is a cross of chickens that are ideal for breeding them on private estates, in home courtyards. They were bred in Holland.

These birds are characterized by high egg productivity. Despite the small size of the eggs, laying hens carry them almost daily, which allows you to regularly receive fresh products.

Shaver chickens lay about 180 eggs per year. Their weight varies between 55-65 grams. Shell color can be white or brown. Sexual maturity in laying hens occurs at the age of five months. They are able to gain weight of two kilograms one hundred grams, roosters reach a live weight of two and a half kilograms.

Shaver chickens attract the attention of poultry farmers due to their many positive properties and features. First of all, they are distinguished by a calm character, endurance, activity, and rapid adaptation to any climatic conditions. They have good immunity, they are resistant to diseases. Also, Shaver breeds have a rather long laying period of about 80 weeks. They quickly increase the mass of eggs. These feathered pets do not need any special care and at the same time they always have high, stable productivity indicators, as well as high genetic potential.

The safety of the young breed of Shaver chickens is about 80%, the hatchability of chickens is at the level of 98%, sometimes a little less. These birds are very hardy, but the chicks must be kept warm, preventing drafts from entering the room where they are kept. It is also very important to properly feed the livestock so that stronger individuals do not peck at weak neighbors in the house. In feeding, feathered pets are not picky, which gives poultry farmers the opportunity to diversify the diet of chickens.

Anna Evans


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