What are the breeds of chickens?

Chickens are the most common poultry in the household, attracting farmers with high productivity. From chickens you can get not only dietary and tender meat, but also eggs. There are many breeds of this poultry. Each of them has its own characteristics and external distinctive features. Today we will delve into the different breeds of chickens and find out what their characteristics are.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?

general description

Chickens of different breeds can be found on many farms. They are very popular and widespread. Breeding chickens is not the most troublesome business. In addition, they give high-quality eggs and excellent meat, not characterized by high fat content.

What are the breeds of chickens?

The ancestors of all modern varieties of chickens are banking birds. They live in the forests of Southeast Asia. They were tamed about 8000 years ago. Domestic birds became widespread in the Middle East, and then came to European countries.

What are the breeds of chickens?

All varieties of modern chickens suitable for keeping on a farm are divided into the following categories:

  • meat;
  • egg and meat;
  • egg;
  • broilers and crosses.

There are also more beautiful decorative chickens. Often they are planted to decorate the backyard, as they have a very bright and attractive appearance. Not so important for farms and fighting birds. Such thoroughbred individuals are an aggressive species.

Many breeds that were previously bred are becoming a thing of the past and are becoming very rare. It is possible to meet them only in the poultry house of enthusiastic collectors.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Feathered representatives of meat breeds, as a rule, have an impressive body weight. They cannot be called very active and mobile. Meat individuals are lazier and sedate. They consume a lot of food and run a little, due to which they gain the necessary large weight. Feathers in meat birds are most often dense and solid, and the comb is often poorly developed and can even fall to one side.

Laying hens have strongly developed maternal instincts. They can incubate offspring several times a year. Their chicks grow up quite quickly and actively, especially if farmers resort to enhanced feeding. The chicks are covered with feathers almost immediately after they hatch.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?

Representatives of egg breeds cannot boast of a large body weight. In this regard, they are inferior to more massive and overweight meat birds. Egg hens can produce up to 300 eggs per year. Their body mass is relatively small, but their temperament is more lively. The main advantage of such individuals is that they have excellent stable immunity to most common “bird” diseases. In addition, these inhabitants of the poultry house are distinguished by long-term productivity, which attracts many poultry farmers to them.

However, it should be noted that egg bird meat is not the best. It has a sinewy structure. Its taste also leaves much to be desired. The bones of egg hens are very thin.

The main distinguishing feature of egg birds is that they are very demanding on their diet.

Only with proper feeding, laying hens can demonstrate high performance. Every day they should eat dry food, fresh grass, and animal protein.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?

Universal is to designate meat and egg chickens. Such birds were bred by crossing meat and egg individuals. Their body structure is average – they are neither too large nor compact. Pullets of this category start laying eggs early. The meat of such birds is much tastier than that of egg individuals.

What are the breeds of chickens?

As for the description of fighting birds, one can immediately note their aggressive appearance. These individuals are distinguished by a rather compact body, standing almost vertically with respect to the ground. Their torso is sinewy, powerful and strong. These birds have a lot of strength and energy. They have a narrow chest and broad shoulders. They are also distinguished by a tail lifted up, as well as evil, bloodthirsty eyes. All of these external features demonstrate the similarity of these birds with their wild and fearless ancestors.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Keeping fighting chickens is quite difficult. This is very important to consider if you are going to acquire such individuals.

The main problem of these birds lies in their indomitable aggressive behavior. And this applies not only to cocky males, but also to females. Before encountering such chickens, it is necessary to take into account their description.

What are the breeds of chickens?

As for the main characteristics of decorative chickens, it is worth paying special attention to their bright and interesting appearance. Among these breeds, there are a lot of those that are on the verge of extinction. Ornamental chickens can be quite problematic to keep, which also affects their prevalence.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Main directions

The main categories of all existing chickens were mentioned above with their general description. There is a great variety of breeds of these poultry belonging to different directions. It is worth getting to know the most popular and widespread representatives of their breeds.

What are the breeds of chickens?


There are a lot of representatives of meat breeds of chickens.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Cornish birds are very common. They can be found not only on farms, but also in large poultry farms. These individuals are distinguished by a rather calm and conflict-free character. The egg production of this breed is from 120 to 160 eggs. Cornish masonry is usually started as soon as they reach 6 months of age.

A rooster of this meat breed in adulthood can reach a weight of 5 kg. Females, on the other hand, usually grow more compact and gain a mass of 3,2-4 kg. Females of this breed are often used as brood hens.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Another meat breed of chickens is Langash. They come from China. Breeders used these individuals to improve all the available characteristics of Russian outbred poultry. Langashi today are rare species, because their young are distinguished by average viability. The largest weight that chickens of this breed can reach is 3,5 kg. As for the rooster, it will be much heavier and its mass will be 0,5 kg more. During the year, one klusha Langash is able to give up to 120 eggs. The weight of each is usually 60 g. – Cochin

What are the breeds of chickens?

