Breeds of black chickens

Breeders have bred domestic black chickens for a very long time; in the modern world, breeds of dark chickens are bred all over the world. The variety of species is very large. Despite the dark legends associated with black chickens, they are still very popular, and all poultry houses try to get them.

general description

Black chickens are not very common birds, this color is considered quite rare both in the natural environment and in breeding, household. The uniqueness of such chickens is due to the originality of the color of the feathers. The main features of all varieties of black hens;

  • zonal or full black plumage;
  • black skin under feathers;
  • darkened beak;
  • dark color of internal organs;
  • there are breeds of black chickens whose meat is of a similar tone.

At the same time, they carry eggs of the usual color, regardless of the degree of darkness of the skin and feathers. These types of chickens were bred by crossing, selecting, selecting different chickens with a dark color of the skin and plumage.

If you mate a black chicken with a regular one, the offspring will no longer have a resinous hue.

Breeds of black chickens

Breeds of black chickens

The main varieties

Even among ordinary breeds, there are subspecies whose color is resinous. We offer you the most popular varieties of black chickens.

  • Pantsirevskaya. Bred in Russia, therefore very popular in our country. Despite this, they are quite whimsical, they cannot stand the cold, but an insulated room solves the problem.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Chinese silk. It differs not only in black plumage, but also in skin, meat and bones of the same color. They are bred in China as an ornamental breed, the meat of such a bird is regarded as a delicacy. Feathers are very soft to the touch, silky, extremely abundant. Chickens are unpretentious in care. Meat contains substances that have a rejuvenating effect on the human body.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Ухейилюй. Chinese breed with dense plumage and matte black color. The size of the birds is small, knocked down by type, they carry eggs abundantly. They stand out as hens that lay green eggs.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Russian black bearded. They gain weight perfectly, so they are suitable not only for eggs, but also for meat. If you provide a balanced diet, mineral supplements, then there are no problems in egg production.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Leggorn. The standard color is white, but there are also black subspecies. They were first bred by Italian breeders. Chickens are quite small and eat very little, while egg production is extremely high. There are also disadvantages – whimsical care, a short reproductive period.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Dutch Crested. These chickens were popular in the Middle Ages, they are valued for their high decorativeness and good productive parameters. It is necessary to keep them in large rooms or without restricting freedom of movement. They do not get along well with other birds, they can fight.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Moscow black. Bred in Moscow in the XX century. The breed is distinguished by a wide chest type, a non-hanging comb, scarlet lobes, and a bent beak. In addition to black, feathers are cast in gold. Unpretentious in leaving, perfectly endure low temperatures. They often get fat, however, with a decrease in food intake, they rush on a smaller scale. The temperament is calm, very docile. They can be kept both in cages and on the range.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Australia. Australian birds, very large, with medium egg production. Unpretentious in food. Feathers are very beautiful, resin tone with greenery. Dark eyes, luxurious curved tail. The skin is not black, at birth there are yellowish blotches, which subsequently disappear.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Oryol. There are subspecies of different colors, including black. The head of the bird is small, the neck with dense and dense plumage. The breed is decorative, while chickens gain weight well and carry eggs well. In the care whimsical.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Ayam Tsemani. Bred in Indonesia and used in various rituals. The black tint is present not only in the color of the feathers, but also in the entrails, eggs of a brown hue are laid. The size of the bird is small, the limbs are of an elongated type. The cock’s tail is spectacular. The breed is unproductive, belongs to the decorative.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Dominant. Czech breed of chickens with a very fleshy body, small head, comb and red earrings. The limbs are of a shortened type, there are many types of this breed. They are distinguished by excellent endurance, are not susceptible to infections, life expectancy is very long, unpretentious.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Horned la Flash. European chickens, bred from Spanish birds, are bred today only by collectors. The appearance is quite original: a bright crest and large ears. The scallop looks like a horn, hence the name. They are easy to care for and the breed is very active. Weight is average.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Maran. A high degree of egg production, the eggs are very strong, with a thick shell, the color of the eggs is dark brown. They can be carried all year round if the room is insulated and well-lit. Taste levels are very high. If you are engaged in breeding, copper-colored eggs are excluded, only dark ones are suitable.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Castellana. Spanish very rare chickens, breeding direction – egg. Private farmers breed them extremely infrequently. The body is small, low-set short feathers, the tail is shortened, the belly is wide, the lobes are snow-white. Weight is average, fertility is high.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Spanish white. This is a very common breed, its appearance is very original, and its productivity is high. The weight is small, while the eggs are very plentiful. The bird has a white muzzle, it owes its name to this. Very accommodating in nature.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Minor. Another Spanish breed that has become widespread in our country, despite the fact that birds can hardly endure cold and bad weather. Weight over 3 kg. With proper care, productivity is high.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Galan. One of the rarest breeds, it is almost never found in farms and is on the verge of extinction. The direction is meat and egg, but most often they are bred as decorative, as they have an extraordinary appearance. Very large, more than 4 kg of weight, not capricious.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Orlington. Birds are bred for both egg and meat purposes. The color can be varied, but black was the original. Very large breed, weight from 5 to 7 kg.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Lagshan. Meat breeding direction, bred in China. Differ in large sizes.

