Dandelion benefits and harms

Dandelion benefits and harms

Dandelion preparations have a choleretic, cleansing and hematopoietic effect; have a soothing and mild sedative effect; reduce the amount of sugar in the blood and regulate the secretion of insulin.

Roasted roots are often compared to coffee, have a pleasant taste, invigorate, tone up, normalize carbohydrate and salt metabolism, and improve digestion. Dandelion juice is rich in potassium and is often used as a mild potassium-sparing diuretic.


The beneficial properties of dandelion are used in traditional medicine. According to her recommendation, it is useful to use decoctions and infusions of the root as bitterness to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. 

The use of dandelion in cosmetology is associated with its milky juice (juice from the stem) – it helps to lighten freckles, whiten skin, and remove excessive pigmentation.

Young dandelion leaves are used in cooking – they are added to salads, green soups and cold snacks. Flowers are often used to make jam, compotes and jams, and sometimes even wine.

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Anna Evans


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