The meat category also includes birds of the Cochinchin breed. They have another common name – Shanghai. Adult chickens of this breed can gain 3,5-4 kg in weight. The rooster is usually 1 kg heavier. During one season, only a hundred eggs can be obtained from one laying hen.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Remarkable meat is given by chickens belonging to the Brahma breed. From such individuals, you can get a quality meat product weighing up to 6 kg. Besides, representatives of this breed can boast of good decorative qualities – on their legs there is an interesting and unusual plumage, which immediately attracts attention.

The nature of the representatives of this breed is very calm and balanced. They quickly become attached to a person.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?


This oldest French breed of chickens was bred about 300 years ago. It was improved by the 3th century. Hens and roosters of this breed usually weigh only 4-6 kg. The females mature very quickly. Already upon reaching 120 months they rush and reach the average mass. Within one year they can lay up to XNUMX eggs. Their shells are thick and dark.

The main distinguishing feature of these meat birds lies in the fact that they have paws with five fingers. In addition, Faverolles are characterized by attractive plumage. It is loose and voluminous, therefore the birds of this breed can easily withstand the effects of low temperatures. They are not afraid of the cold.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Nak Naked

Representatives of this meat breed have a bare neck. They were bred in Romania and Germany. The main distinguishing characteristic of the representatives of this breed is the absence of a feather cover on the neck and on the head. Only at the top there is a very small bunch.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Nac Naked broilers have a strong and muscular body of medium size. The feather covering of the body is distinguished by a dense structure and is colored either black or black-red. The nature of these birds is quite shy and wary. Nak Naked meat is very similar to turkey meat.

It is not so easy to breed such birds, preserving all their specific features and characteristics. For this reason, experts recommend acquiring young Nak Nakedov only at specialized factories, and then intensively feed them.

What are the breeds of chickens?

red pack

Individuals of this breed, otherwise called Redpak or Repak, are relatively new. They are characterized by rapid growth. Already upon reaching two months, representatives of this breed in mass reach the mark of 2,5-2,7 kg. Their feather coating is dense, has a characteristic red tint. The same feathers that are in the tail are distinguished by a contrasting white color.

The body of the Red Pak is dense, but not very large. The meat of representatives of this meat breed is characterized by excellent taste. It is desirable to acquire healthy thoroughbred chickens only in farms where autosex parental lines take place.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Iva Hubbard

Feathered representatives of the breed Iva Hubbard can boast of high performance. These are broiler crosses that can bring a lot of quality eggs. Chickens already at 7 weeks old can weigh from 2,5 to 2,7 kg. They lay up to 200 eggs a year.

The high survival rate of young animals of this meat breed is also pleasing – it is 98%.

These birds attract many farmers because they do not require complex and expensive care. Feed costs for them are quite small.

What are the breeds of chickens?

jersey giant

Otherwise, this breed is also called simply – Jersey. Its representatives appeared relatively recently and are heavy broilers. The body of such individuals is dense, heavy and strong. There are many muscles.

Jersey roosters have a very large and spreading tail. RThe plumage color is often white, black or blue. In weight, cockerels reach 5-6 kg, and females – 3,6-5 kg. During the year, laying hens can bring about 180 eggs to the farmer. Jersey females boast a good disposition and obedient character.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?

Mr Gray

This breed has a few other common names:

  • Master;
  • Bar Grizzly;
  • Bar Grizzly.

This breed includes modern crosses that were bred to the United States more than 20 years ago. Often they are called semi-broilers. Egg productivity in these individuals is not bad. Hens can weigh from 3 to 3,5 kg, and cockerels from 4 to 4,5 kg. Of course, there are also champions, whose mass reaches the mark of 7 kg.

Egg laying of Mr. Gray chickens most often begins from the moment they turn 3,5-4 months old. In a year, one bird can bring from 200 to 250 eggs. If you properly maintain laying hens and feed them with high-quality feed, they can hatch 300 eggs.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the breed is a beautiful and eye-catching plumage. It can have a gray, pockmarked or shell color. There are noticeable and expressive patterns on the tail and collar.

Chickens of this breed are usually pale yellow and lighter than other types.


Malin is a Belgian meat breed of chickens. Otherwise, it is called Kuku de Malin. These birds are ideal for breeding in very small farms. Adult Malin birds are impressive in size. Roosters can reach a mass of 4-5 kg. Their coloration is most often cuckoo.

