Chickens without plumage on the neck

A rather unusual, interesting and somewhat exotic breed of chickens is Golosheynaya. Some time ago, these birds were popular and common in Hungary and Romania. There, feathered pets were called Transylvanian. Currently, bare-necked chickens are in demand among poultry enthusiasts who breed and grow them in their households.

Hollow-necked – chickens related to the meat and egg direction of productivity. The live weight of adults can reach two and a half kilograms, and that of roosters is about three and a half kilograms. The annual egg production of a bird is about 180 eggs. The average egg weight is about 60 grams. These feathered pets are distinguished by excellent taste. Their meat is not just good, it is excellent. Among other things, bare-necked chickens grow quite quickly, gain weight well, the safety of the young is high, and the chicks themselves are unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

The main distinguishing feature of these chickens is, based on the very name of the breed, a bare neck. It never fledges and has a bright red color. But, despite the bare parts of the body, the bird is very resistant to cold, even severe frosts, reaching -25оC – -30оC.

Poultry farmers need to take into account that in the cold season, bare-necked chickens eat much more food than other breeds. And yet they are kind, calm, balanced, quiet and hardy, they quickly get used to the new environment and do not conflict with their chicken coop neighbors.

But in terms of incubation, these birds are not very good. They are not adapted to breeding chicks. And yet, at home, this is not the worst option from a wide variety of breeds. And all thanks to the fact that bare-necked chickens are very fond of free range and can search for food under their feet all day long without resorting to the help of their owner and his feed.

Anna Evans


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