Breeds of black chickens

  • Golosheynaya. Moldavian breed, characterized by uncharacteristic external features, for example, a bare neck without feathers. There are also bald spots on the abdomen and costal areas. Very careless in care. If they are crossed with birds of other breeds, the necks of the chicks will still be without plumage.

Breeds of black chickens

Which is better?

Types of black chickens are conditionally divided into 3 main categories depending on the goals:

  • decorative;
  • egg;
  • egg and meat.

Therefore, it is best to choose a breed after you decide which variety suits you. It must be borne in mind that in any of the categories, egg production is quite active in all breeds. Therefore, it is important to consider whether you need decoration, and whether birds will be slaughtered for meat. Based on this, choose a variety. Rate chickens on three indicators: body weight, number of eggs per year, egg weight. Meat breeds are larger and heavier, if you rely on egg production, take the number of eggs and their weight as a basis.

It is important to know that the productivity of chickens can be increased, but this must be done as carefully and carefully as possible. Under no circumstances should chemicals be used.

The only justified method is the introduction of mineral and vitamin supplements into feed, high-quality nutrition, and competent care of livestock.

Breeds of black chickens

Breeds of black chickens

Features of breeding

Due to the fact that black chickens are artificially bred, they have practically no instinct for incubation. Breeding such birds requires an incubator. If you set a goal to breed black birds, you need to choose incubation equipment with temperature control, ventilation, preferably an automatic type. For a dozen hens, one rooster will be enough. It is possible to cross different breeds, while the decorative qualities will be lost, as for the productivity of laying hens and broilers, its progress or regression will be in question.

The purchase of such breeds and their egg products is recommended to be carried out in specialized farms, officially registered breeders. Otherwise, there is a high risk of buying products with infections. Black chickens usually attract collectors and hobbyists, those who prefer everything non-trivial. The spectacular appearance of chickens and their productivity makes such breeding cost-effective.

Breeds of black chickens

In order for the breeding of black chickens to be successful, first of all, you need to take care of the proper organization of nutrition and keeping conditions. Proper nutrition will ensure the health of the chicken and adults, high-quality development, a high degree of egg production, and a spectacular exterior.

The food should be balanced, the inclusion of mineral and vitamin supplements is mandatory.

There are a number of requirements that must be met if you want your stock to be successful:

  • dry food of a granulated, finely dispersed type should form the main part of the menu;
  • after the time of puberty comes, mixtures of the combined type are introduced, as a rule, after 20 weeks;
  • food should be constantly available not only in the feeders, but also in scattered form, so that the chickens move and peck more actively;
  • if laying hens are walking free, pelleted feed is the best choice, so there will be less pollution;
  • consult with the breeder about the optimal daily regimen and nutrition;
  • chickens also need the following supplements: boiled grated eggs, cottage cheese, whey twice a week;
  • when the chicken grows up, crushed grain, greens, combined feeds are introduced into the diet.

Diet for adults:

  • various grains;
  • combined mixtures for laying hens;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • grass, tops, hay;
  • protein component: worms, caterpillars, other insects;
  • dairy products;
  • mineral and vitamin complexes.

Breeds of black chickens

Breeds of black chickens

You need to be careful with fermented milk products, introduce them with caution so that there is no gastrointestinal upset. Naturally, the products must be fresh. Chickens need calcium for healthy development. You can give it in the form of chalk, shells, shells in a crushed form. The optimal organization of nutrition is three times a day, in the warm season, when there is access to pasture, you can remove the lunch meal from the diet.

If the purpose of breeding is meat, the calorie content should be increased, the amount of food increased.

Breeds of black chickens

Breeds of black chickens

Proper keeping of chickens will also affect the success of their breeding. Decorative varieties are more whimsical, this must be taken into account. In general, the conditions should be as comfortable as possible from the first day the birds appear on your farm:

  • black livestock require insulated rooms in the cold season;
  • exclude drafts, winds;
  • in winter, the temperature should not fall below +7 C;
  • the floor must be insulated with straw, sawdust;
  • the room must be dry, the insulation must be clean, they must be changed regularly;
  • the maximum number of birds per 1 square is 4 individuals;
  • nests need to be made larger so that several birds enter them;
  • artificial lighting in winter is necessary to increase daylight hours, then egg production will increase;
  • black chickens do not like crowding, they like space and freedom, opportunities for walking should be provided;
  • place containers with ash on a free area, black chickens love to swim in them;
  • clean water and food must be available at all times.

Provided that all the requirements for nutrition and keeping blackies are met, black livestock will not cause trouble in breeding, regardless of the breed you choose.

Breeds of black chickens

About what breeds of black chickens exist, see the following video.

Anna Evans


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