Raspberry meat has excellent taste – it is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma that many people like. Village birds of this meat breed are good because they do not need expensive and complicated care. They have been bred for over 150 years. Throughout this time, Malin individuals remain popular and in demand.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Arbor Aikers

In another way, this breed is called more simply – Eikers-Cross. It includes fast-growing and developing broilers. They have a naturally squat body, powerful and strong hips, and attractive snow-white plumage.

Roosters of this breed can be safely called real giants. They are large and powerful. The mass of adult males usually ranges from 5 to 6 kg. Such individuals reach the specified weight naturally. There is no need to feed the Eikers Cross with growth hormones – these birds will grow remarkably even without such additives if they are properly cared for.

Laying hens of this breed also have an impressive body weight. They ripen already in 7-8 months. They can lay 120 to 140 eggs per year.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Not only meat, but also egg breeds of chickens are very popular among poultry farmers. They also read a lot. Let’s take a closer look at the most popular specimens.

What are the breeds of chickens?


These are birds that are distinguished by good egg production. True, in the course of selection, the maternal instinct of these individuals completely disappeared, therefore, farmers involved in breeding this breed always keep incubators ready.

The birds of this breed are very energetic and can run around the yard around the clock. They fly well because they have large wings. These creatures behave calmly, do not show aggression.

Individuals do not weigh very much – males 2,9 kg, and laying hens – up to 2,7 kg. The egg production of hens is very good – 174-225 eggs per year. There are times when females bring more eggs – up to 250 pieces per season.

What are the breeds of chickens?

La Fleche

Representatives of this egg breed are distinguished by black plumage and a prominent red comb, the shape of which repeats the letter “V”. Less common are birds with white or blue feathers. The head and earrings of these individuals are red in color.

In a year, one laying hen can bring about 190 eggs. The weight of one is usually 70 g. The birds themselves are not very large. Adult laying hens weigh 3 kg, and roosters weigh 4,5 kg.

There are also dwarf specimens, the mass of which does not exceed 1 kg.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?

Loman White and Loman Brown

These species of birds belong to the same breed. At the moment, they are considered the most productive laying hens. The Brown type is ahead of the White type in many respects. Individuals have a not very large body. Usually their weight is only 2,5-3 kg.

The plumage of White type birds has a characteristic snow-white color, while that of Brown type is red-brown. The head of these individuals has a modest size. It is decorated with an unusual leaf-shaped scallop.

Laying hens of this egg breed mature as soon as they are 4-5 months old. For a year they are able to carry from 250 to 300 eggs. The productive period for these birds is rather short – it lasts no more than 2-2,5 years.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Dutch white-crested

These are very beautiful little hens. They are of the egg type. They have a well-developed stomach, there are long legs. Feathers fit snugly to the body without the formation of pillows. There are practically no feathers on the “face” of the bird and it is distinguished by an expressive red color.

In the first year, laying hens of this breed bring about 140 eggs, and in the second – 100 pieces. Their sizes are small, and weight – 40-50 g.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?


The meat productivity of these birds is very low, since they are small in size and body weight. In a year, one laying hen can give from 110 to 140 testicles. Their average weight is 30-35 g.

Laying hens of this breed have a very well developed maternal instinct. They take excellent care of their offspring. The young of this species are distinguished by excellent immunity. The survival rate of young individuals is 96-98%.

What are the breeds of chickens?


This is a famous Italian egg breed. Leggorn birds are recognized as classic representatives of this direction. In addition, chickens of this breed are among the most common in the world. They can often be found on farms.

The color of the feathers of these individuals may vary. True, in most cases there are simple white birds. Their level of egg production is quite good. One laying hen per year is able to bring from 200 to 250 eggs.

On the basis of world-famous Italian laying hens, many new breeds of modern crosses and hybrids related to the egg direction were bred.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Chickens of this egg breed are hybrid. Their breeding began with Holland. They are characterized by early maturation and excellent egg production. For 80 weeks of life, Shaver’s klusha is capable of producing up to 400 eggs, the mass of which is usually from 55 to 60 g.

The body structure of these poultry is typical and standard for this category. Their body is small, compact, and the crest is leaf-shaped. The wings and tail of Schweiers grow quite long.

There are only three subspecies of this famous and popular cross:

  • Black (black Dutch birds);
  • White;
  • Brown.

Chinese royal

Chinese royal laying hens were bred on the basis of pygmy Gudan birds. Chinese breeders have multiplied the egg production and the mass of these birds. In addition, their resistance to various diseases has also increased. The survival rate of little chickens has also improved.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Royal birds began to be bred on an industrial scale. During the year they are able to bring 180-200 eggs. Their average weight is 40 g. Individuals begin to rush as soon as they reach the age of six months.

