Chickpeas benefit and harm

Chickpea (lat.cicer arietinum) is a herbaceous plant from the legume family, a leguminous crop with round pea-like fruits used for food. It is also called chickpeas, shisha, nakhat, hummus, or lamb peas.

Chickpeas are grown in more than 30 countries of the world, mainly in tropical Asia – in Pakistan, India, China, on the islands of Oceania; less extensive plantations of culture are found in Africa and in South America – Colombia, Mexico. It is actively used in vegetarian and Vedic cuisine. It is very popular in southern Europe – in the Mediterranean countries, especially in Italy.

There are many different varieties of chickpeas, but white-seed varieties are traditionally used for food. The darker species are used as fodder for animal husbandry.

Chickpea composition

Chickpea beans contain a large amount of high-quality vegetable protein – up to 30%, up to 7% fats and about 60% carbohydrates. In addition, it contains starch, dietary fiber, natural sugars, vitamins B1, B6 and folic acid, an essential amino acid called lysine, organic acids – oxalic and malic. Leaves and stems are also rich in these acids.

Useful Properties

Since ancient times, chickpeas have been used in Asian countries as a medicine, useful properties are used in the fight against certain diseases. Beans are a highly nutritious food supplement and are found in many fortifying and stimulating blends. Chickpeas are added to some dietary supplements (biologically active additives), and baby food is prepared on its basis. Eating helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, is used as an external remedy for the treatment of skin diseases.

Chickpeas are mainly used for the production of flour, which is widely used in Indian and Asian cuisines. Cooking takes longer than other legumes like lentils and peas.

Cooking application

Chickpeas are eaten in boiled, fried or baked form, they make pasta, soups and cereals, sauces, canned food from it.

Falafel is prepared from chickpeas, a traditional oriental cold appetizer is produced – hummus, for which crushed boiled beans are used with the addition of lemon, spices and olive oil. In Italy, traditional Italian flatbreads – farinats – are baked from flour. In some countries, it is added to milk and infant formula, various confectionery products, cookies, oriental sweets are prepared – after all, toasted beans taste like nuts.

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Anna Evans


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