Chickens: Staphylococcosis in chickens

Poultry owners often encounter various diseases in their pets, including staphylococcosis. It is an infectious disease characterized by arthritis, bursitis and dermatitis. Staphylococcosis can be acute and chronic. All poultry are susceptible to this disease: chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons and others.

A bird can become infected through food, water, and even bedding. Staphylococcosis develops in the body of birds from one to several days. The first signs of damage: inflammation of the tendons and joints, as well as paralysis of the limbs. Chickens affected by the disease lose their appetite, they are thirsty, their intestines are upset and diarrhea is observed.

Staphylococcosis can occur as a result of improper unsanitary management, among a large number of livestock housed in a very small room, due to beriberi in case of insufficient or inadequate feeding, as well as damage to the legs during jumping from a perch.

Staphylococci must be fought with a 0,5% sublimate solution, which kills microbes in an hour, as well as a 15% solution of carbolic acid, which kills microbes in half an hour, or a XNUMX% solution of carbolic acid, which copes with staphylococci in XNUMX minutes.

Acute staphylococcosis is accompanied by a depressed state of the bird, diarrhea and swelling of the joints. Untimely treatment, as a rule, leads to the death of chickens. Once infected, they live from two to six days.

With chronic staphylococcosis, chickens stop laying, lose weight, often squat, and move with great reluctance. Their appetite decreases, their joints swell, and lameness appears.

The main drugs are penicillin, antibiotics and streptomycin. Sometimes terramycin is also given. The drugs are added to the feed. Treatment continues for seven days. The chicken is given a separate room to isolate it from the general population to prevent infection of other individuals. All inventory and chicken coop are subject to disinfection. Sick birds improve the conditions of detention, as well as feeding. Successful eradication of staphylococci can only be achieved with proper and thorough disinfection and quarantine work.

As a preventive measure, first of all, a thorough inspection of the poultry house and the walking area is carried out. There should be no nails, no glass, no other sharp objects that the chickens can get hurt on. The mesh is also checked if the chickens are kept on a mesh floor.

Anna Evans


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