Carcasses of females and males can reach 1-1,2 kg. Their meat is valued by people for its interesting and pleasant taste, very similar to game.

The appearance of these birds is no less interesting – on their body there is a black plumage with characteristic snow-white spots. On the head there is a charming crest.

What are the breeds of chickens?


If you are interested in keeping and breeding rare breeds of chickens, then you should take a closer look at the Americans. They are quite rare. For a year, such birds can bring from 200 to 250 eggs that have an unusual color. They can be green, blue, pink or olive. Because of this feature, this breed is otherwise called Easter.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Behind Brown

Isa Brown is a cross with very high productivity. Laying hens of this species mature as early as 20 weeks. Their greatest productivity falls on the age of 46-47 weeks. For a year, these birds can bring from 350 to 360 eggs, which is an impressive figure. The shell of eggs usually has a characteristic dark color.

It is permissible to keep the cross in the conditions of poultry farms in cages, as well as at home. At home, Isa Brown is most often kept in barns prepared for this. However, it is not forbidden to keep these productive birds free-range.

If you are going to acquire such birds, then it is better to acquire young ones. Please note that in the conditions of amateur breeding, the quality of the parents cannot be preserved.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Super Nick

Otherwise, this breed is forgotten:

This is a German breed of productive snow-white layers. Nick birds are characterized by their modest size and dense solid plumage. In addition, they are very lively and active.

The level of egg production in representatives of this breed is excellent – they can bring the farmer 340-360 eggs a year. The weight of one egg is usually 60-70 g. The laying begins at the age of 4 or 4,5 months. These laying hens are excellent hens. This characteristic is considered rare when it comes to representatives of the egg category.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Ukrainian fluff

Ukrainian fur is called a native variety, common in the Crimean farms, southern farmsteads, and central territories of Russia. These individuals are distinguished by an unusual appearance – lush sideburns grow on the sides of their heads, and there is a beard under the Goral. Because of such external distinctive features, this egg breed got its name.

The mass of these birds is not very large. Laying hens, as a rule, carry from 160 to 180 eggs per year.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?

High line

These are high performance crosses. Otherwise, this breed is called Heinlein. It was received in the USA. Hi-Line laying hens are small in size and have white feathers. In a year, they can bring to the farmer from 240 to 360 eggs, the mass of which is 60-65 g.

The chick survival rate is very good – 98%. These birds are resistant to a huge number of common diseases that poultry often suffer from. They are grown both on an industrial scale and in small farms. The high productivity of such individuals attracts many poultry farmers.

What are the breeds of chickens?


This hybrid species was obtained by crossing Rhode Island and Lohman Brown. Laying hens of the described breed are usually distinguished by their small size and active behavior. Their plumage has a characteristic brown color. In a year, these birds bring from 300 to 340 dark-colored eggs.

Rhodointa clods ripen when they are 4 months old. These individuals can demonstrate high productivity rates for 80 weeks. In households, this period can be extended, but this requires an improvement in the forage base.

For example, it is permissible to introduce Hills compound feed with a high content of proteins and vitamin components.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Representatives of this breed stand out from the rest of the individuals in that they have feathers of unusual colors. They can be light gray or dark gray with a blue tint. In some cases, this color is called blue. The egg production of these poultry is 200-250 eggs per year. Experts recommend keeping Aurora chickens in households. They not only bring excellent and high-quality products, but can also become an interesting decoration for the farmstead.

Individuals of this egg breed are characterized by a peaceful and calm character. They seamlessly coexist in the same territory with other birds. At the same time, there are no frequent conflicts and fights. Individuals of the Aurora breed are very popular and in demand.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Meat-egg breeds

As mentioned earlier, such categories of poultry are universal. They bring both eggs and good dietary meat with good taste characteristics. Such individuals are very popular. Let us consider in more detail some of the most popular and common breeds of meat and egg birds.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Individuals of this breed grow quickly and gain the desired weight. They start laying eggs early. Females of this breed can be easily and simply distinguished from males. These birds are good for their calm nature. As a rule, they behave without unnecessary aggression. They can seamlessly get along in the same area with other inhabitants of the yard.

On average, the egg production of these chickens per year can be from 230 to 250 pieces. Gradually, this figure only increases and can reach 300.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Rhode Island

This breed was bred in the United States about a hundred years ago. Rhode Island chickens are classic representatives of the described trend in poultry farming. To obtain high-quality hybrids, red-brown Malay birds and Shanghai fawn individuals were crossed.

The mass of Rhode Island females is usually 2,5-2,8 kg. Roosters, of course, grow larger and their weight reaches 3-3,5 kg. The egg production of these individuals can be from 150 to 200 eggs per year.

