Chickens: Veterinary preparations for chickens

In keeping chickens in the backyard, a huge role is played by the prevention of infection of birds with various diseases, especially infectious ones. Mineral-fortified preparations and medicines are very popular and in demand among amateur poultry farmers. They allow you to support the immunity of feathered pets, prevent the occurrence and development of certain diseases in them, improve the well-being of the bird, increase its productivity, and much more.

The best option is to consult the chicken owner with a qualified specialist, with a veterinarian. However, private individuals do not always have the opportunity to take their birds to a veterinary clinic. Therefore, you have to rely on yourself and friends who can advise something.

Among the numerous drugs, the Chiktonik vitamin-amino acid remedy is very popular. It allows you to fill in the body of chickens all the missing minerals and vitamins. Also, this drug helps to absorb nutrients and promotes normal metabolism.

Antibiotic “Oxy-doxy” is presented in the form of a soluble powder. It can be used both for the treatment of diseases, and simply for prevention.

Vitamix 1 will help improve the well-being and health of feathered pets. It is produced in the form of a powder and can be used both for the prevention of diseases and for the lack of vitamins in the body of chickens, as an antidepressant and to increase immunity after treatment. Similar to “Vitamix 1” means “Trivit R”. It is represented by a solution that is added to bird feed.

Amoxicar, which is a powdered remedy, helps to fight parasitic infections. For the treatment of mycoplasmosis, the drug “Tifarm” is used. The drug Pulmonol helps to cope with coccal infections, and Gentazimvet is used to prevent and treat diseases of the internal organs of chickens.

It should be borne in mind that not all drugs may be suitable for feathered pets. Some chickens may experience side effects. In such cases, the household owner should consult a veterinarian or try changing the remedy. Before using any drug, it is necessary to study the instructions, study the dosage and duration of treatment or prevention.

Anna Evans


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