The color of the feathers of these birds has a dark brown color. The tail is black. The physique of the Roy Alends is usually dense and quite strong. Often these varieties are used to replenish the gene pool in order to breed new egg crosses.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Yerevan chickens

Universal Yerevan chickens are very popular. This breed appeared on the territory of the USSR in the 40s. She was taken out, taking the Rhode Islands as a basis.

Yerevan chickens have a characteristic red-brown color. Their beak is bent down. Males of this breed usually reach a weight of 4,5 kg. The hens weigh from 2,5 to 3 kg.

Egg production in hens of this breed is at an average level. On average, these birds can bring 200 eggs per year.

Currently, laying hens of the Yerevan breed can often be found in many farmsteads in Armenia. There they are most often exploited to breed new hybrid species of birds.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Russian black bearded

Chickens of this breed were obtained by crossing Vandots and Krevkers. There is also a statement that Oryol cockerels took part in the selection. In another way, this meat-egg breed is called Galan.

These birds are distinguished by unusual external characteristics. Their plumage is pitch black. Earrings grow long and dangle while walking. Around them flaunts a lush and voluminous beard. Often, farmers on their plots are engaged in the cultivation of this species only for decorative purposes.

Cockerels of this breed weigh 4 kg, and hens – 2,9-3,5 kg. In a year, these individuals are able to lay up to 200 eggs. Their average weight is 65 g.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Zagorskaya salmon

Russian Zagorsk salmon chickens are hybrids that have been bred from a number of varieties of poultry. They attract attention with non-standard plumage colors. Chickens usually have a pinkish breast and orange feathers located on the back. In roosters, the whole body has a black color, but against its background a snow-white voluminous collar stands out sharply.

The hens of this breed mature very early. Already upon reaching 5 months, pullets can begin to fully rush. They are able to produce from 200 to 260 eggs per year. As for the body weight of these birds, it is usually 2,2-3,7 kg.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Super Harco

This is the name of the well-known Hungarian bird with good indicators regarding weight gain. Super Harko can boast of an expressive and beautiful color of the feather cover – it is pure black.

When the chickens are just 22 weeks old, they already have a mass of 2,5 kg. Laying hens of the described breed are characterized by good egg production. As a rule, they produce from 210 to 220 eggs per year.

Birds of this type are great for breeding in ordinary households. They do not need complex care. In food, these birds are unpretentious, as well as in the conditions of detention.

What are the breeds of chickens?


The hens of this breed have an interesting black plumage, which is distinguished by a beautiful tint. A little less often you can meet snow-white or pockmarked individuals. On the head of these birds there is a crest, neatly twisting down. There are also tanks and a natural beard. In cockerels, the crest usually covers the eyes and the entire front part as a whole. The tail of the males is large and solid, with chic spreading feathers.

The weight of males is 3,5-4,5 kg, and females – 2,5-3,5 kg. For a year laying hens can bring from 120 to 140 eggs.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Gray Berry

Gray Beria is a large hybrid with excellent egg production. This breed is insanely popular and well known abroad. For a year, Gray Berry laying hens are able to lay 180-210 eggs. The mass of adult bettas most often is at least 4 kg.

There is a meat type of this cross. Its male representatives can gain a mass of 6-7 kg. Under such conditions, the level of productivity of laying hens practically does not decrease – they still produce about 180 eggs per year.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Chubaty Ukrainian

These poultry have gained fame for their appearance and performance. The head of these birds is complemented by a crest, due to which the leaf-shaped comb deviates slightly to the side. In some situations, the comb may not be easy to spot because of the feathers. The plumage of Chubate Ukrainian birds can be very different – any colors are acceptable. Most often you can find individuals whose feathers are variegated or gray, with a snow-white speck.

The body structure of Chubat individuals is compact and neat. Cockerels, as a rule, weigh 3 kg, and hens – 2-2,5 kg. For a year, hens are able to bring about 160 eggs.

The described species is adapted exclusively to warm climatic conditions. For this reason, it is unlikely that such a breed will be found on the territory of Siberia or the Urals – these chickens do not live there.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Adler silver

Otherwise, this breed is called silver. Its representatives are characterized by good productivity indicators. Silverfish were bred in the south of Russia. Males usually weigh 4 kg, and hens – 2,5-3 kg. The latter produce 200-220 eggs per year.

Pedigree birds have a very spectacular Colombian color, as well as a proud correct posture. It is worth choosing a similar chicken for personal farms. The commercial value of such individuals is not the highest.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Gergebil local

This breed is characterized by versatility. According to external data, birds are very similar to the Oryol breed. Males weigh from 5 to 7 kg. It is worth noting that the exterior of the described individuals is close to fighting varieties. They also have an elongated neck, powerful and strong paws, and a vertical bodily landing. This species is considered quite rare. The range of its direct breeding covers the mountainous territories of the Caucasus.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Another versatile breed that is used as a decorative addition to the backyard. These birds have a truly unique feather color, as well as the pattern present on it – dark chocolate with double edging.

This breed of poultry is considered quite profitable to keep. The weight of cockerels is 3,5 kg. Laying hens usually lay large eggs, which weigh about 80 g. Females mature when they are 7 or 8 months old.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Kyrgyz gray

Representatives of this breed are characterized by an aesthetic exterior and spectacular plumage. The well-known chicken Ryaba was once copied from these individuals. Laying hens and males have the same cuckoo coloration. It is rare to find individuals whose feathers are painted in white or pockmarked shades.

The hens of the Kyrgyz gray bird mature at 6 months. During the season, they are able to produce up to 170 eggs, the mass of which is approximately 60 g. The weight of the males of the breed is from 3,4 to 3,7 kg. Such birds are unpretentious in terms of care and maintenance, so many farmers start them. However, we must remember that these birds are more fond of a warm climate, because they have the right place in their respective regions.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Kuchinskaya Anniversary

This bird is characterized by rapid growth, large mass and good egg production. Laying hens of the breed mature as soon as they are six months old. During the season it is possible to get 200-250 eggs.

Males of the Kuchinsky jubilee weigh 4-4,5 kg. When these individuals are 2,5 months old, they already have time to gain their full mass. The color of these chickens is either red-brown or golden brown. Downy feathers have a grayish color. Contrasting black feathers may be present in the tail. The crest of birds of this breed is large, has a leaf-like shape.

What are the breeds of chickens?


This is a Georgian breed that appeared in the Kakheti region by crossing a number of varieties of meat and meat-egg types.

Birds have a characteristic strong physique and colorful feathers. In care, Megruls are not capricious, which makes them even more useful and in demand. There are two main subtypes of this well-known poultry species:

  • Oriental;
  • west.

Oriental birds are lighter. They can rather be attributed to the egg category. The productivity of these individuals is 200 eggs per year. The western subtype is more severe. It is kept to get both meat and eggs.

What are the breeds of chickens?


This is a famous German breed of poultry. It was obtained by complex crossing of egg and meat species. As a result of such actions, it was possible to obtain large and strong individuals, the egg production of which can range from 200 to 230 eggs per year. Their unique feature lies in the fact that the color of the feathers has an expressive black and white color.

What are the breeds of chickens?


The birds of this breed allow you to get not only high-quality meat and eggs, but are also able to easily decorate any personal plot. These birds may have black or white feathers.

Armored cockerels are stately, have solid tails, elongated braids. Females have a proportional physique, their dense feather coating effectively shines and shimmers. The weight of these individuals is usually 2,5-3,5 kg. The egg production of females is 210-220 pieces per year.

What are the breeds of chickens?


This is a breed of chickens from Germany. She was taken out in 1980. Hens and cockerels of this species are distinguished by the coloring of feathers, which has acquired the name “krill”. The main color tone is red. On it, transverse stripes of a dark shade are clearly visible. Such colorful birds boast good and dense plumage. In males, elongated braids usually take place on the tail.

Beldfelder laying hens are characterized by good egg production – an average of 230 pieces per year. Males of this breed in mass usually reach 4 kg.

What are the breeds of chickens?


These are Polish chickens. They are native species. Their exact origin is unknown. The birds got their name because of the characteristic greenish color of the legs. Cockerels have lush and rich plumage. Very often its color is partridge. The body of males is strong and dense. Egg production – 170-180 pieces per year.

Greenleg females are excellent mother hens. The degree of hatchability of chickens in this breed is very good. However, the birds of this subspecies also have one important disadvantage – they ripen late and do not gain the desired weight too quickly. Greenlegs are insanely popular when it comes to simple homesteads in Poland and Western Ukraine. In matters of maintenance, they are unpretentious and do not require too much, which attracts many poultry farmers.

What are the breeds of chickens?


These are chickens of German origin, which were bred at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Unfortunately, in Russia, representatives of this breed are still little known and are extremely rare. Birds are characterized by an impressive mass. True, the weight of these birds is not gaining as quickly as poultry farmers would like.

The females of this breed are recognized as very high-quality laying hens. For a year they can produce 200-220 eggs, which are distinguished by a dark shell. The color of feathers in individuals can be partridge, birch, cuckoo or blue.

Many poultry farmers appreciate these birds for their spectacular plumage, which immediately attracts attention.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Liven calico

This breed appeared due to folk selection. Its representatives can boast of good productivity. Liven calico cockerels often grow up to 4 kg. The productivity of laying hens is an average of 220 eggs per year.

Males have a strong, strong and powerful body. They have a wide back, fairly large and strong lower legs. An interesting feature of these poultry is their calico color of feathers.

What are the breeds of chickens?


This is one of the oldest meat and egg breeds. Her egg production rates are average – 150-160 pieces per year. The eggs laid by these birds are characterized by their large size and non-trivial appearance. Their shells are rough.

In the genus of these birds there are fighting ancestors, but this did not affect their character in any way. Welzumers are calm birds that do not show excessive aggression. Females of this breed are not afraid of humans and behave very inquisitively.

Winter colds are not terrible for such birds. They easily endure the cold seasons in poultry houses without heating.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Fighting varieties

Fighting poultry have a distinctive appearance. They are aggressive and fearless. Let’s take a closer look at some well-known breeds of poultry in this category.

What are the breeds of chickens?


These Central Asian roosters have been bred for a very long time. Due to the specific tasks for which they were raised, the appearance of these birds has changed significantly. Males have a small head, flat on the sides. They have no earrings, the comb has a pea-like structure. The neck is long, the chest is very powerful, and the body is vertical. Males are large and can weigh from 5 to 7 kg. The females are much smaller. The level of their egg production is low – only 100-120 pieces per year.

What are the breeds of chickens?


These roosters were bred in Italy. In their arsenal there are many features that are characteristic only for fighting species. In size, these individuals are not very large and weigh from 2 to 2,5 kg. They have a stocky and strong body with well-developed muscles. All their body shapes are angular. The body is placed vertically. The head of males is not very large, it has a well-developed frontal part. Feathers on the body are sparsely distributed and have a harsh structure.

Representatives of the Azil breed have a very small comb. They have no earrings, wings protrude significantly forward. The shins have well-developed muscles, the legs are elongated.

The egg production of this species of birds is very small – only 60 pieces per year. This is not surprising, because this breed was bred for completely different purposes.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Belgian fighting

Males of this breed weigh from 5 to 6 kg. Their exterior is typical for this category of birds – there is an elongated neck, a powerful chest, a large back, and a vertically set body. The head of these individuals is elongated. Superciliary arches are well developed. The wings and tail of Belgian fighting birds are shortened.

The color of these representatives of the fighting breed is very beautiful. Most often, the plumage is red-blue, silver with blue, black or red-black.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?


This name is given to a breed of fighting poultry, which is still used for its main purpose to this day. Many farmers are breeding these birds as decorative individuals.

Sumatra males are distinguished by a very proud posture. They have an elongated neck and a solid elongated tail. This feathered and beautiful color is characteristic – dark with mother-of-pearl and greenish tints.

You can sometimes find specimens of wild, bluish, red and snow-white flowers.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Yurlovskaya vociferous

These birds are of the fighting type. They are considered excellent “singers”. They are characterized by a truly ferocious disposition, which makes it very difficult to keep them on the farm. The females of the Yurlovskaya breed mature late and cannot be called good hens.

Roosters of this breed behave extremely aggressively, especially in relation to females. They have a wide back, a powerful and muscular body, strong long legs and hard plumage. The color of the feathers is different – black, silver, brown or Colombian (the same color is typical for the Pervomaiskaya breed).

What are the breeds of chickens?

Decorative breeds

Not only highly productive, but also decorative chickens are very popular among farmers. Such a poultry has a spectacular appearance. Let’s take a closer look at some interesting bird species from this category.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Ayam Tsemani

These birds look very interesting and unusual. Their color distinguishes them from their brethren – Ayam Tsemani is absolutely black. They have a small head, a straight leaf-shaped comb, a short and black beak like feathers. The eyes of these unusual birds are also black.

Despite their brutal and serious appearance, Ayam Tsemani are shy individuals. They do not trust people and try not to contact them. Unfortunately, these birds are not distinguished by the greatest productivity. Females begin to rush from 6-8 months and can produce from 100 eggs per year. The weight of an adult rooster is 1,8-2 kg, and females – 1,2-1,5 kg.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Paduans have a very unusual appearance. Their main distinguishing feature is the presence of a pronounced crest, made up of feathers. It evenly covers the bird’s head and visually makes it more voluminous. Very often, a beautiful crest is complemented by a thick beard.

The plumage of these individuals is very thick and rich. The feathers have hard bases, as well as a soft, literally silky undercoat, which is also distinguished by good density. Very often, it is this material that is used to fill feather pillows.

These decorative birds have practically no crest and earrings. Instead of these parts, there are small growths. Paduans have brown eyes. The tail is distinguished by a characteristic sickle-shaped bend.

What are the breeds of chickens?


This is a very bright decorative breed. Its representatives have an unusual and memorable appearance. They are compact and attractive.

These individuals are characterized by a small head, a pink comb, a short beak, rounded and delicate earrings. The neck of such birds is long and slightly curved, and the chest is convex and round. The color of these individuals is both simple and variegated. There are spotted, striped birds, attracting attention with a bright appearance.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Egyptian Faioumi

These decorative birds have a slender and graceful body. It is thin and stretched out. Their paws usually protrude noticeably forward, and a bright red comb is visible on a small head. These birds are recommended to be kept in fairly spacious pens, covered with a net on top, since the Fioumi are big fans of flying.

These birds behave restlessly. It is difficult to catch them, because they do not trust a person and always try to slip away from him, which they succeed perfectly. Pullets are not very fond of incubating eggs. They like to run around the yard without meaning.

What are the breeds of chickens?


Birds of this breed have an expressive black and white color of feathers. The body has a streamlined shape. Cockerels have a highly raised head and a long neck. These individuals have a solid and lush plumage, which makes them not afraid of low temperatures.

Males weigh from 1,7 to 2,5 kg, and females – 1,5-2,1 kg. Females behave calmly, and males are moderately active. There are no subspecies of this decorative breed.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Rare species

There are also rare breeds of chickens. These birds are most often kept by experienced poultry farmers or enthusiastic collectors. Let’s look at a few instances.

  • Delaware. It is not bred on an industrial scale. Yields light-colored meat and up to 4 large brown eggs per week. Easily tolerates cataclysms, gives viable young individuals.
  • Dominic. Native American breed. Calm and peaceful. They have a black and white color, forming an intricate pattern on the feathers. The plumage is magnificent, making them visually large.
  • Camp. The oldest breed. Females are not the best hens. The plumage of these rare birds is truly gorgeous. There are two subspecies – golden and silver Kampina. The name corresponds to the color of the feathers.


Consider several popular and widespread hybrids of domestic chickens.

  • Poltava clayey. A hardy, disease resistant hybrid. Does not require complex care. The feathers of these individuals have different shades of clay (hence the name). They give very tender and lean meat. With good care, laying hens show egg production from 290 eggs per year.

What are the breeds of chickens?

  • Avicolor. Very friendly hybrids that get along well with other birds. They can be kept in a cage, aviary or left on the run. The meat of these birds is very good and lean. The weight of adults is 2,5-3 kg. They belong to the meat and egg category.

What are the breeds of chickens?

  • Golden comet. This cross was bred specifically to produce a large number of eggs. However, these individuals do not consume much food. They are considered optimal in terms of cost and productivity. Up to 280 eggs are brought per year.

What are the breeds of chickens?

  • Sussex. Universal breed – suitable for both eggs and high-quality meat. At least 250 eggs are brought per year. They have different colored feathers. By nature, they are calm and not very trusting.

What are the breeds of chickens?

  • Plymouth Rock. An ideal hybrid for beginner farmers. Unpretentious in care. About 200 eggs are laid per year. They have variegated feathers. Easily tamed, behave calmly.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What chickens are better to breed at home?

To decide which chickens are best to breed at home, you can pre-compile a table with all the pros and cons of the categories of birds you have looked at. It is easiest to breed productive, but unpretentious individuals. It is not difficult to take care of them, and even a novice poultry farmer can easily cope with such work. So, the popular breeds are recognized:

  • Leggorn;
  • Tetra;
  • Behind Brown;
  • Loman Brown;
  • Hisek White and Brown;
  • Hamburg.

The listed breeds of birds are profitable. Of course, meat and egg birds are also universal. If you want to get both tasty meat and a sufficient number of eggs, then you should start breeding just such chickens.

It is undesirable to breed fighting individuals – their productivity is minimal, but their fighting temper can bring a lot of trouble.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Owner feedback

Poultry farmers leave different reviews about their feathered wards. Much depends on the breed of chicken. Most farmers are satisfied with the grown layers and meat individuals. For many of them, these birds bring not only quality products, but also income.

What are the breeds of chickens?

Negative reviews are usually related to the difficulty of caring for some birds. Novice farmers do not know many of the nuances of growing and breeding chickens. For example, often poultry farmers are faced with low productivity of birds or with the fact that laying hens peck at their own eggs. Many problems can be avoided if you study in detail all the features of keeping poultry.

What are the breeds of chickens?

What are the breeds of chickens?

An overview of the best breeds of chickens in the next video.

Anna Evans


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